TallyMan wrote:
Many years ago I was a Buddhist monk. When I was 19 to be precise. I lived a monastic life for just over a year then left to do a science degree.
One thing you sacrifice with a monastic existence is your freedom to come and go as you please and when you please. Life is structured around a regular routine. This is both good and bad. There were mornings when I really did not want to get up at 4:00 am for morning meditation! However, there were no financial worries and there were lots of like minded people, so you build up some good friendships. There is an atmosphere of mutual support which is also good.
As I become older (I'm 49 now) the monastic life still sounds appealing to a certain extent. I think it quite possible that if I outlive my wife that I will simply sell the house and everything and move into a Buddhist monastery somewhere... or maybe even convert my house into a little Buddhist monastery - now there's a thought!
Tally Man, what branch of Budddhsim do you practice?
There was a period in high school where I seriously considered becoming a Buddhist nun (prior to stumbling upon a career I adore) and to this day still think about it, if only temporarily. The 4 am wake up would be difficuly but everything else appeals to me immensly.
Milhouse, give him back his soul- I've got work tomorrow!~The Simpsons