NOT GOOD, Connecticut shooter was diagnosed with Aspergers..

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20 Dec 2012, 4:12 am

So what ?

Did the German seargeants in nazi camps have AS too , torturing people like that isnt normal byu any stretch either , no matter what the excuse ("I was only following orders !".....bullcrap , mr Han Man !)

Some people are just evil , wheter AS or not......thats it.


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20 Dec 2012, 2:54 pm

NMCB3299 wrote:
:oops: :oops: Right now I would say keep the whole being an Aspie thing quiet from NT friends' who do not know you are an Aspie. Fortunately, from the outside we look normal and don't have a stereotypical look and features'. I would guess being a blatant Aspie and sharing it with the world would not make us popular. It would be more akin to a Arab/Muslim making a high profile scene on or shortly after 9/11/01. Remember the Muslim Cleric who wanted to build that Mosque near Ground Zero? That sure angered many people. One of my friend's said that would be a "Victory Mosque" and should not be allowed. As in our cases' we are on thin ice. Please no "Proud to Be Autistic" t-shirts' cause that could simply be asking for some trouble. As is I am hoping my lawyer does not hate me for being an Aspie and did not lose any family in that unfortunate carnage in Newtown.

Speak for yourself. I am no murderer, and I am not evil. I have some problems socializing and that is all, and anyone who believes otherwise can go f**k themselves. I am who I am and I am not afraid of what others say about me. Seriously, Kyuuchan taught me better than that.

I will stand by who I am regardless of opposition. As it is, most of my NT friends already know about my diagnosis, and far from shunning me they've actually stood up for me since this. I appreciate them and am eternally grateful for their support. I know in my heart that the only situation where I'd be capable of taking someone's life is in defense of myself or someone I care about, and only as a last resort when all other options for negotiation, intimidation, and non-lethal incapacitation have been exhausted.

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20 Dec 2012, 3:06 pm

I'll admit this might seem as having someone blacklist you however, I simply choose not to let other people see me as some threat due to a singular person whom might, and I stress the word "might" have aspergers stop me from carrying on with my life.
Honestly, I've seen no one in the psychology field step up and state 110% that the person in question actually had Aspergers, rather I've just been hearing hearsay and speculation.
That does my opinion upon this..


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20 Dec 2012, 3:40 pm

“What would happen if the autism gene was eliminated from the gene pool?

You would have a bunch of people standing around in a cave, chatting and socializing and not getting anything done.”

Professor X, I love this. Is it original or is it a quote from somewhere?


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20 Dec 2012, 5:42 pm

NMCB3299 wrote:
:oops: :oops: Right now I would say keep the whole being an Aspie thing quiet from NT friends' who do not know you are an Aspie. Fortunately, from the outside we look normal and don't have a stereotypical look and features'. I would guess being a blatant Aspie and sharing it with the world would not make us popular. It would be more akin to a Arab/Muslim making a high profile scene on or shortly after 9/11/01. Remember the Muslim Cleric who wanted to build that Mosque near Ground Zero? That sure angered many people. One of my friend's said that would be a "Victory Mosque" and should not be allowed. As in our cases' we are on thin ice. Please no "Proud to Be Autistic" t-shirts' cause that could simply be asking for some trouble. As is I am hoping my lawyer does not hate me for being an Aspie and did not lose any family in that unfortunate carnage in Newtown.

Know what? It wasn't near ground zero. It wasn't just a mosque. Hating groups rather than hating individuals has killed more people then spree killers could ever dream of. And it's the same sort of oversimplification that is letting network news get away with saying that he has Aspergers as though that where the main issue, rather than the fact that, say, his mother thought the world was about to end.

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20 Dec 2012, 9:44 pm

Simply, what I am saying is do not make a big fuss and deal about having Asperger's. I do not want to hear of Aspies' getting hurt as a result of hate crimes'. Right now a horrible tragedy involving small children has occurred in the US. In fact I think it is the worst tragedy of it's sort since the Oklahoma City Bombing. When tragedies' like these occur peoples' emotions' are up on the emotion scale by several notches'. Let the whole thing cool off first before you share this with NT friends' if they do not already know of your condition. Above all let your NT friends' know that you are in no way like the young man who committed that violent crime and do not back or support such violent people Aspie or not.


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21 Dec 2012, 12:35 am

NMCB3299 wrote:
Simply, what I am saying is do not make a big fuss and deal about having Asperger's. I do not want to hear of Aspies' getting hurt as a result of hate crimes'. Right now a horrible tragedy involving small children has occurred in the US. In fact I think it is the worst tragedy of it's sort since the Oklahoma City Bombing. When tragedies' like these occur peoples' emotions' are up on the emotion scale by several notches'. Let the whole thing cool off first before you share this with NT friends' if they do not already know of your condition. Above all let your NT friends' know that you are in no way like the young man who committed that violent crime and do not back or support such violent people Aspie or not.

And put simply, what I am saying is if you want to live your life in fear of what the world thinks of you, then put a gun to your head and pull the trigger because that's not living at all. A lot of people here in town know me, it's a small town so go figure. Those who do know me and are on good terms with me already know of my diagnosis, and have accepted me despite this. They will not let harm befall me, nor I them, because of this. My core circle knows that I care for them as if they were family, and that their safety is - and always will be - the only justification for my taking someone's life, and then only as the very last resort.

I am an Aspie, but I am not a sociopath. I am not evil or a murderer. I am like most other people in society, a twentysomething college student making his way into the world. And I am not alone. I never will be, because for every person who judges me there's a person who accepts me. I need merely to surround myself with the latter to block out the former.

Besides, if anyone tried to hurt me, I'm not the one whose at risk for going postal. One of Kyuuchan's biggest triggers is when people harm her friends, and Goddess forbid that should happen because she gets practically genocidal. If anyone tried to put their hands on me or one of her friends, you can kiss the surrounding 2-block radius good-bye, she will annihilate everything she perceives as a threat to her and the person she's protecting.

Such a sweet, lovely girl...

"Yeah, so this one time, I tried playing poker with tarot cards... got a full house, and about four people died." ~ Unknown comedian

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21 Dec 2012, 11:59 am

Nasha66 wrote:
I am seriosly considering wearing "Autistic and proud" T-shirts to school just to prove that I'm not about to hide my disability because of this news, It should stir up quite a bit of contreversy.

I was thinking of a T-shirt that says, "I have Asperger's and I'm peaceful and empathetic. My sympathies for those we lost in Sandy Hook."

Maybe that's too long, but we could come up with something together for everyone on the spectrum. Maybe we need to ban together and come out. I'm scared of it, but enough's enough. How can we speak up for ourselves?

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21 Dec 2012, 12:16 pm

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
As far as I am concerned, those pictures tell far more truth than anything published in the media about Adam Lanza yet they keep focusing on that one blurred black and white picture of him from a tech club at school which imo is the worst one.

It's just so hard to believe and kind of heartbreaking to think he went from that smiling, happy sixth grader to what looks like barely functioning with no affect, practically. Maybe he was given some kind of anti psychotic. Supposedly, he was taken out of school and with privacy laws being what they are, the information is hard to access, but maybe, he was taken out of school, committed to some psychiatric facility for a short time where he was medicated, then released and homeschooled for a while.

I heard that people in his earlier elementary class (the picture they've been showing of him, his class and a teacher) said "he only had one friend" and that "he was scary." The classmates' claims show he was troubled even in the years those smiling pictures were taken. From what I have heard his peers saying, he was "strange since [they] were 5." The real question is why wasn't anything done then. You'd have to know something was wrong if every kid your child was around said he was crazy/scary/creepy/strange and didn't wish to play with him. Of course, this could all be heresay, but it seems that so many people have described Adam Lanza using the same words, it would be hard to assume they are all lying.


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21 Dec 2012, 12:32 pm

CyborgUprising wrote:
ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
As far as I am concerned, those pictures tell far more truth than anything published in the media about Adam Lanza yet they keep focusing on that one blurred black and white picture of him from a tech club at school which imo is the worst one.

It's just so hard to believe and kind of heartbreaking to think he went from that smiling, happy sixth grader to what looks like barely functioning with no affect, practically. Maybe he was given some kind of anti psychotic. Supposedly, he was taken out of school and with privacy laws being what they are, the information is hard to access, but maybe, he was taken out of school, committed to some psychiatric facility for a short time where he was medicated, then released and homeschooled for a while.

I heard that people in his earlier elementary class (the picture they've been showing of him, his class and a teacher) said "he only had one friend" and that "he was scary." The classmates' claims show he was troubled even in the years those smiling pictures were taken. From what I have heard his peers saying, he was "strange since [they] were 5." The real question is why wasn't anything done then. You'd have to know something was wrong if every kid your child was around said he was crazy/scary/creepy/strange and didn't wish to play with him. Of course, this could all be heresay, but it seems that so many people have described Adam Lanza using the same words, it would be hard to assume they are all lying.

We don't know if something was done. I have a feeling he has been someplace for the emotionally disturbed at some point in his young life.

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21 Dec 2012, 12:42 pm

From what I have heard his peers saying, he was "strange since [they] were 5." The real question is why wasn't anything done then. You'd have to know something was wrong if every kid your child was around said he was crazy/scary/creepy/strange and didn't wish to play with him.

It's kind of strange to see that written in a forum like "Wrong Planet". I'm pretty sure that nearly all the kids that where in my class when I was 7 could have said that I was "strange", just because I wasn't involved in their games and was alone during recreations. I've read the articles where people who "knew" him say that, and frankly, since there are no details, it seems to be what NT say when they speak about someone "different" in these ways. I can't infer more from what they say, and, frankly, it could have applied to me when I had the same age, for all I know.
So, I'm a bit perplex, when I see Aspies saying "You'd have to know something was wrong if every kid your child was around said he was crazy/scary/creepy/strange and didn't wish to play with him". Strange to read that on Wrong Planet.

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21 Dec 2012, 2:01 pm

Roxas_XIII wrote:
NMCB3299 wrote:
Simply, what I am saying is do not make a big fuss and deal about having Asperger's. I do not want to hear of Aspies' getting hurt as a result of hate crimes'. Right now a horrible tragedy involving small children has occurred in the US. In fact I think it is the worst tragedy of it's sort since the Oklahoma City Bombing. When tragedies' like these occur peoples' emotions' are up on the emotion scale by several notches'. Let the whole thing cool off first before you share this with NT friends' if they do not already know of your condition. Above all let your NT friends' know that you are in no way like the young man who committed that violent crime and do not back or support such violent people Aspie or not.

And put simply, what I am saying is if you want to live your life in fear of what the world thinks of you, then put a gun to your head and pull the trigger because that's not living at all. A lot of people here in town know me, it's a small town so go figure. Those who do know me and are on good terms with me already know of my diagnosis, and have accepted me despite this. They will not let harm befall me, nor I them, because of this. My core circle knows that I care for them as if they were family, and that their safety is - and always will be - the only justification for my taking someone's life, and then only as the very last resort.

I am an Aspie, but I am not a sociopath. I am not evil or a murderer. I am like most other people in society, a twentysomething college student making his way into the world. And I am not alone. I never will be, because for every person who judges me there's a person who accepts me. I need merely to surround myself with the latter to block out the former.

Besides, if anyone tried to hurt me, I'm not the one whose at risk for going postal. One of Kyuuchan's biggest triggers is when people harm her friends, and Goddess forbid that should happen because she gets practically genocidal. If anyone tried to put their hands on me or one of her friends, you can kiss the surrounding 2-block radius good-bye, she will annihilate everything she perceives as a threat to her and the person she's protecting.

Such a sweet, lovely girl...

It is really lovely that you have a safe circle of friends' in your community that won't allow harm to come to you. My message was for all those who do not. Not everyone has that luxury. Did you ever see the movie "Boys' Don't Cry" or read the book. In it a 19 year old female who feels that she really is a man expresses and embraces a Transgendered lifestyle in a community that really does not understand her. The outcome is that she was brutally raped and beaten by two men from her peer group who really cannot and will not understand her. Both the book and movie are based on a true incident that occurred in Lincoln, Nebraska in the early '80's. I'm just calling for people without your supportive network to be careful, okay.


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21 Dec 2012, 2:01 pm

Do any of you think it's possible that for Adam L., it was a mercy killing?

I know a case where a father of a "nice family" was in so much debt he killed his wife, kids and then himself. The "experts" suggested that sometimes men want to commit suicide but don't want the family to suffer the reprecusions. I just wonder if Adam L. wanted other kids to be spared of things he suffered as a youngster. They said he wasn't bullied in high school but nothing was said about elementary school.


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21 Dec 2012, 2:19 pm

Ascagne wrote:
From what I have heard his peers saying, he was "strange since [they] were 5." The real question is why wasn't anything done then. You'd have to know something was wrong if every kid your child was around said he was crazy/scary/creepy/strange and didn't wish to play with him.

It's kind of strange to see that written in a forum like "Wrong Planet". I'm pretty sure that nearly all the kids that where in my class when I was 7 could have said that I was "strange", just because I wasn't involved in their games and was alone during recreations. I've read the articles where people who "knew" him say that, and frankly, since there are no details, it seems to be what NT say when they speak about someone "different" in these ways. I can't infer more from what they say, and, frankly, it could have applied to me when I had the same age, for all I know.
So, I'm a bit perplex, when I see Aspies saying "You'd have to know something was wrong if every kid your child was around said he was crazy/scary/creepy/strange and didn't wish to play with him". Strange to read that on Wrong Planet.

Yes, I would have thought that this was the childhood description of most people on WP.


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21 Dec 2012, 3:00 pm

Professor X, I love this. Is it original or is it a quote from somewhere?[/quote]

Dear indiana, the quote in my signature line is not of my own creation :oops: however, I chose it since it relates to my belief system regarding the entire autistic spectrum and the inhabitants as such if this makes any sense?


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21 Dec 2012, 3:07 pm

Ascagne wrote:
From what I have heard his peers saying, he was "strange since [they] were 5." The real question is why wasn't anything done then. You'd have to know something was wrong if every kid your child was around said he was crazy/scary/creepy/strange and didn't wish to play with him.

It's kind of strange to see that written in a forum like "Wrong Planet". I'm pretty sure that nearly all the kids that where in my class when I was 7 could have said that I was "strange", just because I wasn't involved in their games and was alone during recreations. I've read the articles where people who "knew" him say that, and frankly, since there are no details, it seems to be what NT say when they speak about someone "different" in these ways. I can't infer more from what they say, and, frankly, it could have applied to me when I had the same age, for all I know.
So, I'm a bit perplex, when I see Aspies saying "You'd have to know something was wrong if every kid your child was around said he was crazy/scary/creepy/strange and didn't wish to play with him". Strange to read that on Wrong Planet.

The girl who had a play date (Beth Israel or something of the like) said he was "crazy" and she never wanted to play with him again. Makes you wonder what he did to her... There's quirky (what most of us on here are) and then there's the creepy kind of strange (what everybody says about the people who commit spree killings).