Emergence of a Deadly Coronavirus
A gene-editing tool that can identify COVID-19 up to eight times faster than current tests has been praised by an ANU geneticist who says that early t...
Australian scientists have uncovered genetic mutations in coronavirus clusters, allowing contact tracers around the country to identify everyone likel...
There are several old fashion cures for the common cold and some of these have been used to combat the coronavirus. One of these is called the Hot Toddy. A hot toddy, also known as hot whiskey in Ireland, is typically a mixed drink made of liquor and water with honey (or, in some recipes, sugar), herbs (such as tea) and spices, and served hot. Hot toddy recipes vary and are traditionally drunk before retiring for the night, in wet or cold weather or to relieve the symptoms of the cold and flu. A hot toddy is a mixture of a spirit (usually whisky), hot water, and honey (or, in some recipes, sugar). In Canada, maple syrup may be used. Additional ingredients such as cloves, a lemon slice or cinnamon (in stick or ground form) are often also added. The word toddy comes from the toddy drink in India, produced by fermenting the sap of palm trees. Its earliest known use to mean "a beverage made of alcoholic liquor with hot water, sugar, and spices" is from 1786. However, a few other sources credit Robert Bentley Todd for his prescription of a hot drink of brandy, canella (white cinnamon), sugar syrup, and water. January 11 in the U.S. is known as national Hot Toddy day.
During the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-1919, whiskey was used as one of the old fashion cures for the virus. According to one 106 year old New York man who survived the Spanish Flu pandemic, Ed Palkot, his mother use to say “Those who drank whiskey escaped the flu, those who did not, succumbed.” Source: Reporter's notebook: How my dad, 106, survived the 'other' pandemic - the Spanish flu
So in the spirit of the Spanish Flu pandemic, my wife and I have incorporated the Hot Toddy tradition into our daily lives. Whenever we return home after we journey out into the world outside, it is part of our routine [put clothes in washer, take bath, Hot Toddy, essential oil blend on wrist.]
So why am I mentioning this today. Well guess who is trying to restrict our ability to follow this age old custom. Who? You guessed it WHO, the world health organization. The World Health Organization is asking European government officials to restrict citizens’ access to alcohol during the coronavirus pandemic. Source: WHO suggests access to alcohol 'should be restricted' in Europe during coronavirus lockdown
They have been wrong on so many things concerning this pandemic, they might as well add this to the list. So if you live in one of the European countries, it might be time to buy a few bottles of whiskey, just in case.
[Day 33 of Quarantine. I need to buy a shirt that says "I Escaped Quarantine". If I wore such a shirt I wouldn't have to worry about social distancing. People would automatically avoid me like the plague. At age 71, I fit in the category of 28.3 percent of the coronavirus deaths in my state occur in 70-79 age bracket.]
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Last edited by jimmy m on 18 Apr 2020, 7:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
During the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-1919, whiskey was used as one of the old fashion cures for the virus. According to one 106 year old New York man who survived the Spanish Flu pandemic, Ed Palkot, his mother use to say “Those who drank whiskey escaped the flu, those who did not, succumbed.” Source: Reporter's notebook: How my dad, 106, survived the 'other' pandemic - the Spanish flu
So in the spirit of the Spanish Flu pandemic, my wife and I have incorporated the Hot Toddy tradition into our daily lives. Whenever we return home after we journey out into the world outside, it is part of our routine [put clothes in washer, take bath, Hot Toddy, essential oil blend on wrist.]
So why am I mentioning this today. Well guess who is trying to restrict our ability to follow this age old custom. Who? You guessed it WHO, the world health organization. The World Health Organization is asking European government officials to restrict citizens’ access to alcohol during the coronavirus pandemic. Source: WHO suggests access to alcohol 'should be restricted' in Europe during coronavirus lockdown
They have been wrong on so many things concerning this pandemic, they might as well add this to the list. So if you live in one of the European countries, it might be time to buy a few bottles of whiskey, just in case.
This made me laugh, there would be nationwide non consent if the government tried that here... >adds more Tullamore Dew to online grocery order. I was caught snoozing on the masks and gloves situation, not happening with the alcohol.
Also some lemon juice with honey is nice in the 'hot ones'.
An ASD inclusive peer-orientated space for social interaction and support, where the Autism Spectrum is the norm, all are welcome.
During the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-1919, whiskey was used as one of the old fashion cures for the virus. According to one 106 year old New York man who survived the Spanish Flu pandemic, Ed Palkot, his mother use to say “Those who drank whiskey escaped the flu, those who did not, succumbed.” Source: Reporter's notebook: How my dad, 106, survived the 'other' pandemic - the Spanish flu
So in the spirit of the Spanish Flu pandemic, my wife and I have incorporated the Hot Toddy tradition into our daily lives. Whenever we return home after we journey out into the world outside, it is part of our routine [put clothes in washer, take bath, Hot Toddy, essential oil blend on wrist.]
So why am I mentioning this today. Well guess who is trying to restrict our ability to follow this age old custom. Who? You guessed it WHO, the world health organization. The World Health Organization is asking European government officials to restrict citizens’ access to alcohol during the coronavirus pandemic. Source: WHO suggests access to alcohol 'should be restricted' in Europe during coronavirus lockdown
They have been wrong on so many things concerning this pandemic, they might as well add this to the list. So if you live in one of the European countries, it might be time to buy a few bottles of whiskey, just in case.
This made me laugh, there would be nationwide non consent if the government tried that here... >adds more Tullamore Dew to online grocery order. I was caught snoozing on the masks and gloves situation, not happening with the alcohol.
Also some lemon juice with honey is nice in the 'hot ones'.
It's funny but even in Islam you're allowed to have it if you need it because of sickness, and I'd ready about alcohol like brandy, being used for sickness in many of the classic novels which I was fond of reading, so as a young'un I used to ask for it every time I got a mild cold, hoping I'd get an idea of what being drunk is like. Of course my parents saw right through me. They said, you have to be so sick you won't enjoy it

Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill
In world chat of the online game I play, someone referred to the pandemic as a planned-demic. So I looked that up and found there's a #planneddemic hashtag. Which brought this up which is quite interesting:
https://twitter.com/likearevlon/status/ ... 1932925957
https://twitter.com/likearevlon/status/ ... 1932925957
That video has been debunked and removed from YouTube and Facebook weeks ago. He says that the virus has been patented and mentions the patent number, I looked it up and it doesn't exist.
https://twitter.com/likearevlon/status/ ... 1932925957
That video has been debunked and removed from YouTube and Facebook weeks ago. He says that the virus has been patented and mentions the patent number, I looked it up and it doesn't exist.
Ah ha nice acting. I didn't read the other hashtags on that either which is a dead giveaway it's crap.
This will open up the old airways.
Also Chinese hot mustard.
https://www.totalwine.com/spirits/lique ... /p/5352750
I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi
Much of the U.S. response to the coronavirus pandemic relied on the accuracy of coronavirus models. Many of these models were generated by the IHME. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) is an independent global health research center at the University of Washington. The projection of the number of U.S. deaths from the coronavirus has shifted downward rather dramatically very quickly.
Initial projections of a 100,000 to 200,000 deaths.
As of 2 April - projected cumulative deaths = 93,531 deaths
As of 5 April - projected cumulative deaths = 81,766 deaths
As of 7 April - Cumulative death totals (US) projected by August 4, 2020 = 60,415 deaths
As of 16 April - Cumulative death totals (US) projected by August 4, 2020 = 60,308 deaths
The decision to implement stay at home orders in the U.S. were driven by these models. If the model's projections are wrong, then policy decisions derived from these model projections will be poor. (Both Dr. Debbie Birx and fellow task-force member Dr. Anthony Fauci said several weeks ago that the country could face between 100,000 and 200,000 total deaths from the pandemic, regardless of whether Americans continue to comply with the most stringent social distancing guidelines.)
So the main driver to the U.S. quarantine is FEAR, fear of the unknown.
It was driven by early estimates that said without applying social distancing, the U.S. mIght have millions of deaths.
"Between 160 million and 214 million people in the United States could be infected over the course of the epidemic, according to a projection that encompasses the range of the four scenarios. That could last months or even over a year, with infections concentrated in shorter periods, staggered across time in different communities, experts said. As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die." Source: Worst-Case Estimates for U.S. Coronavirus Deaths
It was driven by the constant drum roll of articles in the press and on television on COVID-19.
It was driven by the comparisons of COVID-19 with the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-1919.
It was driven by the exponential theory of virus pandemic growth. [You can find several references on this thread.]
Compare this to the CDC estimated number of influenza deaths per year in the U.S.
2018-2019 influenza season - 34,200
2017-2018 influenza season - 61,099
2016-2017 influenza season - 38,230
2015-2016 influenza season - 22,705
2014-2015 influenza season - 51,376
2013-2014 influenza season - 37,930
2012-2013 influenza season - 42,570
2011-2012 influenza season - 12,447
2010-2011 influenza season - 36,656
Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Influenza (Flu)
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Last edited by jimmy m on 18 Apr 2020, 10:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
This reminds me of something that I said on 28 January on page 7 of this thread:
It is a funny thing about panic. It is like a herd of buffalo. One buffalo senses danger and signals it to the herd. The whole herd can be grazing and all of a sudden one buffalo "on watch" smells, hears, or sees something. That buffalo "sets a point" with a tail signal and the whole herd comes to immediate attentions, starts slowly to form a tight formation and sounds the alarm.
Then the herd may panic and stampede. So when a panic sets in, there is not much to be done except go along with the herd.
So in some places such as Wuhan, China, they are in an action mode. The herd of buffalo is on the move. The streets are deserted, many store shelves are empty, transportation is at a standstill. They have adopted a shelter-in-place approach. In other places, people are taking precautions such as buying up face mask, quitely stockpiling food, medicine, drinks, pet food, toilet paper, vitamins, etc. in preparation for what may be turned into a global panic.
So although for the most part I am not concerned about this particular threat, I understand the tendency of the herd to panic. It can be prudent to take precautions early because many options will be rather limited if the herd of buffalo decides to stampede.
About 50 years ago, I experienced a panic in California. The news announced over the radio that many of the companies that manufacture toilet paper were temporarily shutting down and that there would be a shortage of toilet paper. After work I went into the grocery store to buy some food and I notices many old ladies with shopping carts full of toilet paper pushing them to the checkout lanes. I walked by the aisles that held the toilet paper and they were empty. The shelves were completely bare. I went home and a day latter there was an announcement that the toilet paper scare was fake news that spun out of control.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Well, that's what they say. But independent of what? And no one is really independent. They get paid by someone. They have individual and collective political and social attitudes. They are knowledgeable about some things and ignorant of many others. Who funds them? What political candidates did they vote for in the last election? What political candidates have they donated money to? (That should be public information available online.) As medical researchers, did they have easy access to treatments and special care not available to the general public? Did any of the members of this Institute lose their jobs or their livelihoods in the past month? Have they gotten more funding as more people have gotten sick and died?
There Are Four Lights!