Indigenous Peoples' March Washington, DC
Or to put it another way, PROVE IT, not by over-inflated media coverage, but by actual, peer-reviewed scientific studies from accredited institutions, that all people who support MAGA or wear MAGA are racist.
Peer reviewed scientific studies from accredited institutions?
It would be nice if half of what comes out of Trump's fetid face flaps were held to the same standard.
It would also be nice if his brain damaged supporters would voluntarily walk themselves into a pit of lava.
Again, Red Herring, Hasty Generalization, Bandwagon Fallacy, Ad Hominem Fallacy. But, please, continue.
You are right. It's why I'm not actually arguing against their points, but instead poking holes in the faulty foundations of their statements just to watch them crumble.
Wouldn't that make you just as bad for perpetuating BS and falsehoods, like you are doing in this thread? Where is your moral high ground, because you seem to be standing in the same swamp you claim Trump is.

Touche. Though certainly not to the extent I have seen you, yourself do in this thread, and the others that are supporting your side of this argument. After all, when one side constantly sticks to fallacious arguments, is it not easier to meet them in kind? In fact, your pointing that out is a Red Herring, as this discussion has derailed from its original topic.
In fact, some of the things Trump has said, which were reviled, when said by another politician, were held up as good, by the same group. I can look up the exact group if you want me to.
Last edited by AspiePony on 05 Feb 2019, 12:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Such a rigorous scientific thinker! You're welcome to use that skill when you deny the science of anthropogenic global warming. Your appeals to some gentlemanly code of debate conduct are transparently disingenuous, and I don't intend to indulge them.
What is the substance of my argument? Trump ran on an ultimately ineffective and expensive monument to bigotry, the wall. He sided with white supremacists protesting the removal of Jim Crow era monuments to the confederacy. He was a birther, a racist conspiracy theory. He questioned a judge's impartiality because the judge was Hispanic. He's been sued twice for refusing to rent to black people, and he shared anti-Semitic memes on twitter.
Actually, no. I simply realized that this thread wasn't started with the intent of actual discussion, but with the desire for an ego boost by being 'right' and rejecting all other ideas and facts as invalid. Thus, I responded by not taking it seriously.
Additionally, Appeal to Hypocrisy is actually not applicable in my instance, because I am acknowledging what I am doing, as I am doing it. And the claims were not spurious at all, but factual.
Also, you, yourself are using Appeal to Hypocrisy and Red Herring by pointing that out. If you want to have a serious discussion about the original topic, citing facts, then by all means, let's. But I have only seen one side doing so. Until such a time as I see more than one side citing solid evidence, I will not take this discussion seriously.
@AspE Again, Red Herring(off topic), Straw Man(You don't know my views on global warming, yet are asking me to defend a position I have no desire to), Red Herring again, Straw Man again(assuming I agree with everything Trump does and says), and Appeal to Ignorance(assuming that Confederate monuments are monuments to slavery, instead of considering other possibilities, such as them serving as centralized grave markers for the tremendous amount of deaths on both sides of the war, because those who erected those monuments did not leave explicit writings detailing why they were put up. Additionally, most of those monuments were made by the same company that made the Union monuments.)
I will also add that there are many African-American historians that also protested. Are you saying that they, too are racist?
Usually the topic gets exhausted by the time a thread reaches 30 plus pages. Besides how much more of one side over-exaggerating and the other side telling them how ridiculous they're being does there need to be?

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Trump was not directly involved in the incident he is only indirectly involved because one of the parties are his supporters. Of course afterward as usual he butted in where he does not belong.
At the beginning of this thread I said all involved were at fault. I still believe that. At the time I said I would not make a determination as to who was most at fault. I have changed my mind. This is about the incident itself not the aftermath.
Most at fault The Black Hebrew Israelites
A close second Covington Catholic High School(including chaparones)
Third most at fault Nathan Phillips
The students are not blameless but the vast majority of fault lies elsewhere.
Subject to change if new facts come in.
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
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“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman
AspiePony, you started with a straw man, The notion that all Trump supporters are racist. The actual argument was that Trump is a racist, and that his campaign slogan is intended to be a signal that America was great when white people had all the advantages. The bigotry from those who wear this symbol supports the idea that white victimhood is a popular notion among Trumpists. Apart from the Catholic school kids, the MAGA hat is ubiquitous among Proud Boys, who are aligned with various neo-Nazi and racist organizations.
In the video I posted NBC said Nick Sandmann bought his hat that day from a street vendor , I don't know the answer to your other questions.
Trump is pro life so I can see why they would think it appropriate to wear the hats on a pro life march.
R Tape loading error, 0:1
Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury. Raise the double standard
In the video I posted NBC said Nick Sandmann bought his hat that day from a street vendor , I don't know the answer to your other questions.
Trump is pro life so I can see why they would think it appropriate to wear the hats on a pro life march.
Thanks! I finally caved in yesterday and watched the videos. I missed that. Then again I turned the sound off for some. It’s interesting watching things like this, and SEEING what’s happening.
I wonder why he bought that hat. To support Trumps pro-life stance, because he was cold, because he likes red....?
Do you know how old the boys are, on average? I suspect it’s mentioned somewhere in this thread, but I don’t remember. Also, why were the school boys in the march. I know here in Canada Catholic school kids are bused into Ottawa for rhe March for Life. Its part of the school program, regardless of the students personal beliefs. Also they generally get some time at the big shopping centre downtown ... 0297539914 ... pro-prison
Yeah, it seems he's only pro-life since deciding to run for president as the Republican candidate. I'm sure that's just coincidental with his internal journey to becoming anti-abortion, though.

In the video I posted NBC said Nick Sandmann bought his hat that day from a street vendor , I don't know the answer to your other questions.
Trump is pro life so I can see why they would think it appropriate to wear the hats on a pro life march.
Thanks! I finally caved in yesterday and watched the videos. I missed that. Then again I turned the sound off for some. It’s interesting watching things like this, and SEEING what’s happening.
I wonder why he bought that hat. To support Trumps pro-life stance, because he was cold, because he likes red....?
Do you know how old the boys are, on average? I suspect it’s mentioned somewhere in this thread, but I don’t remember. Also, why were the school boys in the march. I know here in Canada Catholic school kids are bused into Ottawa for rhe March for Life. Its part of the school program, regardless of the students personal beliefs. Also they generally get some time at the big shopping centre downtown

maybe he bought it as a souvenir of the nations capital - who knows.
I think Sandmann is 17.
don't have any other answers
R Tape loading error, 0:1
Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury. Raise the double standard ... 0297539914 ... pro-prison
Yeah, it seems he's only pro-life since deciding to run for president as the Republican candidate. I'm sure that's just coincidental with his internal journey to becoming anti-abortion, though.

I'm sure he'd be well up for it if Stormy Daniels got pregnant with his kid

R Tape loading error, 0:1
Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury. Raise the double standard
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