krex wrote:
LoveableNerd wrote:
krex wrote:
Thanks for sharing...only a few more months of making fun of "W" and then what will we do for fun...
Hopefully not continue the trend by making fun of President McCain *shudders*
Surely you don't think that Americans would be fool enough to vote for another guy with alzheimer's..isn't one per 25 year the limit ?
Sometimes I think most Americans have Alzheimer's... how easily they forget what their political "heroes" did to screw them over in the past.
McCain, the new darling of the right, has voted consistently for amnesty for illegals, gun control, and sponsored and got passed into law a comprehensive ban on political free speech he euphemistically called campaign finance reform. He also voted against Bush's tax cuts and against most pro-life legislation. Something tells me most GOP voters would lose interest in him if they remembered any of that. And as for Democrat voters who say they will vote for McCain if their candidate doesn't get the Dem nomination... they have obviously forgotten his statement that US troops could remain in Iraq for 100 years, and his horrible "bomb-bomb-bomb bomb-bomb Iran" karaoke to the Beach Boys "Barbara Ann" tune.
Obama, the candidate for change and against the war, has taken money from corporate lobbyists in spite of his denials, has voted consistently to fund the Iraq war, and has said he won't take anything off the table regarding Iran (in other words, won't rule out nuclear strikes). If his legions of fans remembered any of that, I wonder how much change they would think he will really bring to the White House.
and then there's Hillary Clinton,... well if she is telling the truth about the matter, she has Alzheimer's herself... I don't care if it was 14 years ago, being fired upon by snipers or not is something a healthy mind doesn't forget. And then there are all the scandals from the Clinton years that all of her supporters have forgotten... it doesn't matter if they believe there was anything to them or not, if they remembered them then surely they would realize that if she is President they will all be drudged up again (pun intended) along with every new accusation Ken Starr (or his successor) can come up with.
Needless to say, if even a sizable minority of Americans had memory retention beyond that of your average goldfish (at least when it comes to politics) we MIGHT have some better candidates to choose from.
Don't blame me, I voted for Ron Paul!