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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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01 May 2009, 4:04 pm

So I'm sure most of you have heard about this. I personally find it hard to believe. I mean seriously, if the aspie gene is essentially 'neanderthal intelligence' as I have heard, how could a race of aspies be technologically bested by a race of NT's? We're like the Japanese in this regard, able to focus ourselves intently on something to a higher extent than a NT, which means more specialisation and thus a more effective technological improvement. Heck, I've seen several times, intellectuals who actually go so far as to praise AS as one of the major reasons we've reached the technological level we have.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't a superior race thread, but you've got to admit that theres some unbelievability about this. I saw a documentary, that claimed that NT's outcompeted Neanderthals in battles due to having throwing spears VS regular spears =/

What does WP think?


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01 May 2009, 4:29 pm

Redbus wrote:

Don't get me wrong, this isn't a superior race thread, but you've got to admit that theres some unbelievability about this. I saw a documentary, that claimed that NT's outcompeted Neanderthals in battles due to having throwing spears VS regular spears =/

What does WP think?

I have read that the throwing spears vs. regular spears problem arose from the fact that Neanderthal shoulder physiology prevented them from throwing or drawing bows as well as Modern Humans, thus forcing Neanderthals to rely on conventional spears.

As per AS=neanderthal genes, I have wondered about this. However, if this were the case, then non-European/Middle Eastern populations would not have AS (or, at least, a much lower rate, when some degree of ethnic intermixing is allowed for).


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01 May 2009, 4:35 pm

So fare I understand, there is no trace of Neanderthals' DNA within the European population. There also no studies, so fare I know, telling that Neanderthals were in anyway "Aspie".

I do not see any valid point here.


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01 May 2009, 4:48 pm

The neaderthal > aspie connections seems very illogical, specially because:

Neaderthals lived in smaller grups then homo sapiens sapies.

Small grups usually have less specialization, not more.

And, usually small groups works by informal rules and it is when the group goes bigger that they adopt formal rules.

Attending that aspies:

a) are specialists; and

b) like structure

a small group of hunter gatherers seems one of the worst possibel environments for an aspie; makes more sense imagine aspies living in some over-formalized and over-specialized asian empire, or something like that

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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01 May 2009, 5:01 pm

Well I take it none of you guys have actually read the theory, since you all misunderstand it and discredit it on so many levels?

Neanderthal theory of autism

Yeah, so if you want read the entire thing and if there is anything you don't understand or don't find credible you can PM me or we can debate in this thread. Pretty much every comment that has been made in this thread is completely wrong and displays a lack of knowledge of the the theory and how it is a strong possibility.


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01 May 2009, 5:02 pm

There's evidence that the Neanderthals in Europe died out completely a few thousand years after humans got there. Modern humans are anatomically the same as cro-magnons, but neanderthals are physically quite different, so the idea that there was some sort of intermixing is extremely unlikely.

"A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it." --G. K. Chesterton

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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01 May 2009, 5:03 pm

Again, I take it Ancalagon that you have not read the theory?


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01 May 2009, 5:12 pm

Aware of this 'theory' and mostly regarded as a thought-model, with caveats. Compelling in that neanderthals were likely non-verbal and this is a common theme amongst ASD individuals (and not just Aspies), including self. Our enhanced senses, observational skills, lack of social need, etc. But, again, a bit contrived. I'm somewhat aware of the Neanderthal hypothesis - but it's speculative. In actuality, I understood Neanderthals and Cro-Magnun's can, and did, interbreed - but the human population is extremely heterogenous so this is nearly inconsequential. Then subsequent migration/evolutionary and other factors enter.

Wrong Planet, as a whole, wouldn't have a stance, but individuals members certainly might!

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01 May 2009, 5:37 pm

chawieman wrote:
Well I take it none of you guys have actually read the theory, since you all misunderstand it and discredit it on so many levels?

Neanderthal theory of autism

Yeah, so if you want read the entire thing and if there is anything you don't understand or don't find credible you can PM me or we can debate in this thread. Pretty much every comment that has been made in this thread is completely wrong and displays a lack of knowledge of the the theory and how it is a strong possibility.

I read the entire OP, and I consider that enough to discount it. I'm not going to read the link. But if you want to argue that position here, I'd be more than happy to debate you over it.

"A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it." --G. K. Chesterton

Tufted Titmouse
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01 May 2009, 5:47 pm

Umm well FYI the original poster knows absolutely nothing of the theory and his post makes little to no sense. I in no way support his post as having anything to do with the neanderthal theory of autism. You shouldn't jump on the dining room table unless certain you can hold your own in conversation. AKA maybe read the theory before discrediting it based on someone's illogical post.


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01 May 2009, 6:12 pm

chawieman wrote:
Umm well FYI the original poster knows absolutely nothing of the theory and his post makes little to no sense. I in no way support his post as having anything to do with the neanderthal theory of autism. You shouldn't jump on the dining room table unless certain you can hold your own in conversation. AKA maybe read the theory before discrediting it based on someone's illogical post.

I'm perfectly capable of holding my own in conversation. If you want to take the time to talk about your position on this I'm perfectly happy to listen, but like I said, I'm not going to read the article. If your position is interesting enough, maybe I'll change my mind on that.

"A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it." --G. K. Chesterton


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01 May 2009, 6:18 pm

chawieman wrote:
Well I take it none of you guys have actually read the theory, since you all misunderstand it and discredit it on so many levels?

Neanderthal theory of autism

Yeah, so if you want read the entire thing and if there is anything you don't understand or don't find credible you can PM me or we can debate in this thread. Pretty much every comment that has been made in this thread is completely wrong and displays a lack of knowledge of the the theory and how it is a strong possibility.

I looked into the article an I am wondering why Richard E. Green, Johannes Krause, et al., Analysis of one million base pairs of Neanderthal DNA, Nature, Vol 444, pp.330-336 ( ... Genome.pdf ) is not mentioned. In said article the possibility of a gen flow from modern humans to Neanderthal Humans is seen a possibility, but not the other way around.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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01 May 2009, 6:57 pm

Well that's great that you have looked into the theory, Dussel, but have you read it and attempted to understand it in its entirety?
Probably that study is not mentioned there because it does not offer support to the theory.

Admittedly my understanding of the human genome and genetic science is pretty weak, and I doubt my reading of your link would be fruitful in any way after looking at its length, the level of understanding of genes that would be required etc. Also it must be understood that a lot of this genetic science is extremely new and the researchers could be wrong on so many levels that cannot be understood yet. However you state that the article mentions the possibility of modern human gene flow to the neanderthals but not the other way around? So a neanderthal female could give birth to a hybrid then who could then mate successfully only with a neanderthal and not a modern human? This does seem unlikely to me. If any fertile offspring could be had at all wouldn't it be likely the gene flow could go both ways, as hybrids could possibly mate with other hybrids and the genes could somehow end up in both species of human?

My entire position lies in the link. I'm not going to condense it for you as it would take forever. If there is anything you need clarification on however just ask.


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01 May 2009, 7:02 pm

chawieman wrote:
Well I take it none of you guys have actually read the theory, since you all misunderstand it and discredit it on so many levels?

Neanderthal theory of autism

Yeah, so if you want read the entire thing and if there is anything you don't understand or don't find credible you can PM me or we can debate in this thread. Pretty much every comment that has been made in this thread is completely wrong and displays a lack of knowledge of the the theory and how it is a strong possibility.

wow, are you trying to pick a fight?


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01 May 2009, 7:03 pm

chawieman wrote:
Well I take it none of you guys have actually read the theory, since you all misunderstand it and discredit it on so many levels?

Neanderthal theory of autism

Yeah, so if you want read the entire thing and if there is anything you don't understand or don't find credible you can PM me or we can debate in this thread. Pretty much every comment that has been made in this thread is completely wrong and displays a lack of knowledge of the the theory and how it is a strong possibility.

wow, are you trying to pick a fight?


Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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01 May 2009, 7:12 pm

Well I'm not really trying to pick a fight but I am a bit frustrated that people are putting down a theory that they obviously haven't read and it seemed like a few people in a row bashed the theory with no opposition with ignorant comments. I am a strong believer in the theory and I just felt like their opinions had to be opposed so that the light of knowledge may rule over the darkness of ignorance. I would argue the case but really I don't feel a need to when there are people bashing it who completely misunderstand it and have not even read it.