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08 May 2009, 4:35 am

what do you know about freemasons? have you met a freemason?

i have searched numerous sites about freemasonry and it still isn't clear what their agenda is considering some are for and some are anti info

i ask because during an job interview i met a person with a cap that had the compass and square on it, and i was wondering what peoples opinions are about them?

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09 May 2009, 1:58 am

My dad is a former freemason. He was a grand master.

It's just an overhyped charity organisation. Just some old men wearing suits, discussing charity initiatives, and eating stale noodles.

Seriously, all they do really is just charity work. They're really good, yet boring people.



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09 May 2009, 3:57 am

Both my great grandparents were free masons that joined a secret cult called the Eastern Star.

Don't ask....... :?

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09 May 2009, 8:51 am

i also had a great grandparent who was a mason


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09 May 2009, 9:18 am

Well, the one benefit of being a mason is that you get to meet a lot of influential or rich people. For example, my family is nobility (The Nizamate of Hyderabad was annexed by India in 1948) , hence, my father rose up to be a grand mason. It really depends on where you live. For example, in London, if you do manage to get in, you'll get to meet royals. In Washington D.C., you'll get to meet a couple of senators. It's the mere fact that influential people that belonged to the masons were involved with the foundation of the USA that the society is considered by many to be part of the illuminati.

Being a mason is no big deal. It's rather boring, actually.


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12 May 2009, 2:02 pm

Khan_Sama wrote:
Seriously, all they do really is just charity work. They're really good, yet boring people.


And they drink and smoke cigars. It is a fraternal organization. The inner-most secret temple is really the lounge or bar that all lodges have.


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12 May 2009, 4:27 pm

Isn't there supposed to be some sort of weird initiation ceremony - something to do with wearing an apron and standing on one leg? :?

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12 May 2009, 4:57 pm

yeah, its just a "secret club for old men"

all the conspiracy-ism around it is just that. people making connections to old templars, surviving brotherhoods, illuminati, etc

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12 May 2009, 7:44 pm

i would have thought the free masons conspiracy was all bs untill recently, with all the evidence ive seen online with the nazi's ufo's being funded by prescott bush to all them nazi's working for nasa. and showing up years later in north america and south america

something is up


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13 May 2009, 6:10 pm

Yeah, and those weird symbols on our dollar bills.


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13 May 2009, 10:26 pm

Yes, my husband and many of our acquaintances are Masons.

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13 May 2009, 11:29 pm

I worked for an ex Police Superintendent who was a mason. He was not a very charitable man and I know for a fact that he fiddled his taxes. There is no doubt that as an organisation they do good work for charity and if modern US presidents were masons like in the old days the world would be a better place but still, it attracts greedy people who are in it purely for them selves. As for as the conspiracies go they invite in on themselves with all there alchemic/kabbalistic imagery, bizarre initiation rituals and secrecy. There is probably an evil global elite right at the top trying to control every aspect of humanity but it has very little, probably nothing to do with the masons (or shapeshifting reptiles). I am sure there are good honest folk who are masons. Anyone here read the David Icke forums? I do every now and again just to reassure myself that i am sane, it's a right laugh over there at times.


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14 May 2009, 5:26 am

My father and step grandfather were both masons and shriners (you need to be a mason in order to be a shriner). My step grandfather was also in eastern star. It is just a fraternal charity organization, really people overhype it. All you need to do to be a mason is to ask a mason how to become one, its that easy. When I was younger I was in a pre-mason organization for young men called demolay. All of the masonic organizations are just charity organizations, there really is nothing big about them, its just a bunch of old boring men sitting around and eating stale noodles, as a previous poster said. There are no conspiricies.

The reason I left all of this masonic stuff is because I saw it as boring, and a waste of time. Sometimes we would do bowling or other stuff together, or with other masonic youth organizations. Other people like it and think its fun, it just wasnt my thing.