Brusilov wrote:
The difference between a diesease and a syndrome is that a diesease is theoretically curable. I personally feel that Autism is 100% genetic and it is not preventable.
It's not 100% genetic. There is a genetic disposition, which can be rather strong, or relatively weak.
... Autism is not a disease but a syndrome with multiple nongenetic and genetic causes...Twin studies reported 60% concordance for classic autism in monozygotic (MZ) twins versus 0 in dizygotic (DZ) twins...
If it was 100% genetic, then all pairs of identical twins would either both have autism or both not have autism. But 40% of the identical twins who have a sibling with autism do not have autism....not 100% genetic.
Reevaluation for a broader autistic phenotype that included communication and social disorders increased concordance remarkably from 60% to 92% in MZ twins and from 0% to 10% in DZ pairs. This suggests that interactions between multiple genes cause "idiopathic" autism but that epigenetic factors and exposure to environmental modifiers may contribute to variable expression of autism-related traits.
So for 'autism related traits' (and probably some syndromes diagnosed as asperger's), environmental modifiers (diseases, immune stress, etc) are important.
(all quotes from: