Al Qaeda sleepers
The tragedy of New York’s twin towers is one of the most dramatic events in US history and a linch-pin in the war on al Qaeda. Its very dramatic horror of people leaping to their death from the top floors of the buildings to escape being burnt to death has stamped itself into American minds as an impetus for a violent reaction to the basic vicious stupidity of religious extremism. Although it was something of a terrorist triumph in drama it was, at best, a Pyrrhic victory in that it was decisive in initiating a military reaction by the Bush administration to the Middle East problems and al Qaeda. Because the very odd collapse of the buildings was so total and strangely restricted and such an outstanding support for Bush policies that had been well planned before the incident it has germinated all sorts of conspiracy theories concentrated at this specific occurrence. It also has been open information that the Bush administration was peculiarly hasty and protective of the members of the bin Laden family that had been in the USA at the time.
But this concentration of interest on this particular horror has drawn attention away from the general behavior of the Bush administration throughout its entire residency in the White House and it has peculiar connotations.
Several obvious policies should be noted:
The decline in respect for the basic tenets of the Constitution in regard to presidential powers and civil rights in general.
The neglect to oversee and control the outstanding scamming of financial institutions to destroy the entire solidity of the banking system.
The dispatch to overseas industries much of the industrial production base of the country.
The violent assault on the environment and total discount of scientific information in regard to the dangers of life sustainability of the planet.
The encouragement of much of the entirely irrational religious sector to ignore and depreciate basic accepted science.
The permission of government to see to the extreme degradation of the infrastructure of the country which is vital in both daily life and military preparedness.
The warping of budgetary concerns and workers rights to permit an extreme tilt of income to the wealthy classes which vitally attacks the viability of the market system.
The extreme excesses permitted in the military budget to design and produce weapons systems that have little or no relevance to current military strategies and tactics.
The frightful treatment of veterans who have horrible personal and medical problems resulting from over-extended military assignments.
The decline of government control of much military activity to permit highly overpriced and corrupt private firms to profit from military conflict.
The permission of unacceptable torture techniques that have resulted in garnering minimum if any vital information but totally ruined the moral standing of the USA in the world.
There are other policies that should be noted but this is a good minimal list. The point is that each of these policies has resulted in incisive destructions of the basic stability of the USA and this, of course, is something al Qaeda could only wish for with its rather limited forces and techniques.
So the question arises: How could all these destructive and coordinated policies come about without some sort of central plan? Is this the conspiracy theory to top all other conspiracy theories? Were Bush and his crew a part of al Qaeda’s plot to destroy the USA. The evidence is rather overwhelming but rather difficult to swallow.
Thanks for those pathetic and misguided points.
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Thanks for those pathetic and misguided points.
You can happily follow The Islamic Invasion of Europe on these next two blogs
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For anyone delighted with the results of G.W.Bush's policies, of course, my speculations are superfluous.
Joined: 22 Mar 2009
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With the exception of 9/11 and the war on terror, of course Bush had plans going into office just like Obama does.
"Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars."
- Unknown
"A fear of weapons is a sign of ret*d sexual and emotional maturity."
-Sigmund Freud
Thanks for those pathetic and misguided points.
You can happily follow The Islamic Invasion of Europe on these next two blogs
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Gates of Vienna
im in europe, but thanks, i will let myself scare of a couple of links instead. the next time i walk past a kebab shop, i will know the horrible truth!
''In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center.''
And, of course, you seem delighted with his results.
I'm not. Saddam Husein was not the greatest of our dangers. The war in Iraq past defending the Saudi Oil Fields was a rather large mistake.
Iran is a greater danger.
And, of course, you seem delighted with his results.
I'm not. Saddam Husein was not the greatest of our dangers. The war in Iraq past defending the Saudi Oil Fields was a rather large mistake.
Iran is a greater danger.
no. right now mexico is the greater danger.
why would iran be more dangerous than iraq? iraq invaded iran, iraq invaded kuwait, iraq bombed their kurdish minorities, and iraq launched missiles at israel. not that any of this has anything to do with the usa, but still. iran is not a "greater danger".
''In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center.''
And, of course, you seem delighted with his results.
I'm not. Saddam Husein was not the greatest of our dangers. The war in Iraq past defending the Saudi Oil Fields was a rather large mistake.
Iran is a greater danger.
no. right now mexico is the greater danger.
why would iran be more dangerous than iraq? iraq invaded iran, iraq invaded kuwait, iraq bombed their kurdish minorities, and iraq launched missiles at israel. not that any of this has anything to do with the usa, but still. iran is not a "greater danger".
Aah, but you miss the point. Ruveyn is obviously Jewish, whatever his convictions about the Bible and the existence of Abraham's Superspook. No doubt Mossad has his e-mail address and phone number and the JDL is probably also on his tail to maximize the monstrosity of the crazy goofs that run Iran. The only way the current Israeli government can scare the pants off the Israeli public (and maintain themselves in power) is by holding up Iran as the latest boogeyman. Poor Bin Laden, either hiding in a cave or secretly playing basketball for the Basketball League in blackface is no longer a creditable threat so Iran must make do, no matter how distant they may be in constructing a single a-bomb while Israel has scads of them ready to fling in all directions. Bush, of course, was also tiring of waving the ragged Bin Laden teddy bear as a threat and started favoring Iran in conjunction with its local Middle East butcherboys Israel. Obama may make a theatrical concession here or there but there seems to be a smooth transition on policy maintenance.
But this concentration of interest on this particular horror has drawn attention away from the general behavior of the Bush administration throughout its entire residency in the White House and it has peculiar connotations.
Several obvious policies should be noted:
The decline in respect for the basic tenets of the Constitution in regard to presidential powers and civil rights in general.
The neglect to oversee and control the outstanding scamming of financial institutions to destroy the entire solidity of the banking system.
The dispatch to overseas industries much of the industrial production base of the country.
The violent assault on the environment and total discount of scientific information in regard to the dangers of life sustainability of the planet.
The encouragement of much of the entirely irrational religious sector to ignore and depreciate basic accepted science.
The permission of government to see to the extreme degradation of the infrastructure of the country which is vital in both daily life and military preparedness.
The warping of budgetary concerns and workers rights to permit an extreme tilt of income to the wealthy classes which vitally attacks the viability of the market system.
The extreme excesses permitted in the military budget to design and produce weapons systems that have little or no relevance to current military strategies and tactics.
The frightful treatment of veterans who have horrible personal and medical problems resulting from over-extended military assignments.
The decline of government control of much military activity to permit highly overpriced and corrupt private firms to profit from military conflict.
The permission of unacceptable torture techniques that have resulted in garnering minimum if any vital information but totally ruined the moral standing of the USA in the world.
There are other policies that should be noted but this is a good minimal list. The point is that each of these policies has resulted in incisive destructions of the basic stability of the USA and this, of course, is something al Qaeda could only wish for with its rather limited forces and techniques.
So the question arises: How could all these destructive and coordinated policies come about without some sort of central plan? Is this the conspiracy theory to top all other conspiracy theories? Were Bush and his crew a part of al Qaeda’s plot to destroy the USA. The evidence is rather overwhelming but rather difficult to swallow.
Who really gives s**t?
Everyone with half-functioning brain cells realise George W Bush administration did not work in best interest of American people. There are so many crimes perpetuated by that crook regime that it would probably have been deposed by people if it was not America.
Even in third world country, such incompetent and corrupt leaders would have been held accountable after end of regime.
Problem with USA is apathy and ignorance of vast majority of people.
In USA, poor person blames himself.
In rest of the world, poor person blames government.
Feel difference.
And that's why, according to a famous anthropologist that studies the USA, the country is still acting like a teenager. <.< (i can't remember the guy's name, but i do know he's french, he also has a paralyzed section of his mouth, canadians who remember Jean Chrétien will know what i'm talking about)
He was mostly saying that the USA sometimes want to feel like the tough guys (see Bush stuff), and sometimes they wanna be "good" (see cooperation inclined government). So yeah, it's rather interesting to see it that way.
Thanks for those pathetic and misguided points.
You can happily follow The Islamic Invasion of Europe on these next two blogs
Atlas Shrugs
Gates of Vienna
For anyone delighted with the results of G.W.Bush's policies, of course, my speculations are superfluous.
For anyone who has analytical reasoning ability (that is, cynicism) instead of prejudicial paradigm contortion (that is, paranoia), your speculations are irrelevant.
Bush obviously took advantage of 9/11. This does not mean that he collaborated with al Qaeda. It just means that he was a stupid little coprocephalite who has about as much leadership qualities as a mouldy lemon and about as much perception and knowledge about what the American People (excepting big business, of course) want as, to steal a phrase from Douglas Adams, a tea leaf knows about the history of the East India Company.
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On sabbatical...
“Here lies Europe, overwhelmed by Muslim immigrants and emptied of native-born Europeans.” ... _id=519403