If the House, that just turned down raising taxes on $1,000,000 will now vote for $400,000, otherwise no deal.
This is all play acting by clowns, as the real Congress will come on the third.
To give some hope, everyone knows defense is the only thing to cut, and none dare vote for it. Every retiring general has a deal with a defense contractor, they pay Congress, and Lobby.
And it just so happens just as we hit the debt ceiling.
Next step gridlock, higher taxes for all, an end to ever growing government, and it should include an across the board pay cut.
Ten years of war has produced a lot of damaged troops, That debt has to be paid.
Social Security was paid by those who collect, and money borrowed from the fund must be paid back.
Pay the interest on Bonds, or the Principal becomes due.
Government, Millitary, have to be cut.
Also, going back to a 1993 tax rate is not that bad. All that chanting, We Number One, has to be paid for.
GM, Banks, AIG, might have paid back the bailout, but Fanny and Freddie are a Black Hole of real estate debt, with no recovery in sight.
That is the broad based hole, much bigger than the banks, and it can still drag down banks, brokers, and the government, as this will not be good for employment, housing, foreclosure, local taxes, or the 25% underwater.
In the early 90s the Resolution Trust sold off the Savings and Loan properties, but this time it is Government backed Bonds, not other peoples money. GM went outside the law to loot the stockholders, Bond Holders, but the best the government has come up with is having the Federal Reserve buying Fanny and Freddie paper. Purchases backed by the banks, holding your money.
Overall 60 trillion in real estate is down about a third, and all of tthat is backed by a piece of paper. Mark to market the Banks would be closed.
No one can take the 20 trillion loss. More because the mortgage was for the pre crash price.
Extended unemployment becomes a debt on the States, all future workers have to pay.
The next boom may never happen. As such, our total debt is more than three times our Gross National Product.
We need a third party, based on Retsina and Goat Cheeze.