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26 Jul 2011, 2:34 am

Glenn Beck is a disgraceful waste of space shock jock. Politicising a tragic event and a great loss of life by trying to turn it into a nonsensical left versus right political issue. Beck regards this crazy man as a Liberal leftist terrorist extremist. Beck claims the crazed gun man is not a right wing conservative, he is not one of us.

Beck should leave politics out of it and show some compassion and empathy. Beck should not be making insensitive comments on such a terrible tragedy. Beck is usually regarded as a shock jock journalist who makes controversial statements.

In reality there is no left and no right in regards to this tragedy. A lone crazed gun man acted as a One Man Army and massacred and slaughtered 93 innocent people including women and children.

I found it extremely hard to believe that one lone crazed gun man acted alone.

Last edited by Dark_Lord_2008 on 26 Jul 2011, 8:07 am, edited 1 time in total.


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26 Jul 2011, 7:17 am

Beauty_pact wrote:
John_Browning wrote:
I heard about the comment but I haven't seen the full article of what he said. He does have a point. Whether you want to compare the labor party's camp to the Hitler youth or the young pioneers (your choice), it is a youth program set up by a political party to encourage radical indoctrination.

So you prefer that it is like in the US, where basically no one but corrupt, older people get into politics, leading to total breakdown of democracy as only two parties manage to survive? Contrary to how it is in Norway and Sweden where many parties are in parliament, and where, at least in Sweden, the third biggest party is partially represented by a person who is just 28 (the other person is about ten years older).

I'm not sure about Denmark and Finland (think it's the same, though), but in Sweden and Norway, youths are encouraged at an early age to get into politics. No one but maybe parents indoctrinates anything - they make their own choices on what they are or aren't interested in. If they then make those choices because they are easily impressionable, due to their young age, is an entirely different matter, but at least we do not have a breakdown of democracy, over here, thanks to this "indoctrination", as you assume of it.

I second this. Since moving to Sweden I have been mightily impressed with the way youngsters are encouraged to engage in politics and form their own ideas and principles. Schools regularly have days when reps from all the parties attend, discuss and debate with the youngsters. At first I was a bit concerned, especially because they include racist parties like Sverigedemocraterna. But having witnessed these days, I have to say the youngsters are more erudite than a lot of the candidates. To see the spoon fed adult representative of the racist party get systematically dismantled by some of the smartest kids in the country is rather satisfying.


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26 Jul 2011, 7:30 am

MotherKnowsBest wrote:
Beauty_pact wrote:
John_Browning wrote:
I heard about the comment but I haven't seen the full article of what he said. He does have a point. Whether you want to compare the labor party's camp to the Hitler youth or the young pioneers (your choice), it is a youth program set up by a political party to encourage radical indoctrination.

So you prefer that it is like in the US, where basically no one but corrupt, older people get into politics, leading to total breakdown of democracy as only two parties manage to survive? Contrary to how it is in Norway and Sweden where many parties are in parliament, and where, at least in Sweden, the third biggest party is partially represented by a person who is just 28 (the other person is about ten years older).

I'm not sure about Denmark and Finland (think it's the same, though), but in Sweden and Norway, youths are encouraged at an early age to get into politics. No one but maybe parents indoctrinates anything - they make their own choices on what they are or aren't interested in. If they then make those choices because they are easily impressionable, due to their young age, is an entirely different matter, but at least we do not have a breakdown of democracy, over here, thanks to this "indoctrination", as you assume of it.

I second this. Since moving to Sweden I have been mightily impressed with the way youngsters are encouraged to engage in politics and form their own ideas and principles. Schools regularly have days when reps from all the parties attend, discuss and debate with the youngsters. At first I was a bit concerned, especially because they include racist parties like Sverigedemocraterna. But having witnessed these days, I have to say the youngsters are more erudite than a lot of the candidates. To see the spoon fed adult representative of the racist party get systematically dismantled by some of the smartest kids in the country is rather satisfying.
I'd rather see the "adult representative of the racist party" "systematically dismantled" by those kids who are not the top 2% of the population, that way no one would be stupid enough to vote for them. If only the smart ones see through their lies, is it any surprise that the right wing get even a small percent of the vote. Dumb people vote even when clever people don’t.


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26 Jul 2011, 7:49 am

Tadpole wrote:
MotherKnowsBest wrote:
Beauty_pact wrote:
John_Browning wrote:
I heard about the comment but I haven't seen the full article of what he said. He does have a point. Whether you want to compare the labor party's camp to the Hitler youth or the young pioneers (your choice), it is a youth program set up by a political party to encourage radical indoctrination.

So you prefer that it is like in the US, where basically no one but corrupt, older people get into politics, leading to total breakdown of democracy as only two parties manage to survive? Contrary to how it is in Norway and Sweden where many parties are in parliament, and where, at least in Sweden, the third biggest party is partially represented by a person who is just 28 (the other person is about ten years older).

I'm not sure about Denmark and Finland (think it's the same, though), but in Sweden and Norway, youths are encouraged at an early age to get into politics. No one but maybe parents indoctrinates anything - they make their own choices on what they are or aren't interested in. If they then make those choices because they are easily impressionable, due to their young age, is an entirely different matter, but at least we do not have a breakdown of democracy, over here, thanks to this "indoctrination", as you assume of it.

I second this. Since moving to Sweden I have been mightily impressed with the way youngsters are encouraged to engage in politics and form their own ideas and principles. Schools regularly have days when reps from all the parties attend, discuss and debate with the youngsters. At first I was a bit concerned, especially because they include racist parties like Sverigedemocraterna. But having witnessed these days, I have to say the youngsters are more erudite than a lot of the candidates. To see the spoon fed adult representative of the racist party get systematically dismantled by some of the smartest kids in the country is rather satisfying.
I'd rather see the "adult representative of the racist party" "systematically dismantled" by those kids who are not the top 2% of the population, that way no one would be stupid enough to vote for them. If only the smart ones see through their lies, is it any surprise that the right wing get even a small percent of the vote. Dumb people vote even when clever people don’t.

Very true. But if it's any consolation, the not so bright ones are there too, so hopefully witnessing their policies being dismantled by reason will have some effect. Better than keeping them in the dark and letting them loose in the polling booth when they turn 18.


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26 Jul 2011, 1:02 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
Beauty_pact wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
I just saw a clip of Glenn Beck, in which he expresses outrage - - not over the shooting - - but that the Norwegian Labor Party should have a political youth camp, which he in fact compared to the Hitler Youth.
I can't begin to tell you how angry I am at this psycho prick, Beck, right now.
For the uninformed, who is Glenn Beck?

He's a right wing huckster who has largely inbred, brainless crackers and rednecks listening for every word to tumble from his lips. Basically, he tells people on the far right what they want to hear, by twisting facts, telling half-truths, and all out lies. The man is a first class demagogue and rank self promoter who got famous on Fox news for a few years as their biggest money maker, till he chased away their sponsors with his vile, insane rhetoric. He was instrumental in pushing lies, such as that Obama's health care reforms involved killing old people, that liberal progressive ideology is equal to communism and Nazism, and that Muslim Americans, and labor union members are enemies of our country, etc. I could go on and on, but I'd be typing all night.
Needless to say, I strongly dislike the man, but what he said about the children who were victims of that lunatic is unpardonable.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Rhetorical Question: Why do I get the feeling the clip is just another out-of-context sound bite?
Answer: Because that is the same tactic people have repeatedly used to attempt to smear him in the past.


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26 Jul 2011, 1:02 pm

Inventor wrote:
A political assassin. The bomb did not have much chance of taking down the government, just people on the street. Then he targets the youth wing of the Labor Party, their future leadership.

Those who lived will never forget.

One of these countries has been editing the Bible, mentioning Sodom has become a crime. The nation, Norwegians, the future, birth control, and bringing in immigrants who are of other faiths. Some do see this as self destruction.

Unlike other countries, France who invaded Algeria, most of West Africa, or England who invaded the world, who came by their minority populations through their acts, Norway invaded no one. They had a local range.

Importing an alien minority population does seem strange. What next, is Islam enough, or does equality call for importing Hindus in equal numbers?

What is the Jain quota?

There is a liberal view that banning some words, opening the borders, everyone will become the happy brotherhood of man. It has not been working out that way.

It is the same view that produced the Colonial Era, exporting French Culture to West Africa and Viet Nam will raise the people up to embrace all that is French. It raised the people up into a long and bloody war to get rid of the French.

Culture is the most powerful thing and always was. I think it is from Herodotus, three people, one ate their dead, one burned them and one buried them, each was shocked by the others. None would ever consider changing.

So this little story is about old christian closed culture Norway, and some moderns who want to change what has stood for a thousand years.

The French lasted 161 years in Algeria. They had a long run in Viet Nam. There is hardly any cultural impact left over from their stay.

After four hundred years the Romans pulled out of Roman England, no one ever spoke Latin again.

The modern politically correct view, if we just keep saying it it will become true, is doomed to the same fate.

America is not a melting pot. We have third generation Chinese who do not speak English, Mexicans who crossed the border twenty years ago or last week are still Mexicans, and live by Mexican cultural rules. Blacks live in a sub culture, as do whites. In New Orleans we do talk, socialize, are more alike than either with northern people. But we go home to our neighborhood and culture.

South Louisiana worships the Pope, and fifty miles north are Christians who cannot explain what that means, but they are enemies of the Pope. It makes for some great State politics. This has been the case since the Louisiana Purchase. Being invaded and occupied by the Union Army changed nothing.

When W.W.II put guns in the hands of Algerians and Vietnamese, it was like the French came yesterday. Twenty years, millions dead, they finally drove out the French. Then the Vietnamese drove out the Americans, just like they had the Japanese and the Chinese before.

The Great Powers of Europe had agreed to giving these lands and people to the French. They broke laws, killed French men women and children, and took their world back, a world that had died five generations before.

Cultural identity cannot be changed. Akmed the Viking will never fit in. The bones of ancestors in the ground are not his.

Short term thinking has long term results.

hey you know what you should study? D. Brown's list of human universals.

not a bug - a feature.


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26 Jul 2011, 1:33 pm

Inuyasha wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Beauty_pact wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
I just saw a clip of Glenn Beck, in which he expresses outrage - - not over the shooting - - but that the Norwegian Labor Party should have a political youth camp, which he in fact compared to the Hitler Youth.
I can't begin to tell you how angry I am at this psycho prick, Beck, right now.
For the uninformed, who is Glenn Beck?

He's a right wing huckster who has largely inbred, brainless crackers and rednecks listening for every word to tumble from his lips. Basically, he tells people on the far right what they want to hear, by twisting facts, telling half-truths, and all out lies. The man is a first class demagogue and rank self promoter who got famous on Fox news for a few years as their biggest money maker, till he chased away their sponsors with his vile, insane rhetoric. He was instrumental in pushing lies, such as that Obama's health care reforms involved killing old people, that liberal progressive ideology is equal to communism and Nazism, and that Muslim Americans, and labor union members are enemies of our country, etc. I could go on and on, but I'd be typing all night.
Needless to say, I strongly dislike the man, but what he said about the children who were victims of that lunatic is unpardonable.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Rhetorical Question: Why do I get the feeling the clip is just another out-of-context sound bite?
Answer: Because that is the same tactic people have repeatedly used to attempt to smear him in the past.

It wasn't out of context, because he addressed the topic (the Oslo shooting), and then made the infuriatingly insensitive remark that the labor party youth camp was comparable to the Hitler Youth, without even condemning the shooter.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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26 Jul 2011, 2:43 pm

lostonearth35 wrote:
Human beings are hateful by nature and there's nothing anyone can do about it. :( Humans are afraid and suspicious of anyone who looked different because back in the Stone Age you couldn't tell if they were friendly or hostile so you stuck with your own "kind" because you were familiar with them. Even if you've learned to tolerate people who are different from you we all know deep down you are fighting your primitive genes with every single step. And that's why we'll never get along, and that's why we're all doomed. Um yeah well have a nice day anyway... :?

I can understand why people might think like this,but there's hope in the way that the Norwegian people have reacted to the tragedy and vowed to stand together. One of the most poignant reactions was from one of the young survivors who said

"If one person can show so much hatred,just think how much love the rest of us together can show"

I have lost the will to be apathetic


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26 Jul 2011, 2:45 pm

pluto wrote:
"If one person can show so much hatred,just think how much love the rest of us together can show"

Quite right. Thanks Pluto!

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26 Jul 2011, 2:55 pm

pluto wrote:

"If one person can show so much hatred,just think how much love the rest of us together can show"

If it gets any sweeter than this, my teeth will decay.



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26 Jul 2011, 6:25 pm

In D Browns Human Universals, a sense of place, people, history, land, is listed. Just like any universal human trait, going against it causes a backlash.

The American Civil Rights Act pushed people apart. Advancing Human Rights caused all groups to look within. We now have a lot of people like this shooter that live within a Christian Conserative world.

At least in America we came by our minorities the old fashioned way, killing most of the Native Americans, taking land from Mexico, and importing slaves. There is a hostile but equal standoff, and do not be too white in the Barrio, Hood, or Rez. We live seperate lives.

Be it the Getto or Appalachians, or a gated community, it is everything they have, and they are hostile to outsiders. It is a Human Universal.

So I do not understand Norway. They are importing conflict.

We could move the Rosebud Souix to Iceland, there would be less cultural conflict.

It is also unequal, just try moving a Christian colony to Islamic lands and building churches.

Just to be helpful, we can move ten million Chinese to each of the twenty largest economies, so we can all learn to be multicultural. To be fair they would also get ten million from India.

Open up your hearts and love the whole world.


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26 Jul 2011, 7:10 pm

Inventor wrote:
In D Browns Human Universals, a sense of place, people, history, land, is listed. Just like any universal human trait, going against it causes a backlash.

The American Civil Rights Act pushed people apart. Advancing Human Rights caused all groups to look within. We now have a lot of people like this shooter that live within a Christian Conserative world.

At least in America we came by our minorities the old fashioned way, killing most of the Native Americans, taking land from Mexico, and importing slaves. There is a hostile but equal standoff, and do not be too white in the Barrio, Hood, or Rez. We live seperate lives.

Be it the Getto or Appalachians, or a gated community, it is everything they have, and they are hostile to outsiders. It is a Human Universal.

So I do not understand Norway. They are importing conflict.

We could move the Rosebud Souix to Iceland, there would be less cultural conflict.

It is also unequal, just try moving a Christian colony to Islamic lands and building churches.

Just to be helpful, we can move ten million Chinese to each of the twenty largest economies, so we can all learn to be multicultural. To be fair they would also get ten million from India.

Open up your hearts and love the whole world.

If I'm reading your post correctly, you seem to be suggesting that the shooter was right on some level. I'll remind you, this guy is nothing but a social misfit, who expressed the inadequacies and petty hatreds in violence directed at innocent people. He in no way represented the Norwegian people, who come across as a very open minded, liberal bunch.
And where did you get the idea that the civil rights movement only served to separate people? Like blacks had been accepted by whites prior to it.
And just because tribalism comes natural to humans doesn't make it right. The best example that the instinct for tribal mentalities can be overcome successfully is here in the United States. Sure, we as of yet hardly have a perfect record, but we have made strives to live up to our national motto. E Pluribus Unum - Through Many, one.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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26 Jul 2011, 7:51 pm

ruveyn wrote:
Beauty_pact wrote:
At least two bombings against Norweigan government offices and shootings by a man masked as a policeman at a political children's summit camp.

Link to article from Sky News

I will bet good money that Muslims are behind this.


So have you paid out yet?

I'm not a great fan of islam but I think being recipients of discrimination ourselves we ain't in a position to discriminate agains't others. Dare I say it. people in glass houses....


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26 Jul 2011, 8:16 pm

cyberdad wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
Beauty_pact wrote:
At least two bombings against Norweigan government offices and shootings by a man masked as a policeman at a political children's summit camp.

Link to article from Sky News

I will bet good money that Muslims are behind this.


So have you paid out yet?

I'm not a great fan of islam but I think being recipients of discrimination ourselves we ain't in a position to discriminate agains't others. Dare I say it. people in glass houses....

Yup. I was dead wrong.



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26 Jul 2011, 11:57 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
Inventor wrote:
In D Browns Human Universals, a sense of place, people, history, land, is listed. Just like any universal human trait, going against it causes a backlash.

The American Civil Rights Act pushed people apart. Advancing Human Rights caused all groups to look within. We now have a lot of people like this shooter that live within a Christian Conserative world.

At least in America we came by our minorities the old fashioned way, killing most of the Native Americans, taking land from Mexico, and importing slaves. There is a hostile but equal standoff, and do not be too white in the Barrio, Hood, or Rez. We live seperate lives.

Be it the Getto or Appalachians, or a gated community, it is everything they have, and they are hostile to outsiders. It is a Human Universal.

So I do not understand Norway. They are importing conflict.

We could move the Rosebud Souix to Iceland, there would be less cultural conflict.

It is also unequal, just try moving a Christian colony to Islamic lands and building churches.

Just to be helpful, we can move ten million Chinese to each of the twenty largest economies, so we can all learn to be multicultural. To be fair they would also get ten million from India.

Open up your hearts and love the whole world.

If I'm reading your post correctly, you seem to be suggesting that the shooter was right on some level. I'll remind you, this guy is nothing but a social misfit, who expressed the inadequacies and petty hatreds in violence directed at innocent people. He in no way represented the Norwegian people, who come across as a very open minded, liberal bunch.
And where did you get the idea that the civil rights movement only served to separate people? Like blacks had been accepted by whites prior to it.
And just because tribalism comes natural to humans doesn't make it right. The best example that the instinct for tribal mentalities can be overcome successfully is here in the United States. Sure, we as of yet hardly have a perfect record, but we have made strives to live up to our national motto. E Pluribus Unum - Through Many, one.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

I do not think he was at all right. Our American version was Timmy McViegh, who did bring people together. Hating the government is an American tradition, but not killing them.

It is a human universal that males will make war if they feel threatened. From small tribes to Nation States, it is a universal. Most wars have started from the act of a single person. John Brown started a war in America.

All he wanted to do was invade someone elses land, steal guns, arm the blacks, and kill all the whites. He got hung, but his vision lived on. Charles Manson called it Helter Skelter, he got life. Usama, had a plan.

Some get the rope, some like Custer killed trying, and some become national heros. Some manage to start major conflicts. We killed a hundred thousand in Iraq, because,,, we could? Whatever it was Congress agreed to it.

Many were killed when the boundries were drawn putting Hutu and Tusi in the same country. Some acts promote conflict.

I think the tribal and class lines in America are becoming stronger. The Army can overcome it because they all join the Green Tribe.

The national vote is falling more on social lines than on what the canidate says.

In the deep south, the Pope's troops always had their own schools, Civil Rights brought Christian Schools, and public schools, black and white became an underclass. High School got dumbed down to eighth grade level. The church schools are not great, but politics produced educational cripples in the public schools. Church schools have their own universities, and a high graduation rate. It is class warfare at all levels.

In New Orleans the Pope has more employees than the City and Parish, County to the rest of you, and most of the city and parish offices.

North of here it is the same with Christians filling all offices. The rest of us have been excluded. We are moving farther and farther apart.

This makes it easy to see others as not really human.

The Pope sees Mexicans as their own, the Christians as cheap labor and not black, the rest see them taking our jobs and anything left in the yard.

Perhaps you viewed ten million Chinese as humor, we have more illegal Mexicans.

Government is no longer our government. Local, it belongs to some church, national was a leveraged buyout from Goldman Sachs.

Government at all levels ignores the will of the people. That was our bond, what made us a people. Government has grown so large it votes it's self into office.

We do need the European many parties that get a voice in government. No one can out vote the State-Church Axis.

People who feel excluded act excluded, and if you do not see me as human, how shall I see you?

From outside the national bond, they all become enemies.

The recent behavior of Washington shows they do not care what we think. On optional wars they broke the bank, bailed out their owners, and are printing money and calling for cutting everything that goes to the people.

We have a minor employment problem that is what most people think about, our jobs were sold, and we have been invaded. Sending the Mexicans back to Mexico, we can have full employment.

Illegals are illegal, they send money out of the country. They work but do not pay Social Security. Most people see this as the problem. Washington does not. To them cutting Social Security is the answer.

I think they have stolen the future, and are running to get unelected. They are your ex who before they split maxes out your credit cards, cleans out your bank account, and takes loans in the name of your children.

This is going to be an ugly divorce.

I do not think shooting people is the answer, but social alienation is the problem.

"Why can't we all just get along?" Roddney King


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27 Jul 2011, 1:00 am

I don't recall anyone where I live (Pacific Northwest) seeing Timothy McVeigh as anything but a mass murderer and fanatic - just like that lunatic in Norway - and hardly a unifier of any kind.
I do agree with you that there is definitely class warfare being waged against us in the USA, orchestrated by forces of reaction that opposes racial equality and a social safety net. And while I very well may have put my foot in my mouth already concerning politically active conservative churches, I'll risk looking nuts and add that you're correct that evangelicals are part of the forces of reaction that want to turn back the clock on the rest of us.
But a retreat into tribalism is hardly the answer, as it could only serve to rip apart a country like America where ethnic and religious diversity makes us what we are.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer