Haliphron wrote:
Actually....................For any positive integer n(excluding zero), if you write something that contains n letters there are 26^n possible things that can be written since there are 26 letters in the alphabet. Since the works of Shakespeare are finite in number and all of finite length, the total number of characters he wrote is finite. That makes the total number of finite things that can be written to be countably infinite. But then again one cant guarantee that the monkey will not repeat combinations it already went through.
Well, the issue is that I said that monkeys are NON-random. If they bang keys, they will bang patterns, these patterns will exclude the patterns we use for language, and thus non of Shakespeare's works will ever be copied. As for combinations, well... monkey's are pressing keys, a combination would only be possible if we could identify specific patterns in a monkey's actions, but we could not. Just the use of language involves a number of repeated combinations though, but that isn't what you meant, making "real combination" a real question.