Awesomelyglorious wrote:
Would PPR be best divided into the people that Orwell notices, and the ones he does not? Or shall we have individual categories? If a category is purely individual, then is it really a category?
It's not that I don't notice the other posters here, it's just that I didn't list them.
If you want some rough categories
Christians: Slowmutant, myself, ToadOfSteel (though he's mostly moved to zOMGAspies), formerly Iamnotaparakeet and Ragtime, a few others who do not discuss their faith very often.
Atheists: Sand, DentArthurDent, Fnord, and AG would be the most outspoken ones, though you (AG) argue for theistic ideas often enough.
Other breakdowns can be made; you could divide PPR up into people who are more or less in favor of civil libertarian ideas (as demonstrated in the periodic censorship threads) or degree to which someone is in favor of interventionist government (AG and Dent being opposite ends of this spectrum). Or you could have people in categories based on, as I said before, which parts of WP they gravitate to- Computers draws a different crowd than PPR draws a different crowd than Autism Politics, Activism, and Media Representation.