Haliphron wrote:
MrMisanthrope wrote:
There is a GREATER evolutionary advantage to having your warriors return to breed more warriors.
Warrior Bees are sterile. Their deaths are meaningless unless to preserve the hive.
But most sucidie bombers are MALE! Since women are controlled by men is muslim societies they can just breed more men to be recruited into suicide bombers.
I realize that most suicide bombers are male. Unless you have an utterly out of balance male/female ratio, &/or a culture of polygyny, attrition will inveriably set in as breed stock is depleted.
Suicide Terrorism is a relatively recent phenomenon which came about long after the development of explosives and compact munitions; that is-within the last 50 years.
Very true. One of the best explanations I have read coes from an article by Hans Magnus Enzensberger in Der Spiegel on November 7, 2005 called "The Radical Loser". The bits about Islam & Suicide Bombing begin at the end of Pt. II.
Havent you noticed that with the exclusion of the officer corps, MOST of our boys come from poor and uneducated backgrouns? You dont want to send people who are smart/productive off to war to get killed! You wanna send the poor and the incompitent to die so that the upper crust can maintain their way of life.
Actually, no I didn't notice that during my almost 8 years in active Service in the US Army as an enlisted man with a Combat Arms MOS... That may have been true in the 1970s - certainly enough of that type were cashiered for drug abuse/petty criminality just before I entered Service - but it wasn't true in the 80s and has become even LESS true since 9.11
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