9-11... Who really did it?
I already know what you think. I have a television at home. That means I know every single conviction you have. You are as transparent to me as if you were made of glass. If I want to understand you, I can just watch TV and listen to what they tell you to think.
Hint - the media isn't owned by Americans. None of it. They helped perpetrate it by covering the backs of those in power.
As for that whole left-right dichotomy, that's just a game played on neurotypicals to keep them paying tax revenues. Both left and right in America seem to defer ultimately to one power and it isn't the best interests of the people who live in the United States.
you don't know me at all, which goes to show how delusional your thinking is - you say you know every single conviction that I have, yet you'never met me or know anything about my life. In any case, you say not a word about the actual rebuttals and isntead resort to ad hominem attacks - maybe because you have no actual arguments against the rebuttals?
But this is typical conspiracy theory thinking- no amount of arguments and evidence will change their minds, and they will seize on the flimsiest arguments as 'proof' of their theories, like those that argue that because Bush (like most of the white population of the world) is descended from some European monarch there must be some tribe called the illuminati that rules the world.
You guys are funny. Seriously. I find you amusing. Alas, so are all Amerkwans.
The truth about most Amerikwans is that they typically read and write around a second or third grade level, pretensions notwithstanding. Such childlike critters are easy prey for most anybody who wants to come in an milk'em for tax money. They'll believe most anything. If you saw a cow standing unclaimed in a field with a bell and leash around it's neck, would you call it a conspiracy if you took it home and put it in your barn? People as dumb as Amerkwans are going to do what somebody tells'em to do. Is it so bad if a foreign nation in need of cannon fodder hitches their slack-jawed children up as rent-a-troops in order to fight it's enemies? Amerkwans - they're so cushy and pliable.
Your classic "Weer all individjools" denial above is exactly what I've heard from a million TV commercials and popular advertising. Nowadays the public, people with an average IQ of 97, are constantly flattered like ret*d kids by Oprah Winfrey and other media outlets about how "intellamajent we all are."
Yes, you're intellamajent alright. And Edjumificated. But you seem to have murdered nearly a million civilians in Iraq despite the fact neither their leader nor it's people had anything to do with 9-11 whatsoever.
I had an Amerikwan at work the other day who swore to me that Iraq shared a border with France. No, really.
Weer all individjools. The televitz told us so.
Look at this building falling at the same speed as gravity. It fell because it had a fire burning for twenty minutes on the top floor. Now take this candy bar and this M-16 and go fight Israel's enemies, stoopid goyim.
Brilliant! I'm not American, do not live there, and wasn't even raised in an anglo-saxon country. Glad that you've got your facts right.
If you cared to actually examine the rebuttals, you would see that the collapse was actually slower than gravity (debris in free-fall fell faster than the towers) and the 'squibs' were blatantly incompatible with explosives. oh yeah, and nobody argues that it wass just the fire that brought the towers down - it was the fire and a huge plane crash. But obviously, it's far easier to attack people than to come up with this thing called evidence, or with arguments.
Americans are usually very ignorant about the world beyond their borders, but they're not alone - JP Sartre's writing about a guy taking the train from Rio to Mexico City is about as ludicrous as thinking France has a border with Iraq. I know Europeans that thought Cuba was part of the US, or that Africa is a single country. There are studies showing that many Japanese schoolkids can't tell the US from Brazil (ever heard of North and South America?), and don't know where North Korea is (hint: it's west of your country, above South Korea). Europeans think they know something about world geography because they know about the geography of Europe. But I digress. You resort to criticising Americans rather than actually argue against the rebuttals - again, could it be that you have no arguments and that's why you have to resort to vitriol?
I'll leave you and the other flat-earthers to your fantasy world.
I was talking about WTC 7, rocket scientist.
What amazing sophistry. An attempt to suggest my argument is somehow discredited because it's associated with "conspiracy theories."
Here's a conspiracy theory for you to ponder.
Americans have an average IQ of 97. That's six points above Koko, the sign language gorilla. Fifty years ago, an IQ of 95 was considered clinically mentally defective.
I posit that a nation that wealthy and simultaneously that stupid will quickly find itself stripped of it's sovereignty and off on foreign soil fighting wars for other people. Because when bright sociopaths come into contact with monied halfwits, the halfwits lose both their cash and then their freedom.
You cannot have a Republic in the same space-time region as a nation with an average IQ of 97. It's like matter and anti-matter. Such people will not be free for long.
What happened on 9-11 and has happened since is simply the law of nature in action. Smarter people will prey on stupid people to get them to do their bidding and pay for the privilege, too.
Rome would frequently hire mercenaries to stage attacks on small towns to serve as mock provocation for their subsequent "liberation" of said region. Hitler usually drummed up a fake provocation attack before any of his assaults, like say pretending the Poles attacked a German radio station on the border and littering the ground with the bodies of political prisoners dressed in German military uniforms. The Lusitania was directed outside shipping lanes and it's escorts were called off. Pearl Harbor had it's radar shut down and the operators sworn to secrecy when they saw the Japanese fleet approaching on their screens.
Fake provocation attacks have been a natural evil of governments for thousands of years, as long as we have written records. It's the way sociopaths and psychopaths do business to consolidate their power. Without provocation attacks, the bulk of mankind would likely live in peace for much longer periods with few conflicts, especially with the geographic barriers often involved before major wars "break out."
Only peasants and the little people like yourselves believe that the kind of men attracted to government power in late stage declining empires are just regular joes like you and me. They're not. Look at the second half of the Roman Empire during it's decline phase - the corruption was beyond belief ... at least before the United States began it's precipitous plunge.
Scarcely a week has gone by since the Plan For a New American Century was put into effect without a major power broker in D.C. being exposed as a pedophile, baby rapist or otherwise aberrant madman. You fellows still believe Bill O'Reilly is a conservative.
You don't get it. You probably can't, You claim you have brain damage that has affected your socialization/self-deception centers. Well, I just don't see it, fellows. I think you might be a lot of things but Aspergers ain't one of them. It after all is a very rare condition and just being a geek doesn't qualify you as an independent thinker.
You guys sounds like Fox News does most of your thinking for you. Hint - Rupert Murdoch loses money on that enterprise. He doesn't run it for the profit, anyway. He runs it as a 24/7 shill for Israel. That's the reason Fox News was created. People don't spend billions on the mass media so they can spread the truth. The truth can spread itself. The mass media exists because lies have to be sold, not just disseminated. The mass media counts on neurotypicals desperately wanting acceptance and access into the mainstream of society (which they define as anythng in agreement with them) and therefore subconsciously desiring the lie as a panacea against being forced into that most painful of all conditions - to think for oneself.
9-11 doesn't make any sense. Nothing about it makes any sense. It's pure idiocy from dawn to dusk. There's not a single thing that happened that day that looked like anything other than a very weak and poorly executed false flag op.
Again a thread on a hot topic gets too 'hot' to stay on topic...
Could we get back to presenting arguments and information without the needless insults and point scoring?
I wonder if perhaps there are truths in everyones perceptions - but deceptions too?
Back when the Afghans were 'honourable, god fearing anti-commie friends of the US', George Bush senior was in charge of the CIA [who coincidentally involved in moving huge amounts of heroin at very tidy profits - this is now proven fact]
The Bush families and their business friends are tightly involved with the Saudi Arabian regime and the royal family running it.
Possibly the Attacks on the World trade center were legit, perhaps G W Bush and his buddies new about this, decided it would be politically expedient to ignore it, let it happen and then capitalise on it, perhaps the plane hijackings were the legitimate efforts of crazed, outraged enemies of America on a mission from Allah?
Also perhaps the attack on the Pentagon was indeed a cruise missile [the sudden direction change and proportions are consistent] and the attacks on the World trade center used to cover this 'conspiratorial' attack?...
I am open to the truth so I am interested in what people care to share and I will filter it myself, I don't however desire to be called an idiot, or paranoid or compliant by anyone.
For certain, I believe that whatever did hit the Pentagon was not a large airplane, for certain, established and creditable organisations and protocols have been exploited to cloud the issue and give an air of authority and credibility to any official version, but what the truth is? well like I said I would be keen to know.
peace j
Just because we can does not mean we should.
What vision is left? And is anyone asking?
Have a great day!
well Texas_Arcane, actually i've never watched Fox News. Any other assumptions you'd like to share?
About WTC7: it went through major vibrations from the twin towers' collapse (NYC not being a quake-prone zone it is unlikely it would've been built to withstand vibrations, especially vertical ones, which appear to be the most destructuve type for buildings - not that US civil engineers are particularly brilliant at building for quakes), plus the debris falling on it from much taller buildings. so no, it wasn't just the fire, either.
israel obviously has a huge influence on US policy on the ME, but if it ran everyhting in the US, as you seem to imply, surely hamas or Hezbollah would've gotten the blame? after all, al qaeda mainly goes after US interests while the others concentrate on israel. furthermore, there aren't many cultures out there capable of producing suicide bombers - while the zionists engaged in classic terrorism against British colonial forces, they were not suicides. Plus, if Mossad were calling all the shots, surely they would've gotten Bush & Co to do some proper planning, as a US defeat, in the ME of all places, is clearly not in Israeli interests.
Texas_Arcane -
I'm interested to know where you're from in the world. Oddly, the WORLD'S population's average IQ is probably somewhere around 100 if you take into account language/cultural differences when testing. Just some very basic internet searching provided some average IQ scores for Europe and it doesn't look too much brighter for them. I would never claim that the population of the US is really that smart but to lump the entire US into a category of an average IQ score of 97 to prove they're less intelligent than others around the world is kind of foolish. It's especially foolish considering most of the civilized world's IQ is right around that figure.
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/u ... 697134.ece