aka010101 wrote:
I honestly think that the trend of the govenrment cutting off our liberties is about to start reversing itself. First and foremost, we're finally rid of Bush, who frankly speaking, enacted rules like the patriot act to scare us into thinking there was still a credible terrorist threat. There is not. 9/11 was really the pearl harbor of terrorism, it's simply not going to happen a second time, not to us, and hopefully not to the rest of the world.
There have been other attacks since then, such as the 7/7 attacks in London.
Second, now that we have a democratic president and congress, we can finally get rid of the crap that W. has shoveled through during his unfortunate presidency. Already we're seeing a lot of that dissapearing. Guantanamo bay is scheduled to be closed down, we have a solid timetable for pulling out of iraq, and there's talk of pulling out of afganistan as well. Hopefully, inside of 2 years most of the damage bush has done will be mostly repaired.
Such partisanship is foolishness. Which party currently has the upper hand doesn't make too much difference. I am quite pleased that Obama is planning to shut down Guantanamo, but you need to be more realistic: the timetable for leaving Iraq was established before Obama took office, and Obama is escalating the war in Afghanistan, not pulling out. Also, to believe that Obama will fix all our problems in the next two years is simply delusional. Whether or not he turns out to be better than Bush (I believe he will) we're in quite a mess and there's only so much a President can actually do.