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18 Apr 2007, 5:19 pm

Well, I guess we now know what he did between the dorm shooting and the classroom shootings.

He sent off a package to NBC. It included a manifesto, photographs, and a video of himself talking about his plan. The picture of him in front of the camera holding up his guns is really disturbing.


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18 Apr 2007, 5:20 pm

one_man_army wrote:
Guns don't kill people. Maniacs with guns kill people. Without guns, what would the hunters use to hunt deer?

I didn't realize that glocks and 0.22's were weapons of choice for shooting deer.


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18 Apr 2007, 5:47 pm

I'm sorry!

Jason Larsen
[email protected]


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18 Apr 2007, 5:54 pm

Both guns were pistols.

Cho reloaded several times, using 15-round magazines for the Glock and 10-round magazines for the Walther, investigators said

(from Washington Post
(source of quote)

There is a huge amount of both pistols, and magazine magazines already in supply. Banning them would remove them from legal purchasers as those who followed the law do as they typically do, but not criminal ones as criminals will continue to break the law. It is worth noting that current gun laws are not enforced strongly by many/most liberally inclined justice officials (something that is harshly criticized by the much demonized "gun lobby").

For the record, there is one way to completely get rid of guns in America, and that is to impose a totalitarian police state (and just a democratic country with often intrusive police like Japan). With a police that could violate civil liberties (break into houses, randomly arrest people, impose extreme punishment for violators) guns could be eliminated from the civilian population as they have been before by police states. Otherwise you will simply see a incomplete process, and a increasing crime rate.


I'm really sad to see this murderer get a huge television audience to see him air his grievances.

EDIT: Finally noticed issue with links.

Last edited by jimservo on 18 Apr 2007, 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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18 Apr 2007, 7:17 pm

so does anyone on line think he could be an aspie? i read some articles on wiki, yahoo and a whole lot more and one thing keeps popping out. it said that before they moved to the u.s. his father said that he wants to move there (u.s.) because "less people will know him". why? although i am suspicious he may have been abused (and i can be dead wrong or right) even treated terribly in his formative years. either way something made him snap big time. that being said schools and the international authority has to address such matters and how to deal with it without discriminating (like refusing entry to an educational facility when most teachers and students feel this person is a threat). yeah it may be stepping on his rights but what bout the rights to sfety and life? :?:

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18 Apr 2007, 7:43 pm

I've thought about this for a long time and I've come to this conclusion. I think that the big time gun control advocates like Sarah Brady and some politicians relish things like what happened at V T the other day. They can use them for leverage in thier own agenda's. That's really SICK!! ! The notion of "gun control" and "gun banning" is immature and stupid. Gun posession was already banned on that campus from what I've learned but it didn't do much to save those who were killed wounded did it? If one of the students or faculty had been wearing a concealed handgun and had the wherewithall to employ it that killing spree would have ended sooner that what it did. Maybe a lot sooner. Knowing that your victims are unarmed makes for easy killings. Knowing that some of them are armed and not knowing who turns the tables against you. You either won't do it or do it and not get very far. An armed society is a polite society. Polite enough, anyway. Unfortunately I work in a gun free zone and, no, I DO NOT feel safe against being shot. I'm not paranoid so I don't dwell on it but I don't like it. We are working toward changing that policy so we can at least have them in our cars. Not just for at work but for travel to and from. There are too many crazy people out there and no one seems to be held accountable for their actions. Not accountable enough, anyway.
We all need to be able to counter the actions of maniacs on the spot. Not wait for the cops to come in after the shooter runs out of ammo or people to shoot. I have a concealed carry permit and carry my Glock .40 quite often in public. I've NEVER waved it around or even mentioned that I was carrying it. No one knows I'm packing and no one needs to. Most all legitimate carriers are well aware of the civil and criminal liabilities of using their weapons in self defense. The use of lethal force is something not taken lightly. My state has a very high number of carry permit holders and you NEVER see any of them carelessly brandishing or displaying their handguns. NEVER!! !
Get enough people to stand up for themselves and stop waiting for the government to protect them (yeah, right) and things WILL change. Just about anyone of average mental and physical ability can learn how and when to shoot. The "when" is important, too, in self defense. Unarmed self defense can be helpful in some instances and should not be discounted but when up against an aggressor with a firearm you need to be armed.
Better to have and not need than to need and not have.

I would NEVER surrender my guns to a gun ban and I'm a law abiding citizen. Note the word "citizen" as opposed to "subject". There IS a difference. Now imagine the criminal element surrendering their guns. Yeah right.
Think about it logically :idea: .


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18 Apr 2007, 7:55 pm

Raptor wrote:
I've thought about this for a long time and I've come to this conclusion. I think that the big time gun control advocates like Sarah Brady and some politicians relish things like what happened at V T the other day.

I probably agree with some of your belief in regards to gun control, although I disagree here. I don't know Mrs. Brady and her husband, but I know that events like she and her husband went through can really have an impact on a person. While I strongly disagree with her, I think one needs to be cautious.

I have already make a couple(?) of political posts in this topic, but I have to admit I feel a little guilty about it. The way these things degenerate into blame game I think we loss sight both of those who lost their lives (and what there families must be going through), and just the sheer awfulness of the act that occurred.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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18 Apr 2007, 8:29 pm

guns are out of the question, anyone who can and are capable of carrying them SHOULD. no question. its just a matter of how can we protect ourselves in things like this should happen or even before they happen. gund are ok for defense but we all must try to sort it peacefully if possible (which we all know is not always the case)

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18 Apr 2007, 8:49 pm

I probably agree with some of your belief in regards to gun control, although I disagree here. I don't know Mrs. Brady and her husband, but I know that events like she and her husband went through can really have an impact on a person. While I strongly disagree with her, I think one needs to be cautious.

Sarah Brady's anti gun feelings pre-date her husband being shot. Of course, after that she became much more vocal about gun control. Jim Brady was not anti-gun at the time he was shot. Being in the impared mental and physical state he was put in by being shot in the head, it made him a good and pliable poster boy for her and HCI.

If he'd been run over with a car would she be anti-car????? I doublt it very much.

This tragedy at Virginia Tech was at least in part avoidable but I doubt that the right lessons will be learned from it. The wrong corrective actions will be taken. Therefore, and unfortunately, other tragedies like that will follow somewhere down the line. Rest assured of it.

I don't post that much but I think, as some others do on this thread, that we need to take a common sense look at what has happened and how it can effectively be countered or reduced in the futire. As aspies we know it's a cruel world out there and it won't get any nicer by dealing with it ineffectively.



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18 Apr 2007, 8:52 pm

If just one person in that classroom had a conceal and carry license, that SOB could have been stopped.



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18 Apr 2007, 8:55 pm

Sorry, had another thought:

If Guns are taken away from law abiding citizens, then the only people with firearms will be the criminals and the cops.

Do you trust the POLICE to save your life when someone is kicking down your door?


Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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18 Apr 2007, 8:55 pm

but don't you think there maybe other ways?

p.s. hey crazed chef... you really a chef? then knives should work bettter for us. :twisted:

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18 Apr 2007, 9:30 pm

crazedchef wrote:
Sorry, had another thought: If Guns are taken away from law abiding citizens, then the only people with firearms will be the criminals and the cops

That's not a thought, that's brainwashing.


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18 Apr 2007, 9:52 pm

janicka wrote:
Apatura wrote:
Am I the only one hoping he wasn't an aspie or someone who was obviously aspie-ish?

Now that I've had a chance to think about it, the fact that he was a loner and didn't talk to people doesn't really impress me one way or another. I can think of a whole list of mental illnesses that can make someone behave like he did (depression, schizophrenia, any number of personality disorders). So quite honestly, I'm not too bothered by the fact he had that trait.

Also, the media has been reporting how his roommates didn't want to turn his computer off even though it was playing the same song over and over again at 5AM, and how he wouldn't say hi to people after they said hi to him, etc. You know, I've had roommates and lived in a dorm and in apartment buildings adjacent to college campuses. While I can't say that I made any lasting friendships with anyone and I know that most of these people considered me at the very least "eccentric", I don't think that this is how people talk about me. I can put together the energy to engage in some minimal level of social interaction required to function in college. He may have been a loner, but HE'S NOTHING LIKE US!

I had a roommate VERY much like him once. He never would talk to anyone in our suite unless circumstances forced him to, except I think on the first day he answered when I asked him his major. It was intended that I be his roommate for a year, but I had to move out at the end of the first semester because he would stay up until 4 or even 5 in the morning and keep me up (I can't sleep if someone's up in the room), and there was no way that he was going to listen to my complaints about it, even with our RA's efforts to mediate. If it weren't for that I could have tolerated him, I just learned to keep quiet. Once I heard from one of his few friends (at least he DID have friends) that he had an exam coming up, and I wished him good luck, only to have him stare back at me with a look like "Why are you bothering me by talking? Please leave me alone".

A previous suitemate of mine, when I described my new roommate to him, suggested that he might be autistic, and then I mentioned that I didn't think so, since he managed to speak to his friends (they didn't speak English with each other ever, but I knew he had sufficient knowledge of English since he sometimes wrote notes to me when "backed into a corner" by me or the RA).


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18 Apr 2007, 10:02 pm

aylissa wrote:
That's not a thought, that's brainwashing.

Why? "crazedchef" did not elaborate on his argument, but why is what he saying brainwashing?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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18 Apr 2007, 11:20 pm

aylissa wrote:
crazedchef wrote:
Sorry, had another thought: If Guns are taken away from law abiding citizens, then the only people with firearms will be the criminals and the cops

That's not a thought, that's brainwashing.

it doesn't matter who has guns. what matters is our safety. do you prefer to be safe or not your choice. what is important is we find a way to resort things peaceably. we are the ones who have aspies and we are damn logical for that matter.

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