EzraS wrote:
Likewise people have tabloid style dirt dug up against them. Hilary has a mountain of it too. But I often I find out key information (the rest of the story) is left out. None of these types of things actually disqualify the person from getting the job they were given it they wouldn't have it.
The primary problem with Bannon is that he arrives at the position w
ith a specific agenda to disempower and attack minority groups. His pro-white agenda is outdated, bizarre and a form of social devolution in a largely globalised international economy...
EzraS wrote:
Now I'm sure the Clinton supporters here would expect me to disregard all that as misinformation, propaganda, exaggeration, distortion etc.
You are welcome but most of the accusations thrown at Hillary Clinton from the conservative side of politics during the election were demonstrated to be false, like Trump's outrageous claims of Obama's birth certificate they were purely designed to discredit her crudentials in the eyes of voters. As we know the underhanded tactic worked.