20 shooting victims in California active shooter situation -

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03 Dec 2015, 5:47 am

cyberdad wrote:
Yeah but they weren't being tracked by the French secret service

Which would be the fault of various Federal agencies not communicating with one another for some reason or another. Pretty sure Obama isn't putting the blame on a logical deduction.

Yes, being a security risk should disallow you from owning weapons legally until it's shown that you aren't one (even if it won't stop them from obtaining them illegally, it's the principle of the thing); though, I can see abuse of that clause. But, if no flight, then no pew pew; that's only fair.


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03 Dec 2015, 7:09 am

Police have identified Farook, a 28-year-old American citizen born in Chicago and employee with the San Bernardino County Department of Health, and Tashfeen Malik, a 27-year-old female who is Farook's wife, as the two suspects involved in the shooting.

Police said Farook was at a holiday banquet before leaving abruptly and returning with his wife -- and a deadly purpose.

More details revealed about San Bernardino shooting suspects

This almost seems like a mix of muslin extremism and work place disgruntlement.


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03 Dec 2015, 7:11 am

Douglas_MacNeill wrote:
androbot01 wrote:
On CBC in Canada they keep reporting that there was a sex education class there. As if disabled people are more likely to kill over such issues.

Could you post a link to that part of the story?

They stopped that line of coverage after the first hour. Wisely.


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03 Dec 2015, 7:13 am

It's now confirmed the other shooter was his wife.
Just the two of them.
They left their 6 month old with his parents.

There is no confirmation of whether the office party was a holiday party or just a party.

Both of their families are working with law enforcement, so far nothing of value has been turned up.
The families have expressed shock and sympathies.

This seems to be a very violent case of disturbed and upset employee.

Something.... Weird... Something...


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03 Dec 2015, 7:28 am

Maybe it wasnt ISIS after all (as I theorized above).

But was a crazy individual.

But that would mean that either the wife, or the husband, got crazy, and then got the other to participate in the homicidal craziness.



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03 Dec 2015, 7:58 am

Obama said everything was fine before the Paris attacks and they were contained.
They sound similar to the Boston Bombers.


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03 Dec 2015, 8:15 am

As things stand right now, it sounds to me like a disgruntled employee situation. I suppose radical Islam (or radical Islamophobia) might be involved, but...

Right off the top of my head, I'd say we're the ones who need to be ducking and covering our asses over this one. Based on the slant of the last CNN article I read, they're having a hard time pinning Radical Islam to satisfy The Human Drive To 'Know' Why, and they're angling to stick causality on developmental disabilities instead.

And yes, obviously (though it does not go without saying), my thoughts are with the victims' families (and the perps' families as well). They deserve decorum, and respect, and the utmost sympathy, because this is a tragedy.

But sound bytes of support for the bereaved aren't going to get to the bottom of this, and sound bytes of support aren't going to do anything about the human tendency to tar and feather (or worse) entire demographics out of the need to THINK we understand what happened and FEEL safe again.

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03 Dec 2015, 8:27 am

HisMom wrote:
He worked for the agency, had an argument with a fellow attendee at the holiday party, bolted from the venue, then returned with two more shooters, complete with assault weapons (not handguns, but AK47s) and in army fatigues. Nope.. the fight was probably just a ruse. One does not magically find assault weapons or pipe bombs right after a disagreement with a coworker. He had likely been planning it for some time. B@stard.

Neighbours claim that he was always polite but became "more religious" a few years ago, and began to sport a beard, and wear "religious clothing". His father adds, "he's Muslim".

Well, DUH, thank you for that little heads-up, Mr. Obvious.

This is why gun control should be mandatory. Especially if you are a follower of the religion of peace (NO guns for you, if so, not even a hunting rifle).

Cut out the comedy.

You cant deny guns to people because this is America.
AND you can't make laws that discriminate based upon religion because this is America.
Two kinds of impossible.


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03 Dec 2015, 9:07 am

The same people now saying it's "workplace violence" were basically jumping in their seats for joy trying to pin it on "white domestic terrorists" before the shooters were caught as that fit the narrative they want to push whereas terrorism doesn't. Even Obama couldn't resist to get a barb even tho he most likely knew details exactly when he said "no where in the world" does this happen well it happened the other week in the Paris and you think you have ISIS contained? Look it up on twitter, these people are sick. Oh, some mentally ill elderly white man shot up Planned Parenthood and you call that "domestic terrorism"? Give me a break, what a joke.

There was planning put into this, he was a radical Muslim, he actually had been out of the country to Saudi Arabia recently. Call a spade a spade people, remember when they tried to call Ft. Hood workplace violence? That beheading? I wonder about this guy's wife who he met online, perhaps she was more than a passive participant. Mass shootings typically do no include more than one gunmen, apparently only Seattle in 1983 in a Chinatown gang robbery and then Columbine so there isn't much precedence for this. Nobody has wife willing to die for your "workplace" issues, AK47s, pipebombs, tactical gear, and body armor that all just happened to waiting for them in the car just waiting for the day that you leave work upset.

It's ridiculous story, almost as bad as when they tried to pin the murder of our ambassador to Libya on some obscure youtube cartoon when they knew all along what it was. This is terrorism and the Obama administration always tries to downplay terrorism and deflect it into some narrative he thinks favors him, Obama might not act as overtly as Bush but he has let the CIA and all the other alphabet soup boys run wild behind the scenes. So the Mexican drug cartels have American provided weapons and ISIS have American provided weapons, lets ban Americans from owning guns? Lets start with the one's guarding the White House then you can talk about mine. Obama is not qualified to be our commander-in-chief and he's been one of the worst foreign policy presidents of all time which is really hard since Bush was pretty bad but he's worse. God help us if Hillary wins, she's pushed for all the worst policies and is totally corrupt.


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03 Dec 2015, 9:54 am

naturalplastic wrote:
HisMom wrote:
He worked for the agency, had an argument with a fellow attendee at the holiday party, bolted from the venue, then returned with two more shooters, complete with assault weapons (not handguns, but AK47s) and in army fatigues. Nope.. the fight was probably just a ruse. One does not magically find assault weapons or pipe bombs right after a disagreement with a coworker. He had likely been planning it for some time. B@stard.

Neighbours claim that he was always polite but became "more religious" a few years ago, and began to sport a beard, and wear "religious clothing". His father adds, "he's Muslim".

Well, DUH, thank you for that little heads-up, Mr. Obvious.

This is why gun control should be mandatory. Especially if you are a follower of the religion of peace (NO guns for you, if so, not even a hunting rifle).

Cut out the comedy.

You cant deny guns to people because this is America.
AND you can't make laws that discriminate based upon religion because this is America.
Two kinds of impossible.

On the radio they're saying that California has some of the strictist gun laws in the country. All gun laws do is put more restrictions on sensible gun owners.

These two "terrorists" were lonewolves. We've actually had several Americans leave here and go to Saudi Arabia and get"trained" then come back. ISIS has even tried to recruit people to become lonewolves. Obama doesn't want to come out and call this terrorism because these two were Muslim and like I said before - Obama is a freaking Muslim.

Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.

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03 Dec 2015, 10:09 am

They're saying that the FBI were off the record saying it was Islamic Terrorism in the first hour.

Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.

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Last edited by nurseangela on 03 Dec 2015, 10:51 am, edited 1 time in total.


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03 Dec 2015, 10:23 am

What we know CNN 6:57 AM Pacific time

He worked as an environmental inspector for the county health department whose party they shot up. No public indication he was about to be fired, and besides the location of the shooting no links to ASD.

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03 Dec 2015, 11:17 am

Jacoby wrote:
Oh, some mentally ill elderly white man shot up Planned Parenthood and you call that "domestic terrorism"? Give me a break, what a joke.

Ummm there is nothing funny or joke like about what happened in colorado springs...and yeah it was domestic terrorism as it was out of opposition to abortion and the planned parenthood organization, it wasn't just a random mass shooting. What just because he's not an arab or part of a established terrorist organization its a joke to call it terrorism?

And I guess Ill have too see what updates have come out about the california thing....but last I checked they have not linked it to ISIS or terrorism. Isn't it just as bad for people to jump on that idea as it would be for them to jump on the idea they where white christian terrorists for instance? Also of course it was planned but that doesn't mean it wasn't related to work-place conflict rather than having a political 'terrorist' motive.

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03 Dec 2015, 11:21 am

nurseangela wrote:

These two "terrorists" were lonewolves. We've actually had several Americans leave here and go to Saudi Arabia and get"trained" then come back. ISIS has even tried to recruit people to become lonewolves. Obama doesn't want to come out and call this terrorism because these two were Muslim and like I said before - Obama is a freaking Muslim.

Do you have evidence that he is a muslim...and by that I don't mean if his parents or other relatives might have been. I mean do you have evidence that Obama actually follows Islam? Or is this like that conspiricy theory about him not having a birth certificate. Also though, again not sure how hate and discrimination towards Muslims across the board is going to solve anything regardless of if this shooting does prove to be terrorist related.

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03 Dec 2015, 11:25 am

Dillogic wrote:
Doesn't look like they had armor on going by the bodies (at least 2 of the attackers; 1 woman and 1 man).

Doesn't seem like workplace violence -- that's usually a lone individual that doesn't have accomplices. Unless there was only 2 attackers and the wife was subservient.

Fits your standard terrorist attack without any twisting.

By that logic every mass shooting is by default a terrorist attack which not sure that is accurate. Pretty sure terrorism specifically has to have a motive to intimidate/coerce through violence usually for some political cause.

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03 Dec 2015, 11:54 am

naturalplastic wrote:
HisMom wrote:
He worked for the agency, had an argument with a fellow attendee at the holiday party, bolted from the venue, then returned with two more shooters, complete with assault weapons (not handguns, but AK47s) and in army fatigues. Nope.. the fight was probably just a ruse. One does not magically find assault weapons or pipe bombs right after a disagreement with a coworker. He had likely been planning it for some time. B@stard.

Neighbours claim that he was always polite but became "more religious" a few years ago, and began to sport a beard, and wear "religious clothing". His father adds, "he's Muslim".

Well, DUH, thank you for that little heads-up, Mr. Obvious.

This is why gun control should be mandatory. Especially if you are a follower of the religion of peace (NO guns for you, if so, not even a hunting rifle).

Cut out the comedy.

You cant deny guns to people because this is America.
AND you can't make laws that discriminate based upon religion because this is America.
Two kinds of impossible.

I hope you are being sarcastic. If not, then it's just sad. Because discrimination happens every single day - maybe not based on religion but maybe due to one's race or one's disability or because of the shape of one's nose !

Nothing really humourous about this incident as my son is a regional centre consumer and this could just as easily have happened at the agency where my son gets "services" from.

More info on the shooters :

http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-m ... story.html

The idiot had - in recent years - met a woman online, travelled to Saudi Arabia and then returned with her.

And they were allowed to amass a stash of assault rifles and were busy assembling explosives and no one knew nothing about it... they were living the "American Dream". The sad thing is that they left behind a baby who is now the state's responsibility. UGH.

Wish they'd been busted and taken out before they had had time to procreate and leave their spawn to be raised by the American taxpayers - who they seem to have hated with quite a deadly passion. B@stards.

O villain, villain, smiling, damnèd villain!
My tables—meet it is I set it down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain.
At least I'm sure it may be so in "Denmark".

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Last edited by HisMom on 03 Dec 2015, 12:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.