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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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07 Apr 2009, 3:49 pm

I was just wondering if you believe in fate, ie whether you believe that things happen for a reason and sometimes we're given certain situations to learn something - or whether you think life happened and is happening randomly, and things that happen are a result of pure randomness? Do you believe that some things are just meant to be, or is it just pure chance how our lives develop?

Just in a curious mood...


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07 Apr 2009, 4:09 pm

I don't believe in fate, but I don't believe in randomness either. Events are generally deterministic - they occur due to prior causes. I am uncertain as to whether there can be really anything said to be true chance, or whether what we see as chance, really represents causes that our intelligence/knowledge is insufficient to see.

When I was younger I used to be more fatalistic - humans have evolved to try and find connections in things and reasons for things happening. This helps us to try and make sense of suffering. Ten years ago I was desperate to do this - I couldn't bear the idea that all that suffering was for nothing. Now I have accepted that things are just the way they are, and there is no purpose or reason behind them. People hurt you because they themselves have been hurt. You then go on to hurt others (generally without meaning to). Similar with other types of suffering. Everything influences everything else. Although it is deterministic, it isn't predictable because there are too many variables, for even the largest computer.


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07 Apr 2009, 4:50 pm

^^^I pretty much agree with MMS there. so basically, cause and effect, but also part chaos.

I don't believe in any sort of "big plan" for everything, or that everything is already determined and God just plays a tape that he already nows the ending of. that would make no sense, plus believing that everything is predetermined would be pretty dangerous- I could kill someone and say "well, if I managed to kill them, it must have been their fate".

so no, fate is complete BS.

not a bug - a feature.


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07 Apr 2009, 7:28 pm

I do believe in fate. I believe things happen for a reason...even if only for the simple reason, things must happen.

Fate, show thy force: ourselves we do not owe;
What is decreed must be, and be this so.
~ William Shakespeare


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07 Apr 2009, 9:35 pm

If time is the fourth dimension the future exists.


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08 Apr 2009, 2:45 am

Sand wrote:
If time is the fourth dimension the future exists.

Which future? The laws of physics are not deterministic.


Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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08 Apr 2009, 2:49 am

Thanks for the interesting replies. I totally agree that feelings of anger and hurt travel down the generations (if not dealt with by the person) and cause hurt to others, and the cycle continues. This is a big part of why things happen to us. Unresolved emotions have so much power!

I'm also curious about seeminly random events such as meeting the love of your life halfway across the world, or through a wrongly dialled phone call, or something like that. Or if one person survives a plane crash when everyone else dies. It is just pure luck/coincidence or is there some purpose for it to happen?

I struggle to make sense out of suffering, why some people die young and leave behind their kids, and why people get violently attacked in terrible ways. It's hard to fathom why people have to go through such pain. I'm not sure it's all just random. Maybe some of it is, but for everything to just occur for no reason, I don't know.


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08 Apr 2009, 3:16 am

I believe that I have a soul that put my sorry ass here to learn some god awful truth.
I know that everything in this world is living. Atoms are alive.

People suck and lie and pretend to have it all together. It's only in their dreams that real reality haunts them. Then they go and buy some trendy meds to make them happy and quiet their howling souls that yearn for something worthy and truthful. Yet, ads are so powerful and people get all excited over billboards that promise sex and beauty.

It is all fleeting. One day they will realize how shallow the mainstream life is and then their minds will shatter or create a bubble to protect them from truth. The fact is, is that no one cares about you, they only talk about you to make themselves look better.

Everyone is f****d up. Only, some people get along better with pretending that they can't think.

As long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other.



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08 Apr 2009, 3:19 am

ruveyn wrote:
Sand wrote:
If time is the fourth dimension the future exists.

Which future? The laws of physics are not deterministic.


Predictability should not be confused with the nature of time-space.


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08 Apr 2009, 9:31 am

A computer programmer/scientist would say a computer random number generator can never really be random because it needs to seed data from a source. And if the source is the same, so it the random number.

The universe can be seen as a computer virtual world, like in the film call The Metric. Where on set of events seed others and so on so on (like the computer random number generator)…. If one could recreate the big bang, exactly the same way, without even the slightest difference, you would end up with events happening Exactly as they have already happened. Neapolitan would have won the same war that he won, Obama would have won the election and my workmate would still have multi-coloured tatos on her arm in the same order..

So if you take that into conservation , everything is pre-destined. And if you had a computer powerful enough and that can measure everything in the universe from the temperature of every star, to the size of every cats private parts it would be able to calculate/ predict the future.

Am I good or am I good.


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08 Apr 2009, 9:36 am

In a sense, chance or random events can indeed always be traced to ignorance about details, but whereas Brownian motion appears random because of the enormous number of degrees of freedom we are voluntarily overlooking, deterministic chaos appears random because we are necessarily ignorant of the ultra-fine detail of just a few degrees of freedom. And whereas Brownian chaos is complicated because the molecular bombardment is itself a complicated process, the motion of, say, the spherical pendulum is complicated even though the system itself is very simple. Thus, complicated behaviour does not necessarily imply complicated forces or laws. So the study of chaos has revealed how it is possible to reconcile the complexity of a physical world displaying haphazard and capricious behaviour with the order and simplicity of underlying laws of nature.


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08 Apr 2009, 11:39 am

anna-banana wrote:
that would make no sense,

well, if what makes sense is the only accepted truth then we get to another issue.

plus believing that everything is predetermined would be pretty dangerous

I can say that any philosophy can be used as an excuse for antisocial or criminal behaviour, and people would often reject such philosophies for fear of them being used as such, especially when it comes to issues of free will and nihilism.

anna-banana wrote:
"well, if I managed to kill them, it must have been their fate".

well, the thing is that the act of killing as well as the person dying, the event happens, and it happened and nothing can change that, and as the tape allegory goes, as many times you watch a film, you can't change the outcome, nor a person who never watched it and ignores what is to come, and there lies the question, if events are indeed predeterminated in reality or not, regarding the nature of the Universe.

But then, we would be getting into the issue of fatalism vs determinism, in such case.

so no, fate is complete BS.

Is not being BS a requirement for something to be truth?

?Everything is perfect in the universe - even your desire to improve it.?

Last edited by greenblue on 08 Apr 2009, 12:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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08 Apr 2009, 11:45 am

The viewpoint of non-fatalists is like somebody walking a road and staring at his feet and believing the road does not exist before him until he takes a step. It is similar to the view of a watching baby that believes you cease to exist when you walk out the door.


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08 Apr 2009, 11:58 am

Magnus wrote:

People suck and lie and pretend to have it all together.

Aspie people too.

Last edited by alba on 09 Apr 2009, 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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08 Apr 2009, 12:12 pm

alba wrote:
Magnus wrote:
I believe that I have a soul that put my sorry ass here to learn some god awful truth.
I know that everything in this world is living. Atoms are alive.

People suck and lie and pretend to have it all together. It's only in their dreams that real reality haunts them. Then they go and buy some trendy meds to make them happy and quiet their howling souls that yearn for something worthy and truthful. Yet, ads are so powerful and people get all excited over billboards that promise sex and beauty.

It is all fleeting. One day they will realize how shallow the mainstream life is and then their minds will shatter or create a bubble to protect them from truth. The fact is, is that no one cares about you, they only talk about you to make themselves look better.

Everyone is f**** up. Only, some people get along better with pretending that they can't think.

A cynical and excellent post Magnus. I more or less agree with everything you said. However--I'm guessing you've also considered the following:

There's an absolute certainty ETs exist and have been visiting earth for at least 10,000 years...probably more like millions of years. And a good chance these alien visitors constitute a minimum of dozens of types of ETs and some of them are helping us. That we might even possess real stargate technology. That we are being kept from nuclear planetry annihilation due to their interference and protection. It is easy to believe we would have blown ourselves to oblivion several times already without some kind of off-worldly intervention...or divine intervention..

So I believe there ARE [quite obviously] beings much more advanced that we Earthlings are....and that some of them are good guys who want us to succeed, learn, continue evolving....but....we will necessarily have to stop killing each other and our beautiful planetary home. We are under quarantine. The violence we have done to our lovely planet and each other must be contained and prevented from spreading infection to the rest of the galaxy....The quarantine is also supposed to keep predatory ETs out....but due to numerous tears in the fabric of space/time, the quarantine isn't operating as it was perhaps intended. Earth's infection is getting out as well as predatory ETs getting in. IMHO the compassionate and helpful aliens are merely offsetting the influence of predatory aliens, to achieve a balance. Non-interference is perhaps an ideal "prime directive" that is often neither pragmatic nor effective. So restoring a balance [between helpful and hurtful influences] could be interpreted as the next best thing.

I think a time will come when both the helpful as well as the predatory ETs--will have to let the chips fall where they may for planet Earth and all her inhabitants....and that time could possibly be right around the corner.....If we refuse to listen to our wiser and more evolved galactic brothers and sisters, we will deserve whatever fate we make for ourselves. And such fate is not created in an is nurtured and honed and carefully constructed over an infinity of time/space cycles and patterns..So the die is already cast...Everything has an integral and essential part to play and everything is operating as a single organism....which is more than the sum of its parts.

My god is a mathematical equation, calculation or formula. I kind of like the idea of friendly aliens watching out for's easier for me to accept that, than a "person-like creator god". However, many aliens may be more person-like and more creator-like--as they relate to our fate, evolution and existence--than many of us would prefer to believe.

It is most certainly much more up to date than believing in unicorns, effrits, and goblins.


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08 Apr 2009, 1:54 pm

alba wrote:
I kind of like the idea of friendly aliens watching out for's easier for me to accept that, than a "person-like creator god". However, many aliens may be more person-like and more creator-like--as they relate to our fate, evolution and existence--than many of us would prefer to believe.

Don’t talk wet!

Aliens interfering from space are suppose to be saving us from destroying our planet. It seems that you have been reading a few to many fiction novels my son.

Good aliens offsetting the things done by bad one, seem too much like the story a ten you old boy told me. He said he had powers like superman, and when I asked him how comes he cannot lift a car, he replied, he had kryptonite imbedded in his liver weakening him to that of other humans.

I don’t know anything about physics or anything but this is a more likely story. No aliens are interfering simply because they are to far away, or have better things to do then to travel billions of miles to do the equivalent of telling an elephant, a lower life form, not to strip too much bark of the trees because they will kill the trees.