Autism test 'could hit maths skills'

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07 Jan 2009, 4:22 am

I saw this article on the BBC.

I found the idea of a pre-natal test for autism, which could lead to terminations, somewhat disturbing.


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07 Jan 2009, 6:57 am

one out of nine aspies are female? I thought it was one in four!'s quite sad that that was all I got from the article, in my excuse I'm pretty tired right now...

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07 Jan 2009, 8:52 am

sunshower wrote:
one out of nine aspies are female? I thought it was one in four!'s quite sad that that was all I got from the article, in my excuse I'm pretty tired right now...

males outnumber females by four to one.

And among those with Asperger Syndrome, males outnumber females by nine to one.

though the stats seem off

Asperger's Syndrome-diagnosed

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07 Jan 2009, 9:02 am

I find this test to be very disturbing (i.e. the idea that people can pick and choose not to have an autistic child). Like it or not without autism the human race would stagnate. Anyone else agree?


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07 Jan 2009, 9:28 am

This is the reply I wrote to the BBC. I wonder if they will publish it.

I have Asperger's Syndrome. I find it disturbing that anybody would consider aborting someone who is like me. Abortion is a silent supremacist movement where undesirable people are exterminated before birth.

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07 Jan 2009, 9:53 am

Maditude wrote:
This is the reply I wrote to the BBC. I wonder if they will publish it.

I have Asperger's Syndrome. I find it disturbing that anybody would consider aborting someone who is like me. Abortion is a silent supremacist movement where undesirable people are exterminated before birth.

My wife observed last night that a world of only NTs, where there is no one with any psychological conditions whatsoever, would be like the book "Brave New World". It would be a society without creativity, imagination, or variety, and a society of :salut: conformists. There would be no breakthroughs, just sameness all the time.

Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.


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07 Jan 2009, 10:50 am

I posted the following comment to the BBC article. I don't know if it will get published:

As someone with mild autism (Aspergers Syndrome) I fear such screening would be the thin end of a dangerous wedge. Many of us feel that we are not "disabled" or "defective" but merely different. And yes, despite the problems of social interaction many of us have above average intelligence and find ourselves working in highly technical jobs.
As screening techniques advance there may eventually be genetic tests for various none-average brain functioning and personality types and parents choosing to tamper with the brain development of their children? Could they destroy the next Mozart or Einstein?

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07 Jan 2009, 10:52 am

Other than the fact this guy makes no sense and what he says has nothing to do with reality, he's great.

If Asperger's is the extreme male brain caused by prenatal testosterone, how come male aspies have so much difficulty fulfilling expectations of male behavior? Like this is subtle or something? He reminds me of an alcoholism expert who's never been around an alcoholic.

Uhh... isn't the composition of the amniotic fluid determined by the female parent, not the genotype of the fetus?

I'm kinda sick of hearing about Einstein and that handful of other aspie superstars. For every one of them, there's a hundred thousand other aspies, plain ordinary aspies.

It sometimes seems like we're viewed as sort of a cattle industry, kept alive because some of us provide intellectual and artistic meat for those others who really matter.

They murdered boys in Mississippi. They shot Medgar in the back.
Did you say that wasn't proper? Did you march out on the track?
You were quiet, just like mice. And now you say that we're not nice.
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07 Jan 2009, 11:29 am

illogicaljim wrote:
I find this test to be very disturbing (i.e. the idea that people can pick and choose not to have an autistic child). Like it or not without autism the human race would stagnate. Anyone else agree?

I agree. Many of our greatest geniuses were Aspies, Bipolar or Schizoid. If the human race were entirely sane we would still be living in caves.



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07 Jan 2009, 11:30 am

illogicaljim wrote:
I find this test to be very disturbing (i.e. the idea that people can pick and choose not to have an autistic child). Like it or not without autism the human race would stagnate. Anyone else agree?

I agree. Many of our greatest geniuses were Aspies, Bipolar or Schizoid. If the human race were entirely sane we would still be living in caves.



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07 Jan 2009, 1:40 pm

Shiggily wrote:
sunshower wrote:
one out of nine aspies are female? I thought it was one in four!'s quite sad that that was all I got from the article, in my excuse I'm pretty tired right now...

males outnumber females by four to one.

And among those with Asperger Syndrome, males outnumber females by nine to one.

though the stats seem off

Epidemiological data is currently too sparse on ASDs to be able to make such claims with very great reliability.



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07 Jan 2009, 1:44 pm

CanyonWind wrote:
Other than the fact this guy makes no sense and what he says has nothing to do with reality, he's great.

If Asperger's is the extreme male brain caused by prenatal testosterone, how come male aspies have so much difficulty fulfilling expectations of male behavior? Like this is subtle or something? He reminds me of an alcoholism expert who's never been around an alcoholic.

The correlation between fetal testosterone levels and autistic traits is an empirical observation. The "extreme male brain" is Baron-Cohen's pet theory on autism, and it has much better support behind it than was expressed in this short article, as there were more important things to address here.

I'm kinda sick of hearing about Einstein and that handful of other aspie superstars. For every one of them, there's a hundred thousand other aspies, plain ordinary aspies.

You don't have to be an "aspie superstar" to lead a worthwhile and fulfilling life. The purpose of pointing out such exemplary individuals is to point out that success is possible for autistics, so people shouldn't write us all off as hopeless.

It sometimes seems like we're viewed as sort of a cattle industry, kept alive because some of us provide intellectual and artistic meat for those others who really matter.

I'll take that over complete annihilation any day.



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07 Jan 2009, 1:55 pm

Orwell wrote:
I'll take that over complete annihilation any day.

I agree. It is definitely not an easy life being born different. Perhaps it is a little easier nowadays that at least Asperger's syndrome is a known quantifiable thing. When I was a young kid in the 1960's I was just a kid who didn't fit in, who got bullied and was often excluded from class for reasons I could not understand - and it was very clear I thought different to everyone else. However, without my Aspergers I would not be the same person at all. It colours my life completely, good and bad. No Aspergers - I'd be someone else.

If screening of embryos starts to filter out people who are different to the statistical norm the world will be a very poor place. It would probably be the beginning of the end of human beings as we become seamless unthinking cogs in the systems of society.

Granted, there are people who have had a much rougher deal out of autism then me and I can't speak for them. Maybe there are some who feel their lives are so miserable they would prefer to not have been born or to have had their brain "corrected" by drugs while they were still in the womb. It's a tough one. You can't ask the embryo for its opinion.

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07 Jan 2009, 2:21 pm

illogicaljim wrote:
I find this test to be very disturbing (i.e. the idea that people can pick and choose not to have an autistic child). Like it or not without autism the human race would stagnate. Anyone else agree?

Its not a test at present, its IVF designed to allow families who already have an Autistic close relative to gender select (by having a female instead of a male). Listen to the audio bit - you will notice that one of the participants is a Professor Delhanty. ... 676000.ece

Personally I find the idea to be hilarious.


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07 Jan 2009, 2:27 pm

How long does it take BBC to post comments?

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07 Jan 2009, 2:43 pm

Maditude wrote:
How long does it take BBC to post comments?

I don't know. They still aren't showing any comments at all. I have low hopes of getting my comment shown though. It would the first time ever if they did. I guess they probably get thousands of posts to some topics, so the probability of being shown is low.

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