The Major Factor underlying the Increase in Rampage Killings

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What is the Major Factor underlying the Increase of Rampage Killings in the last 3 Decades?
Guns. 16%  16%  [ 12 ]
A New Demographic of Males under the age of 26. 3%  3%  [ 2 ]
The loss or abscence of a Social Role in Society. 26%  26%  [ 20 ]
Violent Video Games. 4%  4%  [ 3 ]
Mental Disturbance. 21%  21%  [ 16 ]
Expiration of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban in 2004. 7%  7%  [ 5 ]
Other, Please Comment. 24%  24%  [ 18 ]
Total votes : 76


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23 Dec 2012, 2:46 pm

Raptor wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
I'm sorry, but other countries have violent video games and entertainment, and lack positive role models. And when haven't there been crazy people? The fact is, most mentally ill persons aren't the perpetrators of crime, but are the victims. The fact of the matter is, the one thing Americans have that other countries don't is the unlimited access to most guns. To deny that as the crux of the problem is to live in self-delusion.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Other countries generally have a more servile population. Even without gun control they'd have minimal crime.
I don't know what you mean by "unlimited access". The anti's love to screech about how just anyone can run into a store and buy a dangerous "assault weapon". I've actually heard that or words to that effect and, of course, I've gleefully ripped it to sheds for them.

Really, for those of you who think you'd feel safer in Europe or Japan please relocate to there. I'll help you pack.

Compared to other countries, we have virtually unlimited access to guns.
And what does servile have to do with anything? Plenty of Americans who love liberty, and are ready to push when they get shoved aren't enamored with guns, and would never try to settle a conflict with one.
As for immigrating to Europe or Japan - no thanks; I sucked at high school German, so language would be a real problem. Besides, who says people calling for gun control can't love America? I certainly do, and would not want to live anywhere else.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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23 Dec 2012, 3:00 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
Raptor wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
I'm sorry, but other countries have violent video games and entertainment, and lack positive role models. And when haven't there been crazy people? The fact is, most mentally ill persons aren't the perpetrators of crime, but are the victims. The fact of the matter is, the one thing Americans have that other countries don't is the unlimited access to most guns. To deny that as the crux of the problem is to live in self-delusion.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Other countries generally have a more servile population. Even without gun control they'd have minimal crime.
I don't know what you mean by "unlimited access". The anti's love to screech about how just anyone can run into a store and buy a dangerous "assault weapon". I've actually heard that or words to that effect and, of course, I've gleefully ripped it to sheds for them.

Really, for those of you who think you'd feel safer in Europe or Japan please relocate to there. I'll help you pack.

Kraichgauer wrote:
Compared to other countries, we have virtually unlimited access to guns.

Up until I or someone here told you I doubt you had a clue about gun procurement laws in this country.
And what does servile have to do with anything?

Less likely be be rebellious, less independent minded, more obedient to authority, etc...
Plenty of Americans who love liberty, and are ready to push when they get shoved aren't enamored with guns, and would never try to settle a conflict with one.
Yes, they love liberty but not the perils related to true liberty. Sort of liking money but not the work to get it.
As for immigrating to Europe or Japan - no thanks; I sucked at high school German, so language would be a real problem. Besides, who says people calling for gun control can't love America? I certainly do, and would not want to live anywhere else.

Try the the UK or Australia. No real language barrier and I found that when in the UK I can effortlessly emulate the local English accent and blend right in.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson


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23 Dec 2012, 3:07 pm

Raptor wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Raptor wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
I'm sorry, but other countries have violent video games and entertainment, and lack positive role models. And when haven't there been crazy people? The fact is, most mentally ill persons aren't the perpetrators of crime, but are the victims. The fact of the matter is, the one thing Americans have that other countries don't is the unlimited access to most guns. To deny that as the crux of the problem is to live in self-delusion.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Other countries generally have a more servile population. Even without gun control they'd have minimal crime.
I don't know what you mean by "unlimited access". The anti's love to screech about how just anyone can run into a store and buy a dangerous "assault weapon". I've actually heard that or words to that effect and, of course, I've gleefully ripped it to sheds for them.

Really, for those of you who think you'd feel safer in Europe or Japan please relocate to there. I'll help you pack.

Kraichgauer wrote:
Compared to other countries, we have virtually unlimited access to guns.

Up until I or someone here told you I doubt you had a clue about gun procurement laws in this country.
And what does servile have to do with anything?

Less likely be be rebellious, less independent minded, more obediaent to authority, etc...
Plenty of Americans who love liberty, and are ready to push when they get shoved aren't enamored with guns, and would never try to settle a conflict with one.
Yes, they love liberty but not the perils related to true liberty. Sort of liking money but not the work to get it.
As for immigrating to Europe or Japan - no thanks; I sucked at high school German, so language would be a real problem. Besides, who says people calling for gun control can't love America? I certainly do, and would not want to live anywhere else.

The the UK or Australia. No real language barrier and I found that when in the UK I can effortlessly pick emulate the local English accent and blend right in.

You forget to address that I love America, and would not want to give up my citizenship.
And who says non-gun owners, or even people with gun control opinions don't appreciate the perils related to liberty? Plenty of such citizens join the military. Even those who don't in fact do understand the perils that might threaten freedom. But how does owning a gun have to do with fighting for freedom? Seriously, against a professional army, private citizens with guns aren't going to stand a chance. To think otherwise is deluded.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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23 Dec 2012, 5:37 pm

The US firearms laws are really no different to most places:

can't be a criminal or mentally disturbed (adjudicated for the latter)

The main difference being a lack of regulation regarding how you store them in your home (rather, laws saying how you should)

The red-tape and paperwork of various countries have the same qualifications as those above. Heaps of European countries allow the same firearms to be procured

The main difference is that there's actually more firearms in the US, probably because there's a greater interest in shooting there.


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23 Dec 2012, 5:42 pm

Anyone who is diagnosed with schizophrenia should not be allowed to live in or have access to a place where firearms are kept; nor should firearms be allowed to be kept in a place where a person diagnosed with schizophrenia might live or have access to.

The age of 20 is about when schizophrenia seems to manifest most severely in male adults.

Guns and gasoline are best kept as far from schizophrenics and open flames as possible.

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23 Dec 2012, 5:47 pm

Technically, those with Schizophrenia usually aren't functional enough go through with the planning of a mass killing.

Also, only 5% of violent crimes are committed by people who're psychotic. Most who're psychotic tend to be fearful of others rather than lashing out at others -- compare that to those with AS who're prone to lash out due to frustration and emotional turmoil.


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23 Dec 2012, 5:58 pm

Dillogic wrote:
Technically, those with Schizophrenia usually aren't functional enough go through with the planning of a mass killing. Also, only 5% of violent crimes are committed by people who're psychotic. Most who're psychotic tend to be fearful of others rather than lashing out at others -- compare that to those with AS who're prone to lash out due to frustration and emotional turmoil.

Evidence, please?

Some data may help: people with schizophrenia -- a disorder being studied by the psychiatrist who was treating Holmes (the "Joker" killer) -- are roughly twice as likely to be violent as those who do not have the disorder, according to this 2009 review of research. People who have schizophrenia and a substance-use disorder are at even greater risk: they have a nine times higher risk of violence than people with neither disorder. The association is especially marked for homicide: those with schizophrenia are nearly 20 times as likely to kill another person as people unaffected by the disease.

When looking at the rates of violent crime overall -- homicide, for instance -- the best estimate is that 5% to 10% of murders are committed by people with mental illness. But a far larger proportion of mass homicides, including the brutal July 2011 attacks in Norway, the Tucson, Ariz., shooting that wounded Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007, involve perpetrators with mental illness. The proportion far outstrips the rates of mental illness in the population.

So it seems that while schizophrenics may commit a smaller percentage of the total murders, those murders that they do commit seem to involve more victims in a shorter period of time that the average liquor store robbery.

Keep the schizos away from firearms and vice-versa and you may see a sharp decline in the frequency of mass killings.

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23 Dec 2012, 6:16 pm

There's been more individuals with Asperger's in the high profile mass killings than those with Schizophrenia. Anders was found to have AS (not Schizophrenia), Martin Bryant and the currently talked about Adam. Giffords killer and "the Joker" are the two with Schizophrenia. But yeah, mental illness/disorders seems to be overrepresented in those who go on mass killings (nearly all of the high profile ones have some mental disorder; I've listed them before).

Source regarding functional ability and psychosis = doctor's speaking about it -- latest one was on CNN talking about such (I'm sure it's still on their website -- the causes of these things. Which was either anti-social PD and past trauma (i.e., bullying and other abuse) with some being due to psychosis)


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23 Dec 2012, 6:18 pm

This this my "other"

One of the reasons for the second amendment is for the American people to defend themselves from and if they ever got a tyranical government that was acting on behalf of big business and banking rather than the American people.

Well guess what.

So before this so called government youve got impliments the "New World Order and rounds you up into those FEMA camps, they got to persuade you to make yourselves defenseless.
And what better way of disarming you than the Spooks brainwashing mentally disturbed youths so they go on some horrendous killing spree untill the distraught Mothers demand the nullification of the second amendment.


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23 Dec 2012, 6:28 pm

Dillogic wrote:
There's been more individuals with Asperger's in the high profile mass killings than those with Schizophrenia. Anders was found to have AS (not Schizophrenia), Martin Bryant and the currently talked about Adam. Giffords killer and "the Joker" are the two with Schizophrenia. But yeah, mental illness/disorders seems to be overrepresented in those who go on mass killings (nearly all of the high profile ones have some mental disorder; I've listed them before). Source regarding functional ability and psychosis = doctor's speaking about it -- latest one was on CNN talking about such (I'm sure it's still on their website -- the causes of these things. Which was either anti-social PD and past trauma (i.e., bullying and other abuse) with some being due to psychosis)

Please provide links to cited references.

Thank you.

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23 Dec 2012, 6:45 pm

Nambo wrote:
This this my "other"

One of the reasons for the second amendment is for the American people to defend themselves from and if they ever got a tyranical government that was acting on behalf of big business and banking rather than the American people.

Well guess what.

So before this so called government youve got impliments the "New World Order and rounds you up into those FEMA camps, they got to persuade you to make yourselves defenseless.
And what better way of disarming you than the Spooks brainwashing mentally disturbed youths so they go on some horrendous killing spree untill the distraught Mothers demand the nullification of the second amendment.

Where in the constitution does it say Americans have the right to bear arms against their own government? During the Whiskey Rebellion, George Washington, who had fought against British rule, put down his fellow Americans who took up arms against the federal government.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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23 Dec 2012, 7:13 pm

I don't see why everyone assumes there is one thing that explains all this. They could have all killed for different reasons.


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23 Dec 2012, 7:22 pm

Tensu wrote:
I don't see why everyone assumes there is one thing that explains all this. They could have all killed for different reasons.

True. Although there seems to be a number of common conditions:
  • Angry (Extreme; directed outward; likely repressed)
  • Blaming others (willful lack of personal responsibility for own problems)
  • Callous and unemotional (many things happen that build up their anger to where they simply don't care anymore about others)
  • Delusion that mass violence that brings notoriety is not “evil”
  • Delusional sense of self-justification (They may feel they're correcting an injustice -- they're not the monster, the other people are the monsters)
  • Demonstrably intelligent
  • Depression (Severe)
  • Emotional detachment
  • Expressed threats that may be subtle or direct
  • Failed joiners, not “Loners” (try to join, but don’t quite “fit in”)
  • Fixated on insignificance/rejection
  • Expressed interest in violence to harm or kill (writing poems or essays on homicidal themes)
  • Impersonal vengeance (against “The System”, not necessarily specific individuals)
  • Months-long planning and preparation (Plan for attack; Accumulation of weapons, ammo, and armor; Extensive mapping; Prioritization of targets; Maximum damage with minimum effort)
  • No “Get-Away” plan (This is their final act, not a prelude)
  • Own or have easy access to firearms, explosives, or other items that can be used as weapons
  • Psychosis, especially schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder
  • Recent personal loss (breakup/divorce, firing/layoff, rebuke/humiliation, rejection)
This list is not exhaustive, nor do all of these features apply to every mass killer, but they do seem to be common features of mass killers.

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23 Dec 2012, 8:01 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
Raptor wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
I'm sorry, but other countries have violent video games and entertainment, and lack positive role models. And when haven't there been crazy people? The fact is, most mentally ill persons aren't the perpetrators of crime, but are the victims. The fact of the matter is, the one thing Americans have that other countries don't is the unlimited access to most guns. To deny that as the crux of the problem is to live in self-delusion.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Other countries generally have a more servile population. Even without gun control they'd have minimal crime.
I don't know what you mean by "unlimited access". The anti's love to screech about how just anyone can run into a store and buy a dangerous "assault weapon". I've actually heard that or words to that effect and, of course, I've gleefully ripped it to sheds for them.

Really, for those of you who think you'd feel safer in Europe or Japan please relocate to there. I'll help you pack.

Kraichgauer wrote:
Compared to other countries, we have virtually unlimited access to guns.

Up until I or someone here told you I doubt you had a clue about gun procurement laws in this country.
And what does servile have to do with anything?

Less likely be be rebellious, less independent minded, more obediaent to authority, etc...
Plenty of Americans who love liberty, and are ready to push when they get shoved aren't enamored with guns, and would never try to settle a conflict with one.
Yes, they love liberty but not the perils related to true liberty. Sort of liking money but not the work to get it.
As for immigrating to Europe or Japan - no thanks; I sucked at high school German, so language would be a real problem. Besides, who says people calling for gun control can't love America? I certainly do, and would not want to live anywhere else.

The the UK or Australia. No real language barrier and I found that when in the UK I can effortlessly pick emulate the local English accent and blend right in.

Kraichgauer wrote:
You forget to address that I love America, and would not want to give up my citizenship.

Love it in spirit or in name only?
Kraichgauer wrote:
And who says non-gun owners, or even people with gun control opinions don't appreciate the perils related to liberty?.

The right to bear arms is clearly a liberty. Me personally I think it is a personal choice and so do most others. If you don't want one then don't get one. Leave those that do want one or have them to thier own choices.
Kraichgauer wrote:
Plenty of such citizens join the military. Even those who don't in fact do understand the perils that might threaten freedom.

More like they do it soley because it's emplyoment, training, and college money. The few liberals I knew in the military had no grasp of what they were actually there for and anyyone who did they called "ate up".
Kraichgauer wrote:
But how does owning a gun have to do with fighting for freedom? Seriously, against a professional army, private citizens with guns aren't going to stand a chance. To think otherwise is deluded.

Study up on guerilla warfare a little willl ya...
And it's not just about fighting goverment but any invading army as well.
And there's more to freedom then fighting armies. Being able to defend oneself, family, and home against whatever threat might come along fits the same thing.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson


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23 Dec 2012, 8:25 pm

Raptor wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Raptor wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
I'm sorry, but other countries have violent video games and entertainment, and lack positive role models. And when haven't there been crazy people? The fact is, most mentally ill persons aren't the perpetrators of crime, but are the victims. The fact of the matter is, the one thing Americans have that other countries don't is the unlimited access to most guns. To deny that as the crux of the problem is to live in self-delusion.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Other countries generally have a more servile population. Even without gun control they'd have minimal crime.
I don't know what you mean by "unlimited access". The anti's love to screech about how just anyone can run into a store and buy a dangerous "assault weapon". I've actually heard that or words to that effect and, of course, I've gleefully ripped it to sheds for them.

Really, for those of you who think you'd feel safer in Europe or Japan please relocate to there. I'll help you pack.

Kraichgauer wrote:
Compared to other countries, we have virtually unlimited access to guns.

Up until I or someone here told you I doubt you had a clue about gun procurement laws in this country.
And what does servile have to do with anything?

Less likely be be rebellious, less independent minded, more obediaent to authority, etc...
Plenty of Americans who love liberty, and are ready to push when they get shoved aren't enamored with guns, and would never try to settle a conflict with one.
Yes, they love liberty but not the perils related to true liberty. Sort of liking money but not the work to get it.
As for immigrating to Europe or Japan - no thanks; I sucked at high school German, so language would be a real problem. Besides, who says people calling for gun control can't love America? I certainly do, and would not want to live anywhere else.

The the UK or Australia. No real language barrier and I found that when in the UK I can effortlessly pick emulate the local English accent and blend right in.

Kraichgauer wrote:
You forget to address that I love America, and would not want to give up my citizenship.

Love it in spirit or in name only?
Kraichgauer wrote:
And who says non-gun owners, or even people with gun control opinions don't appreciate the perils related to liberty?.

The right to bear arms is clearly a liberty. Me personally I think it is a personal choice and so do most others. If you don't want one then don't get one. Leave those that do want one or have them to thier own choices.
Kraichgauer wrote:
Plenty of such citizens join the military. Even those who don't in fact do understand the perils that might threaten freedom.

More like they do it soley because it's emplyoment, training, and college money. The few liberals I knew in the military had no grasp of what they were actually there for and anyyone who did they called "ate up".
Kraichgauer wrote:
But how does owning a gun have to do with fighting for freedom? Seriously, against a professional army, private citizens with guns aren't going to stand a chance. To think otherwise is deluded.

Study up on guerilla warfare a little willl ya...
And it's not just about fighting goverment but any invading army as well.
And there's more to freedom then fighting armies. Being able to defend oneself, family, and home against whatever threat might come along fits the same thing.

Yes, I do in fact love America in spirit and name.
And while guerrilla warfare is a way for ordinary citizens with guns to fight invaders, the fact remains, it's professional armies that win battles. In the Revolutionary War, a common myth was that local militias had defeated the British. In fact, it was the Continental army under George Washington's command, and training of the well oiled, professional Prussian army under Von Steuben, that had led America to victory. The militias in fact were of dubious military worth at best (despite a few victories), and often switched from one side to another. And during the Civil War, guerrilla forces soiled the uniforms of the regular troops on both sides, with their atrocious behavior.
And while you had met some liberals in the military who only saw service as a job, I doubt that was representative of all liberals in the military.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

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23 Dec 2012, 8:37 pm

Other countries generally have a more servile population.

If you speak about the European ones, I'd like to know the reasons of such a judgement. :roll: What a choice of term...
"Less independent-minded" ? 8O