Tsunami hits Japan after 8.8 magnitude Earthquake : (

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15 Mar 2011, 10:01 am

I wonder if Tokyo will become the new Pripyat? There has been explosions and now a meltdown.


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15 Mar 2011, 10:37 am

Hey, guys. We just had another earthquake here- 6.0 in Shizuoka. I could feel it in Osaka and it freaked me out!

I've heard the levels of radiation in Tokyo are nothing harmful, but I'm unsure if what the govt. is telling us is true. Most of the Japanese I know don't believe them.

I'm a bit worried.

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15 Mar 2011, 10:42 am

The new 6.4 quake is reportedly completely unrelated to the previous quake and its aftershocks!

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15 Mar 2011, 10:43 am

Raymond_Fawkes wrote:
I would recommend stocking up on duck tape, bottled water, and food because it looks like it'll be Chernobyl x3. The fallout will certainly reach the West Coast of the U.S and Canada, and continue it's path east. I've read it'll leave anywhere from 750 rads of radiation (equivalent to a CT scan once every minute) to lower but just increased doses of average radiation. I'm also looking into buying Kelp though I might be too late.

I'll take precautions but I'm not going to worry about such things. My faith in my God is strong. I have the resurrection hope.

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15 Mar 2011, 11:13 am

Raymond_Fawkes wrote:
If you live on the West Coast .. and all of a sudden, the news tells you theirs radioactive clouds outside .. I would duck tape the cracks, vents , and anything so that it doesn't reach inside my fortified bunker I made downstairs. I would also look into iodide pills, once you breathe that air you're done.

Even in the worst case scenario the amount of radioactive material that will make it across 8000 miles of water will be trivial. The Japanese will suffer the most.



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15 Mar 2011, 1:42 pm

raisedbyignorance wrote:
In regard to radiation fallout: I've seen enough post apocalyptic films to know that we're all f****...regardless of where you are on the planet.


Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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15 Mar 2011, 5:15 pm

It's all about the kelp ! :lol: I picked some up. I know that it only helps against radioactive iodine , but it's only a pre-cautionary incase levels increase. In the next few days .. Kelp, Iodide, all these things will probably be sold out every where.


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15 Mar 2011, 7:51 pm

Wasn't Chernobyl the result of the massive bureaucracy at the time? I think nuclear plants get a lot of unwarranted paranoia.

Tias wrote:
AceOfSpades wrote:
Tias wrote:
AceOfSpades wrote:
Tias wrote:

This is something only Americans could do.....
I know not every American is an idiot like these guys.
You know every American is not ignorant, yet only Americans are this ignorant? Do you not see how idiotic and contradictory that is? Anyways, this is really unfortunate and it really pisses me off that people would cheapen a tragedy into some act of karma. RIP to them and I hope those who are wounded can make a smooth recovery.

Please try to read what i said a BIT more clearly.

This is something only Americans could do.
But i'm not saying EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN PERSON ALIVE does it. So shut it.

Basicly it's no surprise that this is coming from Americans, but i never said every american is like this.
There you go again. Cheapening a tragedy into an act of karma isn't exclusively an American thing. And you wrote two sentences, so attacking my reading comprehension makes no sense at all. I get it, not every single American is like that but the fact that you say it's only something Americans are capable of makes your disclaimer obsolete. The whole concept of cheapening a tragedy into an act of karma for historical injustices can apply to anyone.

Oh, and sorry you got butthurt cuz I called you out on your broken logic but I'm not gonna shut it whenever I see that type of sh**.

I can't think or other contries that has people who'd write stuff like that.
Maybe besides Nazis.
Whenever i hear something stupid has happend in America, it does not surprise me.
So say what you want, call my logic broken, i don't see it that way. And we could argue all day long about this and not get a single step forward.
I don't like going back and forth, so I'll just let you be and leave you to figure it out on your own.


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15 Mar 2011, 8:12 pm

There is now a fourth fire burning at the Fukushima Plant.

A radiation leak has occured. Radiation levels in the immediate vicinity appear to be rising.

From this I believe it is reasonable to think that a containment breach has occured.

Meltdown, here it comes?

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15 Mar 2011, 10:28 pm

Seems like things are taking a turn for the worse now.

Reactor 3 is smoking and is suspect of containment vessel failure. Radiation has got to the point of being too dangerous for the remaining personnel to stay and they have evacuated.

Reactor 3 is the one with the MOX fuel BTW. :hmph:

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15 Mar 2011, 11:17 pm

I was told the Japanese government has pulled the 50 workers left at the plant, and leaving the plant desolate. The evacuation is something like 60 miles from the plant .. which is understandable considering the gamma ray bursts from a complete and utter explosion would cause havoc within that vicinity. After 5 days, the Japanese government have asked the US military to intervene, I've read that the military may carpet bomb the entire site. Also I've read that Japan has been keeping the spent nuclear fuel rods at the same site, and they've blown sky high also, 40 years worth.


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16 Mar 2011, 12:29 am

It can't explode. At least not the way you're apparently thinking, in an atomic fireball. Power plants use the wrong isotope of uranium, the reaction mass isn't the requisite shape, there's no TNT blanket to slap the whole thing together fast enough - it just doesn't work as a bomb.

Spent fuel is even worse for that - the radiation levels are high enough to be hazardous, and give off enough heat to be dangerous and potentially flammable to a degree, but they have even less potential as the nucleus of an atomic bomb than unspent fuel.

Why in the name of sanity would anyone carpet-bomb a power plant?? That'd make about as much sense as dropping napalm bombs on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig - maybe even less, as the napalm might have burned off some of the spilled oil...

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16 Mar 2011, 12:52 am

DeaconBlues wrote:
It can't explode. At least not the way you're apparently thinking, in an atomic fireball. Power plants use the wrong isotope of uranium, the reaction mass isn't the requisite shape, there's no TNT blanket to slap the whole thing together fast enough - it just doesn't work as a bomb.

Unfortunately, It's worse then that. Reactor number 3 had Mox fuel. Plutonium/Uranium mix and that's being catapulted into the atmosphere. The situation is already worse than Chernobyl and it's showing no signs of getting better. Reactor 4 has also shown signs that it blew up.

I would advise fellow readers to periodically look at the radiation map that's tracking radiation in the US , and the earthquake trends. Also, It would be wise to stock up on food and water , just in case it does pose a serious threat.

Radiation map

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16 Mar 2011, 12:57 am

DeaconBlues wrote:
That'd make about as much sense as dropping napalm bombs on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig - maybe even less, as the napalm might have burned off some of the spilled oil...

I'm in agreement with all of your statements, but actually, making an explosion next to an oil well fire is a proven way to put it out, as the explosion instantly cuts off oxygen to the fire. But dropping bombs on a nuclear plant that is at risk? That is just plain crazy

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16 Mar 2011, 1:03 am

Vigilans wrote:
DeaconBlues wrote:
That'd make about as much sense as dropping napalm bombs on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig - maybe even less, as the napalm might have burned off some of the spilled oil...

I'm in agreement with all of your statements, but actually, making an explosion next to an oil well fire is a proven way to put it out, as the explosion instantly cuts off oxygen to the fire. But dropping bombs on a nuclear plant that is at risk? That is just plain crazy

Maybe that's what they're planning. I'm just reiterating what I'm hearing. Also, It'd be nice if things actually did get better instead of continually getting worse while the governments are covering it up.


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16 Mar 2011, 1:11 am

Raymond_Fawkes wrote:
Vigilans wrote:
DeaconBlues wrote:
That'd make about as much sense as dropping napalm bombs on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig - maybe even less, as the napalm might have burned off some of the spilled oil...

I'm in agreement with all of your statements, but actually, making an explosion next to an oil well fire is a proven way to put it out, as the explosion instantly cuts off oxygen to the fire. But dropping bombs on a nuclear plant that is at risk? That is just plain crazy

Maybe that's what they're planning. I'm just reiterating what I'm hearing. Also, It'd be nice if things actually did get better instead of continually getting worse while the governments are covering it up.

Big difference in situation. Oil well fire and nuclear accident... Dropping bombs on a nuclear reactor would just lead to extreme environmental contamination. I know you're just reiterating though so don't take it that I'm attacking you :D

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