glebel wrote:
In this day and age, it is utterly ridiculous for a small, impoverished place like Scotland to strike for independence. They would end up going down the toilet like Greece.
I'm not in favour of independence,but Scotland isn't actually impoverished.Whisky for example accounts for a quarter of the UK's entire food and drink exports.The main points against are
a) the SNP's insistence on using the pound sterling still controlled by the Bank of England.
b) a reluctance among the majority of Scots to break up the UK,which many still feel an affinity with.
The drop in oil values doesn't help,but Norway has always survived ok on its oil.
As it stands,Scotland is more or less independent already in many ways - it's own parliament (which England doesn't),
own laws,education system,international sports teams etc.
I'm always bemused when people from the 'land of the free' are disparaging about other countries' aspirations.
I have lost the will to be apathetic