The difference, Empires Win.
America has not. North Korea is pointing out that a State of War has existed for sixty years, with American troops stationed on their southern border.
Cuba stood up to the bully, so did Viet Nam. Daniel Ortega became President of Nicaragua.
Our problem, the weak who want to play tough, because they have a gang.
In our case the war industries own Congress, and war is good for business.
Both Patton and McArther had another vision of using war as a diplomatic tool. One wanted to nuke Russia, the other China, both who were our allies.
Iraq is now part of Iran, Afganistan knows the infidels are leaving, and Syria has been killing foreign fighters at an increasing rate.
They do hold a large part of the country the government is not trying to take back, as under the rules of war, they now have to feed the people, provide medical services, keep the water and lights on, and they fail at all of these things.
Their own side says they are dying by the thousands, most deaths are government troops and Jihadis. Those who fled, many from government and military posts, can never return. Those in Jordan, Turkey, may be there forever, for military aid came through both countries.
Russia, China, and Iran have stood firmly with Syria.
We are an economic empire for a while. As long as oil trades in dollars.
A Wall Street Empire, with no knowledge of what it takes to win.