Obama is? the Antichrist.
let that sink in for a minute...
Nothing happened. I'll let that sink in for a minute.
Came and went, nothing happened. I'll meditate over that fact as well.
by whom?
Isn't that three months AFTER the world's end?
I thought it was the last day of 5772 in the Jewish calendar.
Why are you mixing two unrelated calendars?
exactly my question too. there is no 'end of 2012' in the Jewish calender - unless you claim to be a timetraveler from the times of Moshe. i should know, being Jewish.
... and Mark 13:32-34 (NIV)...
Clearly, those who declare that The End will occur on a certain date are either deceiving us or they have themselves been deceived ... possibly both.
That is, if you believe what the Bible has to say on the subject.
Nicely put, Fnord, nicely put.
So far, no one has had that much courage to back up their convictions.
Did Satan send you Ketutar?
Marshal law was declared by Nov 5 in some parts of this country in response to a man made storm. the things God has planned for this nation will make it scream in fear.
perhaps someone stopped the plans the gov had made to blow up something and then blame it on internet hacker groups and shutdown the internet.
yes, there have always been marks of the beasts. did you not know that few will enter the Kingdom? and only those that do the will of the Father?
Does the Bible not say THE antichrist will have no desire for women?
was obama not born 7 years after the year Israel was restored to their land?
was he not made president 62 years later?
are we not mystery bablyon as defined by Daniels timeline?
as defined by anyone with spiritual discernment?
was Israel not restored to their land exactly as prophesied by Ezekiel?
if obama is not assassinated on nov 22 then that means the head wound onto death will be symbolic! this means you won't recognize it!
All prior antichrists fulfilled this part symbolically.
are there not 2012.9 nautical miles between mt Hermon and the equator? conveniently making 33.33 degrees of the circle of the earth?
oh, and finally.. yes, something did occur on the Feast of Trumpets, Sep 16-17, in the spiritual realm.
are you really going to say we're just meat bags?!
my myan backtun referance was wrong.
i had confused the 394 years with the 260 x 260 cycle, and the 231 year difference between the jewish and the gregorian 5776+231=6007.
oh yes it does matter if he is the antichrist, all i can say is if you voted for him you will share in the judgement.
Since all Jewish Holy Days depend on the moon rather than the sun, and on absolute accuracy of the calculation of the New Moon, we can actually be certain what year it is in the Jewish calender.
The Hebrew calendar (הלוח העברי ha'luach ha'ivri), or Jewish calendar, is a lunisolar calendar used today predominantly for Jewish religious observances. It determines the dates for Jewish holidays and the appropriate public reading of Torah portion, yahrzeits (dates to commemorate the death of a relative), and daily Psalm reading, among many ceremonial uses. In Israel, it is an official calendar for civil purposes and provides a time frame for agriculture. The current year of the Jewish calendar (16 September 2012 to 4 September 2013) is 5773.[1]
The Hebrew calendar has evolved over time. For example, until the Tannaitic period (approximately 10–220 CE) the months were set by observation of a new crescent moon, with an additional month added every two or three years to correct for the difference between twelve lunar months and the solar year, and therefore, to keep Passover in the spring. The addition of the extra month was also based on observation of natural events, namely the ripening of the barley crop, the age of the kids, lambs and doves, the ripeness of the fruit trees, and the relation to the Tekufah (seasons).[2] Through the Amoraic period (200 to 500 CE) and into the Geonic period, this system was displaced by mathematical rules. The principles and rules appear to have been settled by the time Maimonides compiled the Mishneh Torah in the 12th century.
Because of the roughly eleven-day difference between twelve lunar months and one solar year, the length of the Hebrew calendar year varies in the repeating 19-year Metonic cycle of 235 lunar months, with the intercalary month added according to defined rules every two or three years, for a total of 7 times per 19 years. Seasonal references in the Hebrew calendar reflect its development in the region east of the Mediterranean and the times and climate of the Northern Hemisphere. The Hebrew calendar year is longer by about 6 minutes and 25+25/57 seconds than the present-day mean solar year, so that every 224 years, the Hebrew calendar will fall a full day behind the modern solar year, and about every 231 years it will fall a full day behind the Gregorian calendar year.
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Marshal law was declared by Nov 5 in some parts of this country in response to a man made storm. the things God has planned for this nation will make it scream in fear.
perhaps someone stopped the plans the gov had made to blow up something and then blame it on internet hacker groups and shutdown the internet.
yes, there have always been marks of the beasts. did you not know that few will enter the Kingdom? and only those that do the will of the Father?
Does the Bible not say THE antichrist will have no desire for women?
was obama not born 7 years after the year Israel was restored to their land?
was he not made president 62 years later?
are we not mystery bablyon as defined by Daniels timeline?
as defined by anyone with spiritual discernment?
was Israel not restored to their land exactly as prophesied by Ezekiel?
if obama is not assassinated on nov 22 then that means the head wound onto death will be symbolic! this means you won't recognize it!
All prior antichrists fulfilled this part symbolically.
are there not 2012.9 nautical miles between mt Hermon and the equator? conveniently making 33.33 degrees of the circle of the earth?
oh, and finally.. yes, something did occur on the Feast of Trumpets, Sep 16-17, in the spiritual realm.
are you really going to say we're just meat bags?!
my myan backtun referance was wrong.
i had confused the 394 years with the 260 x 260 cycle, and the 231 year difference between the jewish and the gregorian 5776+231=6007.
oh yes it does matter if he is the antichrist, all i can say is if you voted for him you will share in the judgement.
Man made storm?
Wait a minute - - are you one of those nuts who thinks the government can control the weather? Because I recall the charge about weather control made by a militia leader who had been asked to speak before a congregational committee years ago. And the answer now - as it was then - is, no, the government can not manipulate the weather. The whole notion is completely insane. But I suspect I could tell you that till I'm blue in the face, and you'd still insist the impossible is true.
And I reiterate - - the Anti-Christ spoken of in Revelations was Nero, not Barack Obama. This has been confirmed by the most respectable theologians from mainline denominations. To think otherwise is the ludicrous misinterpretations dreamed up by miseducated evangelicals.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
if obama is not assassinated on nov 22 then that means the head wound onto death will be symbolic! this means you won't recognize it!
All prior antichrists fulfilled this part symbolically.
it is amazing how prophecies that are not fulfilled as predicted are then said to have been fulfilled symbolically. that is as convenient as the calculations, nuh?
and the sun will be given power to burn!
http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoe ... one-layer/
it is up to the watchmen and the prophets to interpret prophecy and warn the sheep.
when the horn is blown too early, people get angry and start talking about false prophets.. when there are no prophets in the Kingdom, only watchmen and those with the gift of prophecy.
when the horn is blown too late then the blood shed is on the watchmen's head.
in this case, the horn has been blowing for 120 + years, you might want to go read protocols again..
what 'protocols' would that be?
it is certainly possible to produce 'evidence' for anyone being the antichr*st - the question is what is the purpose? like someone else posted (Kraichgauer or Fnord, i believe)it was widely believed in the times of the 'reception' of the book of revelation, that john was referring to the emperor nero. what was his purpose? most likely he wanted to comfort a suffering xian (xian=chr*stian) community. give them some reason for the horrendous persecution they went through. however since religious accounts can at most be accounts of faith, they cannot be used as 'evidence' - they cannot be used as qualifiers for what is true in an objective sense.
besides, yeshu ben miriam himself clearly said that no-one except the 'father' would, could or should know (matthew 24:36; mark 13:23; acts 1:7). it has always been popular within the xian community to name names, calculate times and predict times - i can only think that this is done with the purpose of controlling 'the masses' through fear.
what is your purpose, johansen?
Married to Ketutar http://tinyurl.com/ketutar since 1999
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http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoe ... one-layer/
it is up to the watchmen and the prophets to interpret prophecy and warn the sheep.
when the horn is blown too early, people get angry and start talking about false prophets.. when there are no prophets in the Kingdom, only watchmen and those with the gift of prophecy.
when the horn is blown too late then the blood shed is on the watchmen's head.
in this case, the horn has been blowing for 120 + years, you might want to go read protocols again..
Well, if and when that trumpet blows, you be sure to tell me, just in case I miss it.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Especially when, if the evidence is not produced, you can claim it exists "symbolically".
johansen, dude - none of your "facts" exist, none of your claims are demonstrated (save for your near-complete ignorance of the Hebrew calendar), and everything you say denies the words of the Christ as reported in the Gospel According to Mark.
As a not-really-friend, I ask you to go lie down until you feel better. This might take a couple of years.
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.
Especially when, if the evidence is not produced, you can claim it exists "symbolically". .
it is of course not as fun as claiming that it is not symbolical - i mean who's scared of something that is nothing more than a sign-post?
Married to Ketutar http://tinyurl.com/ketutar since 1999
Diagnosed with ADHD 2009
Diagnosed with AS 2012
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/henric.c.jensen
Good morning, johansen
I'm sorry if you felt attacked or scorned by me. That has never been my intention, but sometimes things happen.
I would have liked you to answer more of my questions, but - you respond to what you want to respond.
I can't find any evidence of martial law declared, nor man made storms. I find a lot of conspiracy theories, a lot of talk, and a lot of weird explanations.
It doesn't take much to make USA scream in fear.
Well... people have been able to communicate with paper and pens before, so I'm not much alarmed by this.
Post: 5017193 Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:35 pm
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? and in your name have cast out devils? and in your name done many wonderful works?
And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity."
As far as I know, it doesn't. But - I give you the benefit of a doubt, and let you give me the passage you think says this.
was he not made president 62 years later?
Again, as far as I know, no.
Now, I don't know what you mean with "the year Israel was restored to their land", but I assume you mean 1948, the year of independence.
Obama was born 1961, 13 years later, and he was made president 2008, and became a president 2009. That is 47 years after his birth - not 55 as you claim - and 60 years after Israel's independence.
as defined by anyone with spiritual discernment?
Most definitely no.
I understand that you see yourself as a very spiritual person, but your spirituality is not the only possible form of spirituality in the world, and I object to the idea of that a person would not have "spiritual discernment" just because they see things differently.
All prior antichrists fulfilled this part symbolically.
That explains quite a lot. "All prior antichrists" and symbolical and spiritual events that only some people are able to see.
Actually I see the world as one, everything is connected, and there happens nothing in the spiritual realm that doesn't have a physical manifestation. If something only happens spiritually, or if you need to be "an enlightened, awaken initiate", then I don't care about it.
And if I'm going to hell because of it - so be it.
No. There's 2005.2 nautical miles between mt Hermon and the equator, 33.4 "degrees of the circle of the earth". It's ALMOST 33.33, but not exactly.
Nevertheless, how does that has anything to do with President Obama?
i had confused the 394 years with the 260 x 260 cycle, and the 231 year difference between the jewish and the gregorian 5776+231=6007.
It's ok. Happens to everybody.
I'm Finnish. I can't vote in the US election.
And I vehemently resist any deities who judge people in bulk. I'd rather go to hell than spend one minute with such gods.
Nevertheless, I have understood why you are here talking about this, and your concern honors you.
I think you might get further by being an example with your lifestyle and helping people to do the changes in their lives they would need to do in order to survive... and then start with the message. But what do I know.
I'm sorry to say the person who wrote that "geoengineeringwatch" thing has misunderstood a lot of things.
Again, what are these protocols you keep talking about?
I only read the OP...
By my count, I have survived 50+ predicted apocalyptic events that meant the end of the world.
simply put...
http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/antichrist.asp <-- not even close
Yeah. I'm done. Don't bother messaging and expecting a response - i've left WP permanently.
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By my count, I have survived 50+ predicted apocalyptic events that meant the end of the world.
simply put...
http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/antichrist.asp <-- not even close
Thank you! It's funny how people who hate the President so much go through such mental gymnastics in order to make him fit in with an evangelical interpretation of Revelation.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer