!. It is a rotten job, you see the worst of people and that can get very bad.
2. Lots of rules, uniform service, restrictions on off duty actions.
3. Rotten pay, very slow promotion, and still rotten pay.
4. No one trusts you, most have bad opinions, they treat you like an aspie with a gun.
5. Pull over a Judges wife and you are screwed.
6. Limited powers, the Mayor and his friends, The Chamber, are off limits.
7, The system is so flawed that it is local district only, serial killers, interstate, are Fed.
8. The guy you busted yesterday is back on the street today.
9. The pimp that busted up a couple of girls gets 60 days, the kid with a crack rock 40 years.
10. There is never the satisfaction of a job well done.
11. You might get accustomed to dead crack heads and hos, but not families with children in cars.
12. You are not good marriage material.
13. You work always expecting a bullet. 600 a year get it.
14. Drinking is needed to get to sleep.
15. You do not like the people you work with.
16. Most do not last two years on the job.
17. Patrolmen are hired so the higher ups will have a fall guy, then you will never work again.
18. Barroom bouncer pays better and gets respect, you can dress casual, and date.
19. Women who want to date a cop might also go for a lion tamer, they date the uniform.
20. The world does not want to know, but they do want to blame you.