ikorack wrote:
Do you speak spanish? if so translate. Also that video is lacking in quality its hard to make out what happened
Yes, I know the quality is really bad (the video is from a mobile phone) and it's true that the video only focus on the border patrol, so we don't know what are the boys doing most of the time, but it's true that they (we don't know if all of the boys or only some of them) were throwing stones because a woman in the video say so.
I'm not saying that throwing rocks to an armed agent was the smartest thing to do (actually, it was quite stupid) and I'm sure that bigger rocks in less distance could harm someone or even kill (not in this situation I think). But I'm sure the border patrol have other options: he could have fire a warning shot or aim to anywhere else than a kid's head. Isn't there a protocol for situations like this?
And I'm not sure what do you want me to translate: the audio of the video or the article? You could translate the article (I think it doesn't say anything new); and in the video the people watching it said "they're throwing stones" and "he hit him, the stupid, he hit him", the rest is a bit confusing.
And here's the video commented in english
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzFqhSkQ ... re=related