The "It was a misunderstanding" comment sounds like an attempt to dismiss a disabled person, if the caller mentioned his AS during his complaint call, which it sounds like he would have, given that he voluntarily told the store manager about it.
Most companies look for excuses not to help you. Therefore, try not to give them any. Cruel as it is, in this case, the store manager heard the Aspie say he has a mental disability, and thought, "Ah ha -- this is my escape. I can just snub this guy away, and he won't have the mental resources to get me in trouble for it..."
The manager and those like him should beware that not people with disabilities are disabled in the same ways! Indeed, no Aspie is alike, and he wouldn't want to try pulling this on me!
Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.
Last edited by Ragtime on 01 Feb 2008, 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.