kindergartener handcuffed, arrested, charged with felony

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31 Mar 2007, 6:52 pm

"The kindergartner was booked in the Highland County jail and was charged with a felony and two misdemeanors."

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31 Mar 2007, 7:17 pm

That is really f**king stupid. She is only 6 years old, she should not be criminally charged for her inability to control her anger.


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31 Mar 2007, 7:32 pm

That's really stupid.


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31 Mar 2007, 7:58 pm

That's one of the stupidest things I ever heard.

A 6-year-old gets pissed off and starts to punch, kick, and scratch. That only ever happens on days that end in "y". :roll:


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31 Mar 2007, 8:19 pm

janicka wrote:
That's one of the stupidest things I ever heard.

A 6-year-old gets pissed off and starts to punch, kick, and scratch. That only ever happens on days that end in "y". :roll:

Somebody should really sic Sephiroth on these guys... and on the enitire American government...

EDIT: After reading the article, i take this statement back. Somebody should sic JENOVA ITSELF on these m*****f*****.

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31 Mar 2007, 8:25 pm

This kind of thing has happened before. These days, little kids are getting arrested for violent behavior. Two years ago, a five year old Florida girl was arrested also for throwing a tantrum and kicking the teacher in the shins. She was also throwing things and she was taken to the principal's office but they called the police and had her handcuffed and she was put in the backseat of the car. The mother was upset so she took her out of school. She said they set her baby up. Set what up? They didn't tell her to throw a tantrum and kick the teacher. Another time I was told from someone on the internet a first grader got tasered by the police, I was shocked. I didn't think they use it on a child.


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31 Mar 2007, 8:30 pm

Those teachers must be pretty wimpy if they can't restrain even a big 6 year old girl without the police. Something stinks here.

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31 Mar 2007, 8:44 pm

janicka wrote:
That's one of the stupidest things I ever heard.

A 6-year-old gets pissed off and starts to punch, kick, and scratch. That only ever happens on days that end in "y". :roll:

Quoted for truth.

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31 Mar 2007, 10:08 pm

With increasing power to destroy lives, police and school officials are becoming nastier and stupider with each passing year. That's why this kind of thing happens.


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31 Mar 2007, 11:26 pm

Hold on a second...thought you had to be ten to be held accountable for your actions?

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31 Mar 2007, 11:28 pm

It's sad. We're becoming a police state, but the police aren't even taking care of important things.
They'll arrest a six year old for throwing a tantrum, but if there's somebody stealing things from a house construction site, they'll just say "oh it's only a property crime, we're not coming out there."


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01 Apr 2007, 12:14 am

Okay, that's just ret*d. I've done stuff just like that to teachers before, and nothing near that severe happened to me! Something was obviously upsetting the little girl and it should've been the teacher's duty to make her feel better. This is exactly why I hate teachers and police men.


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01 Apr 2007, 12:20 am

Cyanide wrote:
It's sad. We're becoming a police state, but the police aren't even taking care of important things.
They'll arrest a six year old for throwing a tantrum, but if there's somebody stealing things from a house construction site, they'll just say "oh it's only a property crime, we're not coming out there."

They keep working towards a police state and they don't understand one simple thing. Police states are not states where the police do a better job. They are states where the police are crazy and cause a lot of property damage and death. In a police state the police routinely commit crimes. Who on Earth wants that? What is wrong with them that they would want it?

Think about it. Any place where the police act like Nazis, it is not efficient police work, it's a total mess. The cops are taking bribes, robbing people at gunpoint, torturing people for fun, killing people when they think they can get away with it. This does nothing to make life better.

01 Apr 2007, 2:04 am

I bet they're arresting little kids to teach them because the parents aren't doing their jobs so now the police have to be involved. But I got told the parents can’t because all the child has to do is say they molested them and bam the parents get taken away, so they can't discipline their child. Maybe that’s where that one South Park episode came from. The Whacking Molestation Adventure it was called. All the kids in South Park call the police and say they were molested by their parents so there be no more rules and consequences.

I have always been disciplined for bad behavior. If I threw a tantrum in school like that girl did, I would have been in trouble at home for it. But some parents don't do a thing about it so the child wouldn't be in trouble at home.


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01 Apr 2007, 2:33 am

Well its just a sad day when the police have to be summoned to deal with a kindergartener because the other adults in the child's life can't or won't. Shouldn't police be out arresting meth dealers & murderers and not little kids?


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01 Apr 2007, 3:50 am

Hmmm... 6 year old felons in the Deep South... I wonder if it would have mattered if she'd been white?