the world is full of burnt out people,
look at you and me, seriously, hell, we listen to the world way to long after we burn out, or we wouldn't be here passed and even looking at our selves, we are sick of being misunderstood and feeling alone, we burn out and look for an escape making what we find our out, to be apart of something, or simply to understand our selves or those we care about and our environment, or to just belong. with who are doing the same are even sometimes more burnt out then we are (or those we care about), we know where we are at (or so we hope to think we are as compared to others), but to relate to the next step before we get there is a major head game to us at times, sometimes,. it helps us all to relate and guide us to where we know we need to go to next as best as we can see as a soul and a people, of what we approve of and what we don't, as one, or as an individual in a world gone wild, to try to relate our needs as a person to another in our lone existence, just for one thing, to be known and loved, or at least cared about or understood, and not forgotten,, to be remembered.