Aspies have it as bad as blacks, gays/lesbians
Here on WP, many lesbians/bisexual women in the thread in women's forum claim to be in relationships (with women) and enjoy sex, whereas in love and dating, many male aspies claim to be virgins.
Hence, Aspies have it worse (oppression) than gays/lesbians,
I've suggested this on leftwing boards and I've been accused of being a troll, and the claim is considered outrageous. Everyone knows gays are beaten up, like Matthew Sheppard, but Aspies are not. I point out that many gays have lots of women friends, and lesbians have feminist activists, and both gays and lesbians seem to have no problem having sex. Some aspies do.
Some gays and lesbians are socially popular, party, dance, and have sex, not so much Aspies. And really, homophobic violence is rare, aspies are more likely to be bullied. And there is no leftwing feminist advocacy for aspies as there is for gays.
When I mention this, I get an incredulous response from so-called intellectual leftists progressive activists, who claim gays and lesbians have it worse, even more so than blacks.
Last edited by ensabah6 on 21 Mar 2009, 10:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Hence, Aspies have it worse (oppression) than gays/lesbians,
I've suggested this on leftwing boards and I've been accused of being a troll, and the claim is considered outrageous. Everyone knows gays are beaten up, like Matthew Sheppard, but Aspies are not. I point out that many gays have lots of women friends, and lesbians have feminist activists, and both gays and lesbians seem to have no problem having sex. Some aspies do.
Some gays and lesbians are socially popular, party, dance, and have sex, not so much Aspies. And really, homophobic violence is rare, aspies are more likely to be bullied. And there is no leftwing feminist advocacy for aspies as there is for gays.
When I mention this, I get an incredulous response from so-called intellectual leftists progressive activists, who claim gays and lesbians have it worse, even more so than blacks.
You're Absolutely RIGHT about that. Its not uncommon for gay men(and lesbians too)are extremely whiney and entitled, because much of urban society recognizes them as an "oppressed minority group". Women(as in feminists)do it too and they've been doing it for centuries in Western Societies. What Im really not sure is what we can and should do about this problem......
Many Aspies have been murdered and sexually abused-its just that there isn`t a media frenzy because we are not a favoured minority.
There was an Irish Aspie murdered in Australia a while back because a gang of NT imbeciles thought he was giving them too much or too little eye contact.
Asperger's is not a disease
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Hence, Aspies have it worse (oppression) than gays/lesbians
I dont really understand this
What has this to do with oppression, surely our lack of success in socialisation is more a manifestation of our Syndrome.
Again more to do with our syndrome than active bigotry against us
I am not really surprised!
I dont know about the black vs gay argument. However;
There are no laws against aspergers, aspergers can leave their wills to whomever they want, clergy will not refuse them communion on grounds of their aspergers, an asperger couple can kiss in the street without being verbally or physically abused, generally families do not disown aspergers when they get diagnosed, aspergers can marry the person they love, aspergers do not have a concerted campaign against them.
Unless of course the Aspegers person also happens to be Homosexual
"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance anyday"
Douglas Adams
"Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand" Karl Marx
Hence, Aspies have it worse (oppression) than gays/lesbians
I dont really understand this
What has this to do with oppression, surely our lack of success in socialisation is more a manifestation of our Syndrome.
Again more to do with our syndrome than active bigotry against us
I am not really surprised!
I dont know about the black vs gay argument. However;
There are no laws against aspergers, aspergers can leave their wills to whomever they want, clergy will not refuse them communion on grounds of their aspergers, an asperger couple can kiss in the street without being verbally or physically abused, generally families do not disown aspergers when they get diagnosed, aspergers can marry the person they love, aspergers do not have a concerted campaign against them.
Unless of course the Aspegers person also happens to be Homosexual
So-called "intellectual" leftists progressive activists have the blinders on, tunnel vision. They have extremely expansive views of what constitutes "oppression" -- bell hooks is one example of a lesbian feminist who argues that capitalism in itself is "oppressive". She had a weird story In the Killing Rage about being on a plane, in someone elses' (white male) seat, and asked to leave, and how she was filled with killing rage. We clearly live in a culture that is hostile and therefore oppressive to weirdos, nerds, geeks, freaks.
Aspies hae to get job interviews and letters of recommendation, and hence are often underemployed. There is a large subculture of hetero women who actively seek company of gay males (so-called fag-hags). THere are gay-friendly churches. Most of the anti-gay anti-sodomy laws in the US are not enforced and ruled unconstitutional. There are many cities where gay couples kiss and are not harassed, and many families do not disown their gay children. Many aspies cannot marry the person they love b/c the object of their love is not interested.
When I say Aspies have it worse than gays/lesbians, you are aware that according to sex surveys, gays and lesbians have many more sex partners than the general population, and many Aspies males state they are virgin and never had a gf, even if they would want one. And of course there is issues of social adjustment and employment.
I would suggest you pay attention to what some Aspies are stating here on the board. Many self-identified bisexual and lesbian women are sexually active, and have access to sex and love. Many self-identified Aspie men disappoint their families, do not live up to their families' expectations, are ashamed of their inability to attract women, and are virgins.
Hence, Aspies have it "worse" than gays/lesbians. And leftist intellectuals are biased against the sufferings of Aspies
Well I'm not going to deny that Aspies have it worse off sexually then gay/lesbian individuals. However you have to take the nature of things into account.
Asperger's Syndrome is a social deficit. While other factors can cause the syndrome to balance itself out into a neurological variation, part of that variation is always a social deficit of varying degrees.
Homosexuality however is a social variation. Meaning the social skills of a homosexual is at the same "level" as a NT (unless they are a homosexual Aspie but that's another debate). So your basically in your comparison you only focus on what homosexuals will have an obvious advantage.
As for social acceptance, the reason that homosexuals are more accepted is because they have effectively won their fight for equality. Once the next generation takes power, the fight will completely over (at least in the US) and full gay rights will be considered the norm. We have not yet won our fight because we have both had less time to fight and our fight is more complicated. A gay person can do 99% of jobs exactly like a straight person, we work differently (which may or may not be a good thing depending on the job) by nature.
The improbable goal: Fear nothing, hate nothing, and let nothing anger you.
Ok so it's a competition is it? I don't understand why.
Are you really making those really unfounded generalizations just because you feel bad for those without sexual activity?
well at least lesbians do have their feminist activists!? I'm in a sex same relationship - yet I have no [in person] friends - where do I find these feminist activists who all want to be my friend, who may hold absolutely no appeal to me what so ever and may be just as awkward for me to be social with as everyone else is?! lol?
When I mention this, I get an incredulous response from so-called intellectual leftists progressive activists, who claim gays and lesbians have it worse, even more so than blacks.
But there is advocacy for and by Autistic's, no doubt there must even be some feminists advocating!?
Homophobic violence is rare?...Do you know that for a fact?
Seriously, dude, I don't see the point in these comparisons...
"Even more so than blacks"
Well alot of black people themselves do say that any injustice gay people have suffered is all because they chose to be that way so therefore no where near comparable - which is bullsh!t - gay people are born this way, yes? or are we still thinking in archaic terms? Oh wait - they can hide it unlike the colour of skin...again bullsh!t unless you like living a lie and telling lie's your whole life and hiding who you love and are most proud of just so nobody knows.
Do you know that in the year 2009 my gf still can not return home to America and have me immigrate to be with her purely because American immigration law does not accept or recognize same sex couples as it does straight couples, black couples and even Aspie couples or Aspie's who are part of a couple!!?...That is at least one instance I can come up with that I have good knowledge of. We have been in my country after a long battle with the government here 9yrs ago which took 4 yrs and resulted in a court case before they let my gf stay here indefinitely and my gf has only been back home for approx 3 short vacations to see her family during this 9yrs - they miss her and want her home - but the only way she can go back is without me because the law does not recognize us and I have no other way to go over and live.
I have been bullied. On numerous occasions I have had a dozen kids chasing down the street to call out derogatory comments purely because they saw me hold hands just once with my gf - guess what I stuck up for myself but have shunned any contact with my gf in public since incase people decide to make us their sideshow once again...That does not feel good...I have been pointed and stared at, whispered about when trying to do something as simple as go to the grocery store.
I have also been picked on and treated unfairly just because of who I am - all of the issues that cause awkwardness as far as other people and situations are concerned.
Everyone in a minority has their own story as important as the next...but what is the point in making a hierarchy of pity out of it??? Can the different scenarios not be accepted and considered equally important or is it a must that one must belittle another - and the one that comes out with most sympathy must be the 'category' you belong to.
Jeez, it is bad enough that most of mainstream society does not really give a sh!t about what most people from minorities have to put up with without people between minorities b!tching about who has it worst.
What if you belong to more than one category. You know combinations of that exist?
A gay, black Aspie must be really laughing at your insignificant problems huh?
Ergo, "Aspies have it worse than gays/lesbians". I also mention work and parties and employment.
Seriously, dude, I don't see the point in these comparisons...
"Even more so than blacks"
Well alot of black people themselves do say that any injustice gay people have suffered is all because they chose to be that way so therefore no where near comparable - which is bullsh!t -
Uh okay, I'll say then they have it as bad -- I think leftists socialist feminists gay activists who deny this are just ignorant
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I really dont understand your comparisons. Homosexuals ARE discriminated against on the basis of their sexuality. They DO have laws passed against their behaviour which ARE enforced.
Aspergers is an unfortunate syndrome that screws up our ability to socialise. This then means that we have a greatly reduced chance to meet and form strong relationships with people. It really has nothing to do with bias and discrimination. Yes I have had a rough life, and looking back since my DX much of it can be explained by my Aspergers, but this has nothing to do with discrimination. I have been given some great opportunities in my life but have always screwed them up, so yes it is very unfortunate that I have aspergers but I cannot relate this to the structured institutional bigotry that homosexuals have needed to combat
Why do you keep banging on about Lesbian Leftist radicals. I would suggest that the reason the Gay community has been so successful in combating bigotry is because there campaigning has not been focused around such marginal groups. In fact from my observation Gays tend to be quite conservative in their politics.
"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance anyday"
Douglas Adams
"Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand" Karl Marx
Aspergers is an unfortunate syndrome that screws up our ability to socialise. This then means that we have a greatly reduced chance to meet and form strong relationships with people. It really has nothing to do with bias and discrimination. Yes I have had a rough life, and looking back since my DX much of it can be explained by my Aspergers, but this has nothing to do with discrimination. I have been given some great opportunities in my life but have always screwed them up, so yes it is very unfortunate that I have aspergers but I cannot relate this to the structured institutional bigotry that homosexuals have needed to combat
Why do you keep banging on about Lesbian Leftist radicals. I would suggest that the reason the Gay community has been so successful in combating bigotry is because there campaigning has not been focused around such marginal groups. In fact from my observation Gays tend to be quite conservative in their politics.
While I can't comment on Aus, in the US anti-sodomy laws on the books and their like have long been ruled unconstitutional. Lesbian porn made from Australia so I find it hard to believe there are laws against their behavior which are enforced otherwise how does Abby Winters get away with this.
Aspies are discriminated against, and there are bias against weirdos, nerds, geeks, freaks, "oddballs". Furthermore institutional discrimination is only one aspect of "oppression" (which is legally actionable, and gays/feminists/blacks have tremendous legal resources)
The leftist feminist lesbian activist account of oppression goes beyond mere institutional discrimination to include even "bad feelings". Have you heard of Mary Pipher's Reviving Ophelia. She argues, with very selective examples, that young teenage women are "oppressed" by "girl-poisoning" images in the media. If that's the case we live in an Aspie poisoning culture.
Leftist radicals claim to engage in activism against a very expansive understanding of oppression, yet they largely ignore aspies.
How many leftist radical activists would acknowledge the possibility that a non-black, non-gay, non-female Aspie hetero male could experience discrimination social oppression as intense as any black, gay, or "womyn"
Aspergers is an unfortunate syndrome that screws up our ability to socialise. This then means that we have a greatly reduced chance to meet and form strong relationships with people. It really has nothing to do with bias and discrimination. Yes I have had a rough life, and looking back since my DX much of it can be explained by my Aspergers, but this has nothing to do with discrimination. I have been given some great opportunities in my life but have always screwed them up, so yes it is very unfortunate that I have aspergers but I cannot relate this to the structured institutional bigotry that homosexuals have needed to combat
Why do you keep banging on about Lesbian Leftist radicals. I would suggest that the reason the Gay community has been so successful in combating bigotry is because there campaigning has not been focused around such marginal groups. In fact from my observation Gays tend to be quite conservative in their politics.
Actually DentArthurDent, there are some very large segments of the population here in the US who ACTIVELY like gays. I come from Seattle were gays are highly respected and discrimination against them is socially unacceptable. Gays and Lesbians in the US generally seem to do pretty well in large cosmopolitan cities; though I have no doubt there's plenty of homophobia in the stix. MANY gays are socially adept and use this to their advantage to win friends and support among straight people, particularly straight women who often like gay men as people more than straight men. American culture expects its members to be social and strongly disfavors those who arent. So I would say that there most definitely IS active bias and discrimination against people who dont have good social skills; EVEN among "elightened" open minded liberals and leftists.
Aspergers is an unfortunate syndrome that screws up our ability to socialise. This then means that we have a greatly reduced chance to meet and form strong relationships with people. It really has nothing to do with bias and discrimination. Yes I have had a rough life, and looking back since my DX much of it can be explained by my Aspergers, but this has nothing to do with discrimination. I have been given some great opportunities in my life but have always screwed them up, so yes it is very unfortunate that I have aspergers but I cannot relate this to the structured institutional bigotry that homosexuals have needed to combat
Why do you keep banging on about Lesbian Leftist radicals. I would suggest that the reason the Gay community has been so successful in combating bigotry is because there campaigning has not been focused around such marginal groups. In fact from my observation Gays tend to be quite conservative in their politics.
Actually DentArthurDent, there are some very large segments of the population here in the US who ACTIVELY like gays. I come from Seattle were gays are highly respected and discrimination against them is socially unacceptable. Gays and Lesbians in the US generally seem to do pretty well in large cosmopolitan cities; though I have no doubt there's plenty of homophobia in the stix. MANY gays are socially adept and use this to their advantage to win friends and support among straight people, particularly straight women who often like gay men as people more than straight men. American culture expects its members to be social and strongly disfavors those who arent. So I would say that there most definitely IS active bias and discrimination against people who dont have good social skills; EVEN among "elightened" open minded liberals and leftists.
I believe if I told hetero women I was gay, they would accept me more socially.
I believed if I were a lesbian, I would have none of the disadvantages Aspies have, and access to limitless lesbian sex.
So I listen to feminist and leftist talk about oppression incredulously.