ion wrote:
He doesn't look very impressive...
This photo was probably taken during the last years of the war when things were turning on him. During this time he was using all sorts of drugs, thatll mess ya up coupled with the stress of knowing that it is very likly you will loose the war and have the whole world want you dead.
I think he died when he was 56 of suicide, right before their is video of him trembling (possibly the result of advanced parkensons) he was hunched over and looked quite old for his age. I spend a while reading up on WW2 in collage and saw plenty of colored photos and vids, very interesting and its amazing how much of it was censored by the nazis for a variety of reasons.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.