Daddy63 wrote:
Another of the countless mass shootings that gets almost no attention from the media.
Probably because the USA appears to have normalized these events in blind pursuit of treating the 2nd Amendment like it's the immutable word of God. It's an
amendment and it can be amended again.
I would have expected the Sandy Hook shooting (not to diminish the others, before and after) to be the utterly horrific and much needed wake-up call for
enough already! - but no; being able to own ridiculously high powered and large magazine, rapid fire weapons is apparently more important.
Freedom, or something.
So no; don't try to blame the media for this one - look in the mirror. (figuratively speaking of the USA in general; not you specifically)
And attempting to introduce yet another racial element to this sorry situation where it's clearly much bigger than that is beginning to look like an agenda.
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.