ruveyn wrote:
The suspense is over. NASA announced that probe Curiosity discovered sand on Mars...
that is amazing! there is also sand on earth, so we truly are sister planets after all.
the thing is however.... how do they know it was on mars that they discovered sand?
how do they know that the curiosity rover landed on mars and not some other planet?
i questioned the existence of mars once, and i was asked to look into a telescope that had "mars" in it's field of view, and the owner of the telescope asked me if i could see the heavenly body that they had focused their telescope on, and indeed i could, and they then exclaimed that i had seen proof of mars's existence, but i was not convinced.
how did he know that the dot i was looking at was mars?
he said that it was in the location that mars was expected to be, and i again asked how he knew that that object was "mars" since the planet i was looking at did not have the letters "mars" written on it, so how could anyone know what planet it was.
the person who i had this conversation with became convinced that i was not worth the effort to talk to further, and i avoided a negative situation where i had to tell them i had lost interest in what they were saying so i think it turned out well.