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11 Jun 2017, 2:55 pm

envirozentinel wrote:
Wouldn't it be more pragmatic and sensible for Madame TM to seek an alliance / coalition with the Lib Dems?

The Lib Dems have been in coalition before and would surely be more acceptable to the general UK public as a partner? They could keep TM on her toes.

(I speak as a non-Brit with one of my interests being elections and politics, while avoiding the dirty and controversial side of it...)

That is just about the last coalition that would ever happen (aside from Sinn Fein and anyone)

The Lib Dems got themselves into a strong position in 2010 and, surpringly, entered coalition with the Tories where they endured 5 years of being blamed for every negative thing that happened, we're the fall guy for half a decade of Tory failures and were widely (incorrectly imo) accused of going back on one of their core policies. That coalition absolutely decimated the Lib Dems from the 3rd major part to a tiny also ran, it will take a very very long time for them to come back from that. Such is the feeling from their core vote over what happens before that they had to announce at the start of the election campaign that they would not go into coalition with anyone.


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11 Jun 2017, 6:24 pm

The thing that most disgusts me about May is that she triggered Article 50 and then said she wanted an election. If she had any intention of calling an election, she should not have invoked Article 50 until after the election instead of using it to hard-sell her government. Completely unforgivable.


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11 Jun 2017, 7:18 pm

I think it's pretty hard to have confidence in a leader that makes such a tremendous and totally avoidable mistake. She called the election to 'get a stronger hand' in Brexit negotiations and they lost the majority, if she can't win now how can you have confidence in the future?


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12 Jun 2017, 4:28 am

[/quote]That is just about the last coalition that would ever happen (aside from Sinn Fein and anyone)

The Lib Dems got themselves into a strong position in 2010 and, surprisingly, entered coalition with the Tories where they endured 5 years of being blamed for every negative thing that happened, we're the fall guy for half a decade of Tory failures and were widely (incorrectly imo) accused of going back on one of their core policies. That coalition absolutely decimated the Lib Dems from the 3rd major part to a tiny also ran, it will take a very very long time for them to come back from that. Such is the feeling from their core vote over what happens before that they had to announce at the start of the election campaign that they would not go into coalition with anyone.[/quote]

An excellent summation.

The only thing I would add is that the voter age has significantly dropped with the engagement of so many young people (who are sick of austerity) and who believe in the vision of Mr Corbyn. The ex leader of the Lib Dems, clegg, pledged to oppose University fees during the previous general election campaign and garnered a lot of support as a result. However, the first thing they did when they formed the coalition with cameron and the tories was to support the imposition of fees of up to £9000 per year. This either blocked many who simply couldn't afford to go to university or it has led to a generation entering the job market with huge debt and little opportunity to gain employment paying enough to clear their debts.

clegg lost his seat to Labour last week and the Lib Dems are now a spent force. It is sad in some ways, they were, on the whole, a reasonable party with some good ideas, but they sold their soul for the chance of power and in so doing alienated the vast majority of their traditional support base. The young people never forgave him for tuition fees and nor should they have done.


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13 Jun 2017, 12:55 pm

I actually hold a different view on the Libs coalition years, though will acknowledge I am in a minority in my viewpoint.

I never saw what the fuss was with Libs not being able to get their way on tuition fees. They were a minor party in a coalition, you only get to have your smaller policies in place. I hated the idea of abolishing them but they had little choice in it, refuse the coalition and the Cons form a minority govt and abolish tuition fees anyway. In coalition the Libs actually did an awful lot of good and kept the nastier side of the Cons in check.

Big fan of Clegg, but democracy kicked him in the nuts last week.


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13 Jun 2017, 1:00 pm

Gives Clegg the opportunity to get a real job for the first time in his life, then.

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13 Jun 2017, 3:24 pm

I Don’t think we will leave the european union fully now.


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13 Jun 2017, 3:48 pm

Jacoby wrote:
I think it's pretty hard to have confidence in a leader that makes such a tremendous and totally avoidable mistake. She called the election to 'get a stronger hand' in Brexit negotiations and they lost the majority, if she can't win now how can you have confidence in the future?

If you're referring to the Leavers and not remain twits calling us rascist spiteful things through a system of muticultural- disorganised spun up chaos, its simple maths really. She is backing the referendum vote to leave the European Union, and destroy Brussels in the making, whilst keeping stats like immigration down to the tens of thousands, you know we all thought D.Trump couldn't do it, but guess what? his veto is having a remedy effect on your nation.

Its unfair to say the least, that some idiots are assuming we would vote for the Torries, - I never voted for them or anyone, I assumed in would be fairer in societies interests if workers and students took to the polls; if she had called another, I would definitely have voted to back her.
There are some true left wing bigots and right wing hypocrites here.

She is not a hypocrite, but a true saviour to her people, The United Kingdom. She is under enormous pressure to defeat and remove the terrorists who are stampeding on our turf and yet some people still have the gall to ask why is this still happening? because the E.U had said it was ok to preserve any foreigner within the european courts of justice.
The vote could have been stronger but naievty from the young clearly forced her hand and gain the backing of the DUP, the only party with the right amount of seats.
Corbyn is a farce, with no clear outline of negotiation, no clear manifesto, and no political education, let alone 'serve' a great nation such as ours.



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13 Jun 2017, 4:33 pm

Davvo7 wrote:
Empathy wrote:
If I was in power, I certainly wouldn't step down becaue of a few leftie rebels trying to cause me harm.

Hysterical post! Straight from the front pages of the Daly Heil or the express!

The irony of using a user name like Empathy and then support a Government that has killed over 4000 disabled people by forcing them back into work and ignoring medical advice to say they were fit to work, when their deaths (many within 6 weeks of the decision) prove otherwise.

I've never understood how anybody can support a party who will openly take money from the poorest and most vulnerable to hand to millionaires. Delusional xenophobic bigots.

I've never supported the party with a vote.
Well, I recieve ESA income related, and I'm not dead yet. Nobody is forcing me into anything, as for one thing the government hasn't stated that there aren't any programmes to suit the individual , like bringing in Prospects from London, and using an agnecy to employ disable staff, but no go. Gordon Brown set up the benefit so its been ignored.

Mental health is a crude joke to everyone in this country, because no one, not even yourself acknowledges it. You've indirectly cast an offence at me, yet you do not know anything about me.
This is the correct assumption and incorrect brainwashing of a mainiacal hard left campaigner of muslim and gay rights.
The findings are inconclusive though, and lacks any official mandate from any law enforcement angency.

The true system failure of a home office and public commisioner who can't spell the difference between a defender of human rights and an islamist serial killer.


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14 Jun 2017, 12:12 pm

You support Tommy Robinson? A defender of human rights?????? WTF????????

He is a white supremacist turd; he is part of the English version of the KKK and a convicted fraudster. The only 'rights' he defends is that of white extremists like the english defence League terrorist thomas mair who murdered the amazing Member of Parliament Jo Cox. Marching with union jacks and spouting ignorance about Islam as if every single Muslim is a terrorist, whilst hiding behind the police to protect them from the real patriots who protest their hate speech and understand this country was built on immigration and is all the better for it.

You are so out of touch with the mood of the country and it delights me that this is the case; your political ideals sow hatred and division whereas the youth (60% in Favour of Mr Corbyn) and the 35-45's (50% Mr Corbyn and 30% tory) have voted for a better future. One without UKIP or Right wing terrorism and the focus on peaceful resolutions to situations where the right have always responded with missiles and bombs further exacerbating the situation and fermenting hatred.

You are clearly a UKIPPER (zero MP's) or BNP (same difference but with more members in prison for inciting racial hatred) voter and as such your political views are beneath contempt to me. To dismiss the deaths of 4000 disabled people by saying "Well I'm OK!" is breathtakingly crass and ignorant, but I'm sure you won't change and will keep spouting the same rancid xenophobic hate speech today, tomorrow, and forever.

Empathy? Have you even looked up the meaning of the word? SMH.

Moomintroll sighed. He felt sad even though he had no real reason to feel that way.


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14 Jun 2017, 2:20 pm

Robinson is a genuinely nasty man. A former BNP member with a history of violence and convictions, including a vicious assault on a police officer.

He has found an audience of naive, gullible, frightend young men who always offer that so very comically clichéd 'says it like it is/says things others are scared to say' as some sort of compliment to him.

Can't even imagine what an absolute dunce someone would have to be to use him as their political and moral guide.


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15 Jun 2017, 4:34 pm

Davvo7 wrote:
Empathy wrote:
If I was in power, I certainly wouldn't step down becaue of a few leftie rebels trying to cause me harm.

She is trying to keep her weak and unstable grubby little hands on power by aligning with a terrorist organisation that is homophobic, fascist and with that terrifying and disgusting fundamental christian dogma. The christian version of Sharia. Strong and stable my arse!

The only hope for the tens of millions of working class, working poor, disenfranchised and outcasts, like the majority of the autistic 'community' (85% unemployment rate, benefits cut, NHS care stripped away to feather the nest of tax dodging millionaires like that turd Branson) is Mr Corbyn.

Politics has changed for the better due to his influence and the Labour Party with 800,000 members is the largest political party in Europe - "few leftie rebels" :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Corbyn is from a failed minority government whereby all his had deserted him. Thank God, some real people don't believe any of your sickening tasteless views about which way society wishes to take a punt, god knows what state the country would be in if a half-delusionist thinker like him ever gets into power. It will surely be the icing on the cake for all British Citizens. 8O 8O :roll:

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16 Jun 2017, 3:46 am

Empathy wrote:
Corbyn is from a failed minority government whereby all his had deserted him. Thank God, some real people don't believe any of your sickening tasteless views about which way society wishes to take a punt, god knows what state the country would be in if a half-delusionist thinker like him ever gets into power. It will surely be the icing on the cake for all British Citizens. 8O 8O :roll:

Your post doesn't make much sense. Corbyn isn't and hasn't been in a minority government. The Labour MPs are now supporting him after he has proved he can increase the Labour vote, narrowing a 20 point poll deficit in just 6 weeks.

I think the country would be a lot better off and more equal with a Labour government in power.


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16 Jun 2017, 4:40 am

Empathy wrote:
Corbyn is from a failed minority government whereby all his had deserted him. Thank God, some real people don't believe any of your sickening tasteless views about which way society wishes to take a punt, god knows what state the country would be in if a half-delusionist thinker like him ever gets into power. It will surely be the icing on the cake for all British Citizens. 8O 8O :roll:

If my "sickening tasteless views about society" means that you object to the opinion that everybody has an opportunity and the human right to be a full citizen and participate in society as an equal regardless of disability, gender, sexuality colour, religion or wealth then you inhabit a very dark place.

I sense that English isn't your first language and if that is the case, then some of your posts make more sense; if not, then I'm sorry but you don't know what you are talking about. People are entitled to 'informed' opinions, not simply to repeat hate-speech on a public forum. You do realise that the fascists you hail as a hero would happily see you and me (as disabled people) euthenised as not being a contributor to society, 'arbeit-shei' a drain and cut all support for us as a community? How many disabled nazi's do you know? It kind of goes against the grain. If you are from another country, then... I'm not sure how to put this... you are part of what they see as the problem! If you are a foreigner, then they want you out of the country - they might be focused on "the muslims" (as if they are one homogenous group of people rather than a diverse group of people from different nations sharing a religion with all different takes on their book; rather like christians) currently, but don't think Polish, Romanian, Russian, eastern Europeans won't be next. That is how they work. If this scares or disgusts you, then it should, history has proven illuminating on your views.

I don't think you realise that "icing on the cake" is a good thing, so actually I really do think a party in power that supports the rights of ALL people and have been supporters of disability rights throughout their history would be the tastiest icing on the best cake possible.

I'm not going to engage with you further; something feels wrong and I don't engage with fascists.

Moomintroll sighed. He felt sad even though he had no real reason to feel that way.


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16 Jun 2017, 7:18 pm

HauntedKnight wrote:
I think the country would be a lot better off and more equal with a Labour government in power.;

The country would not be better off with a man in charge like Corbyn for reasons I think I stated in my earlier threads. He has brainwashed all confused and piteous single students and owners with land out of their homes with a huge levy, where is the money going to come from? trees or rightful owners?
You can't taper back an unfair political class failure in a system that is stern about the money thats being spent.

The power of investment is in the way it is handled publicly and rightfully with the backing of all party political interests and people who should get their act together and wake up to the fact that Britain is Changing, some may call it reverting, but in truth that is just a catchment term. We are all united here as one, I stated too I get my handout of benefits, and there's never been any proper places to start the prospect of job training even on work trial for a considerate and council aware funded programme. I'm sewn to my wits end, the money helps to just get out and do the normal things you have to do, but then you get no help.
Dumb telephone advisors who call up at least every six months, for older claimants and punish peoples lives with defeatist non-helpful talk. And that is what it is, what society is calling it, defeat for humankind and Great Britain at large.


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26 Jul 2017, 4:20 pm

Someone mentioned fascists, well.. the real ones are here ... udent-debt

And Alan Sugar called Jeremy Corbyn a “cheat” and said he should resign for having “lied”.

Presenter Andrew Marr put it to him: “If you are a young voter and you heard those words: ‘I will deal with it’, you might have thought Jeremy Corbyn is going to relieve me of my debt.”
Corbyn was forced to defend his position, saying: “We never said we would completely abolish it.”
For some, this constituted a U-turn.
The Mail said: “Labour has backtracked on its promise to write off £100 billion of student debt.

Some extra brownie points for the beaming marxists who stepped down after falling behind in the June polls.


(Farron, after a right frowning resignation, with a previous cap at nine grand).

Corbyn had previously said:

“Labour will lift this cloud of debt and make education free for all as part of our plan for a richer Britain for the many not the few.
“We will scrap tuition fees and ensure universities have the resources they need to continue to provide a world-class education. Students will benefit from having more money in their pockets, and we will all benefit from the engineers, doctors, teachers and scientists that our universities produce.”
The Institute for Fiscal Studies has said the current cohort of students will graduate with an average debt of more than £50,000. Mr Corbyn said before the election that Labour would fund higher education through an increase in corporation tax and national insurance, which he said would cost around £8 billion a year.


Maybe someone should have told the remain voters what they were voting for, as they clearly were made to feel ill- aware of the facts, which were all too naive and unassuming.