Mattiesse wrote:
Elon’s thoughts are so fast in his head he can hardly talk to match them! He has invented the electric car with Nikola Tesla’s invention of electrical current coming round instead of straight ahead. Now he is sending a spaceship to do a trip around the moon and back! GO ELON MUSK!! ! Next his biggest project yet! 2022 we are going to MARS!! !
As others pointed out, he did not invent the things you credit to him. I also do not believe he is on the spectrum. He does, however, have children on the spectrum.
Most of the things Musk and his companies produce or attemp to produce are not new concepts. The theory and base technology existed for NASA to design and build a rocket capable of landing on a barge in the ocean in the 60s. It just wasn't necessary or beneficial. There was a revival of the electric car idea in the 90s. There were a few models and my state installed charging stations at various locations for them. They did not catch on for the same reasons Tesla is encountering. A lot of people don't have a way to charge them at home and they take hours to charge, compared to a few minutes to fill up a tank.
Musk tries to bring mainstream technology and ideas that have been tossed aside due to circumstances of economics. What is special about him is that he has managed to raise enough funding for these projects, but while he certainly works hard, the foundation of his success at raising funding has been the luck of an environment and circumstances that have tilted the odds in his favor.
In effect, he has said he will bake and distribute grape pies world wide. He managed to get the funding to do this, but now he is finding that there is not enough demand for grape pies. The factory was not designed in accordance with a time tested model and is having issues that effect projected output. There are problems getting these pies fresh to remote locations.
He currently wants to tunnel under Los Angeles. This is not impossible. It's just dangerous and expensive. Tunneling under Los Angeles to build subway lines was halted by voters in the 90s because Los Angeles contains many fault lines which require extensive surveying and it also contains methane pockets which were resulting in explosions and above ground road closures which were exacerbating traffic issues. As with most projects, it was over budget and behind on schedule.
It would not be an amazing thing to tunnel under Los Angeles, just an expensive thing.
It's not an amazing thing to build and cell electric cars. Just an economically limited thing.
It's not an amazing thing to build a rocket that can land on a barge. Just something that wasn't previously necessary.
It's not an amazing thing to go to Mars. We have sent things to Mars before. We can send people. It just takes money.