Autistic Boy Bitten By Substitute Teacher

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05 Nov 2010, 2:15 am

Let's see... crosses, check. Holy water, check. Sharpened wooden stakes, silver-tipped crossbow bolts, garlic cloves, check check and check.

Let's go kill ourselves a vampire.

Now see kids, this is what happens when you read too much Stephanie Meyer, you think that all your problems will be solved by just biting the person.

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05 Nov 2010, 2:42 pm

What is most amazing is that there are comments below the article from members of the public who seem to think the child might have done something to deserve it. Apparently he's now frightened, won't let anyone touch his hand. He's not able to talk about his feelings, but he's not going back to school after this incident. Who could possibly be surprised after an assault like that?

Poor child. :( :(


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07 Nov 2010, 10:37 am

Strange. Utterly Bizarre.
Wonder what went through that teachers head, can't be coherent thoughts.

What film do atheists watch on Christmas?
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08 Nov 2010, 5:23 pm

Autistic children taste better than other kinds I guess!


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08 Nov 2010, 5:55 pm

...Um, yeah. What the hell? That man should not be anywhere near children, autistic or not. :thumbdown: :ncool:


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08 Nov 2010, 6:31 pm

I bit my teacher as a last resort when she wouldn't let go of my arm. Her grip was so tight it felt as if circulation was being cut off. She left a HUGE bruise and got in bigger trouble. My parents and therapist tried to get her fired. Even biting animals when they bite or nip dosen't work long term. I'm even against using bitter tasting substances to discourage them. When my chihuahua bit out of excitement, I pulled my hand away and showered his sister with attention and pretended he didn't exhist. He learned that if he bit he wouldn't get attention.

I'm not weird, you're just too normal.


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08 Nov 2010, 11:11 pm

I hope the teacher was tested for rabies.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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09 Nov 2010, 12:37 am

Roxas_XIII wrote:
Let's see... crosses, check. Holy water, check. Sharpened wooden stakes, silver-tipped crossbow bolts, garlic cloves, check check and check.

Let's go kill ourselves a vampire.

Now see kids, this is what happens when you read too much Stephanie Meyer, you think that all your problems will be solved by just biting the person.

Best post ever! 8)

But really though what teacher bites children?

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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09 Nov 2010, 1:13 am

Roxas_XIII wrote:
Let's see... crosses, check. Holy water, check. Sharpened wooden stakes, silver-tipped crossbow bolts, garlic cloves, check check and check.

Let's go kill ourselves a vampire.

Now see kids, this is what happens when you read too much Stephanie Meyer, you think that all your problems will be solved by just biting the person.

Best post ever! 8)

But really though what teacher bites children?


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09 Nov 2010, 6:52 pm

Hmm, this reminds me of the substitue in Elementary who laughed at me when I said I had autism, but a lot worse. I feel really bad for the kid whom he did this to, and hope he has parents or family members who will help him get through it.


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15 Nov 2010, 3:33 pm

The best response I can make to this is, that when dealing with severely autistic children you need not act barbaric or harsh.Yes, my neice has AS like myself and when she was young she was quite un-ruly but, I never act hostlie nor hurtful for, I haved worked around children whom had special difficulties wherein, I learned patience and understanding..


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16 Nov 2010, 8:07 pm

This is why you should eat lunch before going to class.


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18 Nov 2010, 12:45 am

First off this is a clear example of a parent not doing their job at home if this child is a biter. If this child is a biter at school then it is because he is a biter at home and the parent is responsible for not teaching him different before the child went to school and the teacher should sue the parent. I am not suggesting that this was the way to handle this, but only because of our irresponsible and liberal culture today. There was a time when this would have not been seen as improper. In fact when I grew up the parent would shake the teachers hand for this if it was for correction. In most households in times past if the child was disciplined at school they got it again when they got home, but today in this liberal irresponsible climate the teacher is at the mercy of the child. NOT GOOD!
I personally do not see this improper even if the child was severely autistic. These children learn to use their handicaps to their advantage because of some of those in education as well as parents who hold to irresponsible and liberal ways. The old saying what goes around comes around actually works even in such cases. Also as I said there just is not enough information to form a good opinion. Did the teacher just bite the child for no reason? I doubt it, but if that is what happened then he should be removed. Did he bite the child to teach the child a lesson because the child was a biter? Then I feel what he did was not wrong, but again because of this crazy liberal irresponsible culture today I think that the teacher chose the wrong manner in which to handle it. Also did the teacher take a chunk out of the child or just bite him in a manner where he knew how it felt? If this were my child and he/she was a biter and the teacher returned the favor to the child I would scold the teacher if I felt he/she did not bite the child hard enough and then discipline the child again. Discipline today for biting or tomorrow they are a shooter.

I want to punch this person. I don't see anything on there that says he even bit the teacher. And they most liky don't know what is like to have an autistic child. :evil: And the f*****g people reading the rewiews I giving the good reviws thumps downs and the bad ones thums up! What is wrong with people. :evil:

MetalClassicRock123 wrote:
Vector wrote:
A 6 year-old boy, diagnosed with severe autism, was bitten in his own classroom at Belvedere Elementary in West Palm Beach.

"This is upsetting to us, this is the first time this particular substitute has worked in this school, and I believe in this district," said Nat Harrington, Public Information Officer with Palm Beach County Schools.

According to the school's principal, it happened in front of two other teachers, who quickly reported the incident.

It is unclear what happened to provoke the attack, but the school said the teacher bit the 6 year-old in the arm.

Who the hell does stuff like that??? The teacher must have been more screwed up than the kid :roll:

I agree.

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