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25 Jan 2019, 8:58 pm

"It just beggars belief that the same liberals who fret about 'micro-aggressions' for 20-somethings were able to see 16-year-olds absorbing the worst racist garbage from religious bigots and then express the desire to punch the kids in the face. How did this grotesque inversion of the truth become the central narrative for what seemed to be the entire class of elite journalists on Twitter? ... -same.html

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25 Jan 2019, 9:46 pm

Darmok wrote:
[b]"It just beggars belief that the same liberals who fret about 'micro-aggressions' for 20-somethings were able to see 16-year-olds absorbing the worst racist garbage from religious bigots and then express the desire to punch the kids in the face. How did this grotesque inversion of the truth become the central narrative for what seemed to be the entire class of elite journalists on Twitter?

Oh no, we were intolerant of intolerance. I guess that makes us hypocrites, huh? At least the Hebrew Israelites were honest about their bigotry.


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26 Jan 2019, 12:37 am

A simple guide for the perplexed.


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26 Jan 2019, 12:51 am

I didn't even notice the phuqing hat, all I saw was the sneering smart@$$ed smug stink on his stoooopid arrogant face, as well as his dominant body language, the face of white upper-class patriarchy here.


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26 Jan 2019, 8:58 am

Darmok wrote:
A simple guide for the perplexed.

Also works with ANON hats, saw one of those yesterday.


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26 Jan 2019, 10:50 am

Darmok wrote:
"It just beggars belief that the same liberals who fret about 'micro-aggressions' for 20-somethings were able to see 16-year-olds absorbing the worst racist garbage from religious bigots and then express the desire to punch the kids in the face. How did this grotesque inversion of the truth become the central narrative for what seemed to be the entire class of elite journalists on Twitter? ... -same.html

The column was a quote from an original New York Magazine column by Andrew Sullivan
The Abyss of Hate Versus Hate
One of the advantages of taking Saturdays off the web entirely is that I wasn’t aware of L’Affaire Covington until it was almost over. It’s one of those occasions I’m deeply glad I quit blogging 24/7 four years ago and disengaged from Twitter last month. I’m not going to dunk on the multitudes who badly misjudged a moment in time. We’re all fallible. But I did make time to watch the full 100 minutes of YouTube footage that covered the scene in front of the Lincoln Memorial long before, during, and after the smirk that was seen across the world.

What I saw was extraordinary bigotry, threats of violence, hideous misogyny, disgusting racism, foul homophobia, and anti-Catholicism — not by the demonized schoolboys, but by grown men with a bullhorn, a small group of self-styled Black Hebrew Israelites. They’re a fringe sect — but an extremely aggressive one — known for inflammatory bigotry in public.

They scream abuse at gays, women, white people, Jews, interracial couples, in the crudest of language. In their public display of bigotry, they’re at the same level as the Westboro Baptist sect: shockingly obscene. They were the instigators of the entire affair.

And yet the elite media seemed eager to downplay their role, referring to them only in passing, noting briefly that they were known to be anti-Semitic and anti-gay. After several days, the New York Times ran a news analysis on the group by John Eligon that reads like a press release from the sect: “They shout, use blunt and sometimes offensive language, and gamely engage in arguments aimed at drawing listeners near.” He notes that “they group people based on what they call nations, believing that there are 12 tribes among God’s chosen people. White people are not among those tribes, they believe, and will therefore be servants when Christ returns to Earth.” Nothing to see here, folks. Just a bunch of people preaching the enslavement of another race in public on speakers in the most inflammatory language imaginable.

Eligon actually writes: “Whatever tensions are sparked by Hebrew Israelite teaching, some adherents chalk that up to people being unwilling to accept uncomfortable doctrine.” The Washington Post ran a Style section headline about “the calculated art of making people uncomfortable.” In a news story entirely about the Black Israelites, the Washington Post did not quote a single thing they had said on the tape, gave a respectful account of their theology, and only mentioned their status as a “hate group” in the 24th paragraph, and put the term in scare quotes. Vox managed to write an explainer that also did not include a single example of any of the actual insults hurled at the Covington kids. Countless near-treatises were written parsing the layers of bigotry inside a silent schoolboy’s smirk.

Here’s what I saw on the full tape: a small group of aggressive, hateful men using a bullhorn to broadcast the crudest of racial slurs, backed up by recitations of Bible verses. I saw a young Native American woman make the mistake of engaging them. When she stood her ground, she was suddenly interrupted: “You’re out of order. Where’s your husband? Where’s your husband? Let me speak to him.” On the tape, you can hear the commentary from another member of the Black Israelites: “You see this? This is the problem, Israel. It’s always our women coming up with their loud mouth, thinking they can run and bogart things, thinking they can come and distract things with their loud-ass mouth, because they’re not used to dealing with real men. You think we’re supposed to bow down to your damn emotions when you come around here and run your mouth and distract what we’re doing instead of coming here with order … She’s coming around here being wicked.”

Wait, there’s more. Hollering through a bullhorn at a group of Native Americans, the speaker boomed: “You ain’t no child of God. You are the Indian. You are a blue-eyed demon. That’s the last Mohican.” Then: “You’re still worshipping totem poles. You out of your mind! You have to repent. You worship the buffalo. You worship the eagle. You worship the phoenix. These are the idols you’ve been worshipping. A damn buffalo ain’t gonna save you. You worship the creations and not the creator … That’s why you’re drunkards in the casinos and the damn plantation.” Another: “Dumb-ass n****rs. Bunch of demons. You’re a bunch of Uncle Tomahawks.” They snarled the word “savages” at Native Americans. The yelling was deafening, aggressive, vile, and threatening. But an inscrutable smile by a white teen was enough for some elite liberals to urge punching a schoolboy in the face.

Here is how the Black Israelites verbally assaulted the schoolboys: “Bring your cracker ass up here. Dirty ass crackers, your day coming. We can give a hell about your police. No one’s playing with these dusty-ass crackers.” Another: “Don’t get too close or your ass gonna get punished … You crackers are some slithery ass bastards. You better keep your distance.” And this, surveying the scene: “I see you, a bunch of incest babies … Babies made out of incest. If you’re the great damn nation, get rid of the lice on your back. … You’re a bunch of hyenas. You outnumber us but you keep your distance. You couldn’t touch us if you wanted to. You worship blasphemy.”

Then they took it up a notch: “Look at these dirty-ass crackers. You’re a bunch of future school-shooters. You crackers are crazy. You crackers have got some damn nerve …” And again: “When you guys gonna shoot up another school? You all gonna shoot up a school.” Yes, the man was accusing a bunch of schoolboys from Kentucky of wanting to murder their classmates — solely because they’re white.

Once the Israelites figured out the kids were Catholic, they offered this about what appeared to be a picture of the Pope: “This is a fa***t child-molester.” And this about Donald Trump: “He’s a product of sodomy and he’s proud. Your president is a homosexual. … It says on the back of the dollar bill that ‘In God We Trust,’ and you give fa***ts rights.” At that homophobic outburst, the kids from the Catholic school spontaneously booed.

The boys — stuck waiting for a bus — decided to respond to this assault by performing school chants. Most look a little bewildered, as one might imagine. Some even tried to engage. Here are the spoken words I heard, in response to the abuse: “That’s racist, bro.” “That’s rude.” “Why are you being mean? Why do you call us Klansmen?” “We don’t judge you.” One of them offered to shake hands, and was rebuffed. Another offered some water from a plastic bottle. The response? “You got some Trump water? What does it taste like? Incest?”

Yes, the boys did chant some school riffs; I’m sure some of those joining in the Native American drumming and chanting were doing it partly in mockery, but others may have just been rolling with it. Yes, they should not have been wearing MAGA hats to a pro-life march. They aren’t angels; they’re teenage boys. But they were also subjected for quite a while to a racist, anti-Catholic, homophobic tirade on a loudspeaker, which would be more than most of us urbanites could bear — and they’re adolescents literally off the bus from Kentucky. I heard no slurs back. They stayed there because they were waiting for a bus, not to intimidate anyone.

To put it bluntly: They were 16-year-olds subjected to verbal racist assault by grown men; and then the kids were accused of being bigots.It just beggars belief that the same liberals who fret about “micro-aggressions” for 20-somethings were able to see 16-year-olds absorbing the worst racist garbage from religious bigots … and then express the desire to punch the kids in the face.

How did this grotesque inversion of the truth become the central narrative for what seemed to be the entire class of elite journalists on Twitter? That’s the somewhat terrifying question. Ruth Graham on Slate saw a 16-year-old she’d seen on a tape for a couple of minutes and immediately knew that he was indistinguishable from the “white young men crowding around a single black man at a lunch counter sit-in in Virginia in the 1960s” or other white “high school boys flashing Nazi salutes.” Even after the full context was clear, Graham refused to apologize to the kid, or retract her condemnation: The context didn’t “change the larger story” which, she explained, was bigotry toward Native Americans. She cited Trump’s use of the name “Pocahontas” for Elizabeth Warren as evidence. But using a bullhorn to call Native Americans “savages” and “drunkards at the casino” to their faces a few minutes earlier on the same tape was not worth a mention?

The red MAGA hat is the new white hood,” tweeted Alyssa Milano. In his debut Times column, Jamelle Bouie describes a border wall thus: “You can almost think of the wall as a modern-day Confederate monument, akin to those erected during a similar but far more virulent period of racist aggression in the first decades of the 20th century.” Charles Blow insists that “We have to stop thinking of the symbology of Trump’s presidency — the MAGA hats, the wall, etc — as merely physical objects. They have long since lost their original meaning and purpose. They are now emblems. They are now the new iconography of white supremacy … In much the same way that the confederate flag became a white supremacy signalling device, the MAGA hat now serves the same purpose. It is tangentially connected to Trump, but is transcends him also. It’s a way of cloaking racial hostility in the presentable form of politics.” A campaign slogan for a candidate who won the votes of 46 percent of the country in 2016 is to be seen as indistinguishable from the Confederate flag. This is not the language of politics. It is a language of civil war.

I can understand this impulse emotionally as a response to Trump’s hatefulness. But I fear it morally or politically. It’s a vortex that can lead to nothing but the raw imposition of power by one tribe over another. There can be no dialogue here, no debate, not even a State of the Union in which both tribes will participate. And none of us is immune.

What was so depressing to me about the Covington incident was how so many liberals felt comfortable taking a random teenager and, purely because of his race and gender, projected onto him all their resentments and hatred of “white men” in general. Here is Kara Swisher, a sane and kind person, reacting to the first video: “To all you aggrieved folks who thought this Gillette ad was too much bad-men-shaming, after we just saw it come to life with those awful kids and their fetid smirking harassing that elderly man on the Mall: Go f**k yourselves.” Judging — indeed demonizing — an individual on the basis of the racial or gender group he belongs to is the core element of racism, and yet it is now routine on the left as well as the right. To her great credit, Kara apologized profusely for the outburst. The point here is that tribal hatred can consume even the best of us.

And this is what will inevitably happen once you’ve redefined racism or sexism to mean prejudice plus power. It’s reasonable to note the social context of bigotry and see shades of gray, in which the powerful should indeed be more aware of how their racial or gender prejudice can hurt others, and the powerless given some slack. But if that leads you to ignore or downplay the nastiest adult bigotry imaginable and to focus on a teen boy’s silent face as the real manifestation of evil, you are well on your way to creating a new racism that mirrors aspects of the old.

This is the abyss of hate versus hate, tribe versus tribe. This is a moment when we can look at ourselves in the mirror of social media and see what we have become. Liberal democracy is being dismantled before our eyes — by all of us. This process is greater than one president. It is bottom-up as well as top-down. Tyranny, as Damon Linker reminded us this week, is not just political but psychological, and the tyrannical impulse, ratcheted up by social media, is in all of us. It infects the soul of the entire body politic. It destroys good people. It slowly strangles liberal democracy. This is the ongoing extinction level event.

Bolding mine

I am a bit more negative about the kids then Sullivan. They are not adults but they are not 7 year olds either. They are old enough to understand what bigotry is and why it is bad. I saw one teen say it is not rape if the female enjoys it, I heard another kid tell Phillips “We won” a deliberate provocation that surprisingly the armchair mobs have not picked up on. None of those kids are Nick Sandmann of the infamous smirk. Dispite my being bit more cynical then Sullivan I agree completely with the basic premise of the column.

As I mentioned earlier in this thread I have been bullied by people with that facial expression, I have seen a number of others mention similar experiences so while it is understandable to be triggered by the smirk Nick Sandmann is not the person who bullied us. When I was in a rehab facility during the election my roommate was a Trump supporter, he used his sickness as an excuse to viciously bully to the staff saying all manor of bigoted slurs. Besides the slurs the guy would throw his urine all over the floor if the staff did not come right away. Another Trump supporter I have known a long time always nice to me online spends all day posting vile personal things about liberal/Democrat/progressive public figures. None of these people are Sandmann or his classmates.

Nick Sandmann is a person not a symbol.

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26 Jan 2019, 11:42 am

Speaking of Nick Sandmann
‘MAGA’ Teen’s family hires high-profile libel attorney

The family of a Catholic school student at the center of a confrontation with a Native American elder in Washington, DC, has hired a high-profile attorney, according to a report.

L. Lin Wood, who is known for aggressively pursuing libel and slander lawsuits against media outlets, “is committed to bringing justice to 16-year-old Nick Sandmann and his family,” the family’s other lawyer, Todd McMurtry, said in a statement, according to WCPO.

Nick Sandmann during a confrontation with Native American Nathan Phillips in Washington, D.C.
'MAGA' teen wishes he just walked away from Native American activist
Sandmann’s family has already hired the Louisville-based public relations firm RunSwitch PR.

The Atlanta-based Wood represented JonBenet Ramsey’s brother in a $750 million defamation suit that accused CBS of ruining Burke Ramsey’s reputation after a TV series suggested he killed his 6-year-old sister.

The terms of the settlement reached this month were not disclosed.

Wood also represented the family of Richard Jewell — who was wrongly accused after the 1996 Olympic park bombing — in a libel case against the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, according to the Cincinnati Enquirer.

In 2011, the Washington Post described Wood as a trial attorney who has “carved out a successful career representing the high-profile and falsely accused, often seeking eye-popping damages for those he believes have been libeled or slandered in the press.”

At the time, Wood defended Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, who had been facing accusations of sexual harassment by four women that torpedoed his campaign.

Former CBS news anchor Dan Rather once dubbed Wood the “attorney for the damned.”

When asked if Sandmann’s family is considering suing media outlets, McMurtry told the Enquirer by email: “The Sandmann family has no further comment this evening other than to say all options are on the table.”

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26 Jan 2019, 12:43 pm


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26 Jan 2019, 7:29 pm

Why They Fight: For Many Women, Kavanaugh Could've Been Their Husband, and the Covington Teens Could've Been Their Sons

A sharp insight from National Review's David French, who agrees with me that there are some relevant parallels between the Kavanaugh fight and the Covington affair. Why were conservatives so energized over both controversies? Because they witnessed the Left trying to destroy lives and reputations, regardless of evidence, for nakedly political and tribalistic reasons. Many right-leaning women, in particular, have bristled at the remorseless, ends-driven attacks, which have drawn them into the fight:

Bethany S. Mandel @bethanyshondark
Between the Kavanaugh debacle and now what happened with these MAGA boys, there’s a lot of nervous boy moms and dads out there. If they can and will seek to destroy these guys, they’ll come after yours. ... s-n2540193


Facecrime — obviously a racistfascistnazisexistprivilegedbigotrapistpigwhitesupremacist:


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26 Jan 2019, 9:49 pm

A nakedly political Supreme Court pick is a travesty of justice.


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27 Jan 2019, 3:27 pm

Native American activist Nathan Phillips has violent criminal record and escaped from jail as teenager - Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner wrote:
In his own teenage years and early 20s, Phillips, using his adoptive name Nathaniel R. Stanard, was charged with escaping from prison, assault, and several alcohol-related crimes, according to local news reports at the time from his hometown of Lincoln, Neb.

Washington Examiner wrote:
Military records provided to the Washington Examiner show that Phillips served in the Marine Corps Reserve between 1972 to 1976 and held the rank of private, E-1, on April 18, 1975. According to records obtained by former Navy SEAL Don Shipley, Phillips was listed as Absent Without Leave (AWOL) three times.

-Richardj / richard3700hz


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27 Jan 2019, 7:36 pm

RichardJ wrote:
Native American activist Nathan Phillips has violent criminal record and escaped from jail as teenager - Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner wrote:
In his own teenage years and early 20s, Phillips, using his adoptive name Nathaniel R. Stanard, was charged with escaping from prison, assault, and several alcohol-related crimes, according to local news reports at the time from his hometown of Lincoln, Neb.

Washington Examiner wrote:
Military records provided to the Washington Examiner show that Phillips served in the Marine Corps Reserve between 1972 to 1976 and held the rank of private, E-1, on April 18, 1975. According to records obtained by former Navy SEAL Don Shipley, Phillips was listed as Absent Without Leave (AWOL) three times.

One of the justifications for the calls to dox, take names, punch the Covington teens in the face is that once a racist always a racist. This view of the teens and people in general as irredeemable has been rightfully criticized. It is hypocritical to make this argument and then turn around and denigrate a mans credibility because he was a criminal over 40 years ago sans anything since.

Vietnam is America’s verson of a horror movie where ones mistakes keep on coming back to haunt. Vietnam Vet bieng mobbed by ungreatful teens made for a nice story.

Under the Defense Department guidelines a Vietnam Era Veteran is “a person who
served on active duty anywhere in the world for a period of more than 180 days, any part of which occurred between August 5, 1964 and May 7, 1975, and was discharged or released with other than a dishonorable discharge.
was discharged or released from active duty for a service connected disability if any part of such active duty was performed between August 5, 1964 and May 7, 1975.”
Mr. Philips qualifies.

Dispite the guidelines “Vietnam Era Vet” generally refers to somebody who served during that era but not in Vietnam while “Vietnam Vet” refers to somebody who was served in Vietnam.

Towerds the end of the Vietnam War and immediately after ie the time Philips served the US military was a mess, moral really low, drugs use rampant and desertions not uncommon. So Mr. Phillips was not atypical.

Mr. Phillips calls himself a “Vietnam Times Veteran” not a technical lie but he has not shown any desired to correct the hero vs brats narrative. Add that to his apparently false claim of being a recon ranger and he is close to going over the line for the concept(not the law) of stolen valor.

That plus leaving out the part where he approached the students means he has a credibility problem with me and it only indirectly related to his 1970s flaws.

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27 Jan 2019, 8:22 pm

I don't give a damn about the vet's history, I care about the overwhelming arrogance displayed by the pampered and entitled teens. those are our future leaders and that should scare the bejeez out of any thinking person. this country can't take any more cavanaughs.


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27 Jan 2019, 8:49 pm

I’ve been wondering where the school boys got all of their MAGA gear and why did so many of them wear it to the anti-abortion march. In the few photos I’ve looked at I’ve seen red hats, white hats, hoodies and t-shirts with the MAGA slogan. I suspect it is not usual school clothing. In Canada, Catholic schools usually wear uniforms. Did someone supply it for the excursion?


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27 Jan 2019, 8:50 pm

what is obviously certain, is that all the adults supposedly managing those kids, fell down on the job.


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27 Jan 2019, 8:59 pm

auntblabby wrote:
what is obviously certain, is that all the adults supposedly managing those kids, fell down on the job.

Im thinking at least one of the adults was behind the garb.