CRD wrote:
I'd like to see the study because I've always found the reverse to be true. In ever class my son has been in and in all the parents groups it's mostly single moms and in Jakes new class most of the boys live with a grandparent. I hope I'm mistaken it would be nice to think more families are holding together under the stress. Mine thankfuly is it would be nice to know more couples are holding on.
The study in question is nothing more than a survey and surveys are usually very poorly constructed.
Two national (U.S) population studies have shown that autistic children are no less likely than any other children to live in two-parent families:
Montes & Halterman, Psychological Functioning and Coping Among Mothers of Children With Autism: A Population-Based Study, Pediatrics 2007;119;e1040-e1046
Montes & Halterman, Characteristics of school-age children with autism in the United States, J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2006;27:379–385
Almost half of all U.S. marriages end in divorce, according to the National Institutes of Health with the rate of divorce in Canada slightly lower than for the U.S.
Therefore the claim that families dealing with Autism are more likely than families not dealing with Autism to end in divorce is an urban legend that won't die .... along with the other great urban legend that says mercury, thimerosal and/or vaccines cause Autism.