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03 Dec 2015, 12:16 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Oh, some mentally ill elderly white man shot up Planned Parenthood and you call that "domestic terrorism"? Give me a break, what a joke.

Ummm there is nothing funny or joke like about what happened in colorado springs...and yeah it was domestic terrorism as it was out of opposition to abortion and the planned parenthood organization, it wasn't just a random mass shooting. What just because he's not an arab or part of a established terrorist organization its a joke to call it terrorism?

And I guess Ill have too see what updates have come out about the california thing....but last I checked they have not linked it to ISIS or terrorism. Isn't it just as bad for people to jump on that idea as it would be for them to jump on the idea they where white christian terrorists for instance? Also of course it was planned but that doesn't mean it wasn't related to work-place conflict rather than having a political 'terrorist' motive.

It's a joke because there was such a rush to call that terrorism by partisan leftists in this country who are now screaming from the roof tops that this is just "workplace violence" just like they did at Ft. Hood, 100% that is a joke. These same people were literally calling it terrorism hours before when they thought the perpetrator was white and you can look this up on twitter or wherever, this is all about what political narrative they can run with and Islamic terrorism run counter to what they want it to be. Like I said, this administration blamed our ambassador getting murdered in Libya on a Youtube cartoon when they know what was really going on and what Christopher Stevens was really doing in Benghazi. We have a criminal gangster government who wants to disarm us, I don't think it's wrong to be a little troubled by that.

You can call the Planned Parenthood guy whatever you want, he is mentally ill with an extensive criminal record and history of violence. Do I think he was acting on behalf of any sort of organized ideology? Not any besides the one the exists in his head, it's kind of like calling Jared Loughner a terrorist. Like well, sure, I guess, but he's a schizophrenic that is completely detached from reality. Loughner by the way who I don't think anyone could deny is completely insane was described as "quite left-wing and liberal". It's a smear technique to try to tie these people to a political ideology, what I find to be the biggest joke of all are all these disgusting people who were literally cheering for this guy in San Bernardino to be white so they could use it as a battering ram against their political opponents but now it's just 'workplace violence'. They did the same thing in Boston too, look it up! There was serious articles on like Salon saying "please be a white guy".

We can wait for the information to trickle out but Syed Farook by most accounts was a devout Muslim who had become increasingly religious over the last few years, he went to Saudi Arabia and returned with a wife who fully participated in this shooting, there as obviously a lot of planning that went into this, he doesn't appear to have suffered from any mental illnesses or have any history of violence. He was employed, he wasn't getting fired, perhaps they should tell us what that confrontation he had at work was all about because I'm interested in knowing because this was not a spur of a moment thing. Also I'd be interested in know what words were exchanged before the police killed these two if any. I really wonder what words might of left his mouth before open firing on police, I have a guess.


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03 Dec 2015, 12:42 pm

HisMom wrote:
Wish they'd been busted and taken out before they had had time to procreate and leave their spawn to be raised by the American taxpayers - who they seem to have hated with quite a deadly passion. B@stards.

You'd really extend your hatred to an innocent little baby who's done nothing? Because of the actions of his/her parents? Also so far details point to work related conflict and potential islamic extremism mixed in(as far as I know that bit is not confirmed though), not sure they were specifically targeting the 'american taxpayer'.

I was glad to hear they gave the baby to the guys parents or something before committing these terrible acts, rather than killing him/her or leaving him/her neglected in their home.

But really I don't get it you criticize hate on the part of Islamic extremists....yet you're pretty hateful towards all muslims and arabs across the board, isn't that just a little bit hypocritical do you think your hate is somehow more saintly?

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03 Dec 2015, 12:58 pm

Jacoby wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Oh, some mentally ill elderly white man shot up Planned Parenthood and you call that "domestic terrorism"? Give me a break, what a joke.

Ummm there is nothing funny or joke like about what happened in colorado springs...and yeah it was domestic terrorism as it was out of opposition to abortion and the planned parenthood organization, it wasn't just a random mass shooting. What just because he's not an arab or part of a established terrorist organization its a joke to call it terrorism?

And I guess Ill have too see what updates have come out about the california thing....but last I checked they have not linked it to ISIS or terrorism. Isn't it just as bad for people to jump on that idea as it would be for them to jump on the idea they where white christian terrorists for instance? Also of course it was planned but that doesn't mean it wasn't related to work-place conflict rather than having a political 'terrorist' motive.

It's a joke because there was such a rush to call that terrorism by partisan leftists in this country who are now screaming from the roof tops that this is just "workplace violence" just like they did at Ft. Hood, 100% that is a joke. These same people were literally calling it terrorism hours before when they thought the perpetrator was white and you can look this up on twitter or wherever, this is all about what political narrative they can run with and Islamic terrorism run counter to what they want it to be. Like I said, this administration blamed our ambassador getting murdered in Libya on a Youtube cartoon when they know what was really going on and what Christopher Stevens was really doing in Benghazi. We have a criminal gangster government who wants to disarm us, I don't think it's wrong to be a little troubled by that.

You can call the Planned Parenthood guy whatever you want, he is mentally ill with an extensive criminal record and history of violence. Do I think he was acting on behalf of any sort of organized ideology? Not any besides the one the exists in his head, it's kind of like calling Jared Loughner a terrorist. Like well, sure, I guess, but he's a schizophrenic that is completely detached from reality. Loughner by the way who I don't think anyone could deny is completely insane was described as "quite left-wing and liberal". It's a smear technique to try to tie these people to a political ideology, what I find to be the biggest joke of all are all these disgusting people who were literally cheering for this guy in San Bernardino to be white so they could use it as a battering ram against their political opponents but now it's just 'workplace violence'. They did the same thing in Boston too, look it up! There was serious articles on like Salon saying "please be a white guy".

We can wait for the information to trickle out but Syed Farook by most accounts was a devout Muslim who had become increasingly religious over the last few years, he went to Saudi Arabia and returned with a wife who fully participated in this shooting, there as obviously a lot of planning that went into this, he doesn't appear to have suffered from any mental illnesses or have any history of violence. He was employed, he wasn't getting fired, perhaps they should tell us what that confrontation he had at work was all about because I'm interested in knowing because this was not a spur of a moment thing. Also I'd be interested in know what words were exchanged before the police killed these two if any. I really wonder what words might of left his mouth before open firing on police, I have a guess.

Ok what mental illness did the Colorado springs shooter have? As far as I know that hasn't been confirmed...and even if it was the case that doesn't mean the mental illness can be blamed per say...that depends on if they knew what they were doing at the time of doing it or if they were out of their head due to psychosis or something as well as if it was premeditated or not and things like that. Having a past criminal record or even a mental illness does not rule out that it was a terrorist act...and beings thus far his motivations seem to have been anti-abortion and anti planned parenthood does sort of point to that political motive terrorism involves.

As for this California incident I couldn't say whether its terrorism or not, I will have to wait till more information comes out about the motive....I don't want to jump to a conclusion either way yet.

As for the Colorado Springs thing I didn't initially assume it was 'terrorism' I thought there was a good chance there just happened to be a planned parenthood place at a shopping center someone decided to shoot up....then I learned it was specifically the Planned Parenthood clinic targeted out of opposition to abortion which certainly does point to domestic terrorism. Regardless of if he subscribed to a specific political and/or religious ideology or not he was still an extremist in whatever he believed....so yeah still not seeing how its a joke to classify it as domestic terrorism.

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03 Dec 2015, 1:19 pm


Narcissistic Rage

Heinz Kohut, a prominent psychoanalyst, coined the term "narcissistic rage", describing the narcissist as having a fragile sense of self that is oversensitive to perceived rejection or slights (narcissistic injuries), sometimes resulting in uncontrolled, violent rage.

Narcissistic rage is a reaction to narcissistic injury, which is a perceived threat to a narcissist's self-esteem or self-worth. Narcissistic injury (or narcissistic scar) is a phrase used by Sigmund Freud in the 1920s; narcissistic wound and narcissistic blow are further, almost interchangeable terms. The term narcissistic rage was coined by Heinz Kohut in 1972.

Narcissistic injury occurs when a narcissist feels that their hidden 'true self' has been revealed. This may be the case when the narcissist has a fall from grace, such as when their hidden behaviors or motivations are revealed or when their importance is brought into question. Narcissistic injury is a cause of distress and can lead to dysregulation of behaviors as in narcissistic rage.

Narcissistic rage occurs on a continuum from instances of aloofness, and expression of mild irritation or annoyance, to serious outbursts, including violent attacks and murder.

With this in mind, I AM SPECULATING that the boundary between the killer's social identity and his sense of self as an individual became so indistinct that he reacted with 'Narcissistic Rage' against those whom he felt had insulted his social identity, which was Islam.


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03 Dec 2015, 1:38 pm

xenocity wrote:
AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
Seriously, WTF is wrong with people these days?! :x

Take your pick:
*Easy access to weapons
*No outlet for emotions
*Society not funding mental health services
*Society being hard on those who have disabilities
*Society tearing men down for mental health issues
*Society over working everyone
*Lots of people barely making ends meat
*People too stressed with no time to unwind
*People not getting the help they need.
*People being hateful

Add in the fact that the U.S. population owns almost 50% of all the guns in the world, you get big mess.

Weapons: If our Founding Fathers were around today, they IMO, would be very shocked over mass shootings occurring on a daily basis. Without the Second Amendment, could we have done something to prevent more mass shootings?

Mental Health Services: Given many shootings have been carried forward by people on the spectrum, it wouldn't be surprising if more people with mental health issues are turned away because of seemingly little to no resources availible.

Disabilities: Are people seemingly more unaware that the ADA was made into law in 1985? :roll:

Hate: Am I the only one who thinks that the time period {meaning now} is the Civil Rights Movement all over again?

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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03 Dec 2015, 1:46 pm

@Sweetleaf Isn't the baby an American citizen? I'm not familiar with US laws.

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03 Dec 2015, 1:54 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
nurseangela wrote:

These two "terrorists" were lonewolves. We've actually had several Americans leave here and go to Saudi Arabia and get"trained" then come back. ISIS has even tried to recruit people to become lonewolves. Obama doesn't want to come out and call this terrorism because these two were Muslim and like I said before - Obama is a freaking Muslim.

Do you have evidence that he is a muslim...and by that I don't mean if his parents or other relatives might have been. I mean do you have evidence that Obama actually follows Islam? Or is this like that conspiricy theory about him not having a birth certificate. Also though, again not sure how hate and discrimination towards Muslims across the board is going to solve anything regardless of if this shooting does prove to be terrorist related.

I don't care if you think Obama is a Muslim or not. Keep your head in the clouds. One thing is that I am tired of everyone having to be politically correct. From here on out, I trust NO Muslim - and definitely not the one in the White House. :x

CNN just said that the guy was radicalized and involved with international terrorists. Obama should be coming out immediately and addressing the situation as terrorism. BUT he won't - because he is on the side of the Muslim terrorists - whether you want to believe it or not. They are going to try to pin this on workplace violence. BS!

Me grumpy?
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03 Dec 2015, 2:01 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
Maybe it wasnt ISIS after all (as I theorized above).

But was a crazy individual.

But that would mean that either the wife, or the husband, got crazy, and then got the other to participate in the homicidal craziness.


Conservative religion (and other belief systems) has been known to do that to people who isolate themselves too much from external influences.

Ironically, yesterday was Arba'een, an Islamic holy day that is marked by a pilgrimage, consistently among the largest peaceful gatherings in history. In recent decades it has also been used as a *peaceful* political protest day in addition to being a religious observance.

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03 Dec 2015, 2:16 pm

xenocity wrote:
Dillogic wrote:
xenocity wrote:
This is most likely just criminal act done by some hateful Americans, who wanted to punish those who receive assistance.

Unlikely, unless the only people killed were the staff. A domestic terrorist would primarily go after those responsible for the things they dislike rather than the victims of such. They still see they're honorable in some way.

You need a pretty twisted ideology for a group of people to plan and attack the disabled, and said ideology sees them as the enemy.

There are enough people in the U.S. who have such a negative view of the disabled, that would act on it in some fashion.
This isn't the first time an agency doing social services in this country has been attacked in the last 30 years, let alone one that aids the disabled.

As long as the disabled are viewed as a blight on society and using government money, there will be a significant amount of people opposed to their existence.

*Anyone* who is perceived as and easily identified as different and often, is less powerful (physically, socially or politically) at the moment of attack is more likely to be targeted in conservative / extremist religion-based violence. Could be Muslims, could be Christians. That's the crux of conservative, organize religion; anyone who doesn't follow their belief system is a threat and they feel justified attacking.

Please note, I'm using "conservative" to indicate a rigid adherence to a set of rules, typically associated with some tradition or history. In other words, an aversion and resistance to change and the inclusiveness of new ideas. Please, do not assume that I meant more by the term in this particular comment.

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03 Dec 2015, 2:24 pm

Jacoby wrote:
You can call the Planned Parenthood guy whatever you want, he is mentally ill with an extensive criminal record and history of violence. Do I think he was acting on behalf of any sort of organized ideology? [...] It's a smear technique to try to tie these people to a political ideology

Please see this earlier comment in the thread (link below). For your argument to be valid, you'd have to excuse them all as a group as being mentally ill rather than religious extremists. It would be a difficult argument to build.
List of Christian domestic terrorist attacks

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03 Dec 2015, 2:26 pm

xenocity wrote:
Aspie202 wrote:
I heard on NBC news that the place where the gunman shot people was a special needs center, and at the special needs center, there was holiday party. I am starting to think that the gunman are against people with disabilities.

There are plenty of people who feel that way in the U.S.
Though to be fair it's not exclusive to the U.S.

Our culture has a long history - dating over a thousand years - of literally Demonizing people with disabilities or who are otherwise different. Time was when a relative with autism would be kept out of public view, as the entire family would be judged as being further from the Grace of God. Sadly, there has been a bit of a resurgence of this attitude as of late in certain Christian and other circles.

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03 Dec 2015, 2:28 pm

cyberdad wrote:
US president Obama made an interesting point about people identified by the FBI as not being allowed to get onto a plane due to security risks but under the second amendment they are allowed to buy guns in their local store?

Quite strange logic...only in America!

Something like 33% of the people on the no fly watch list are on by mistake including an us senator. That's why the right doesn't support banning guns based off that list. Also a few news media and some gov officials have suggest adding all gun owners to the list. Because owning a gun makes you a terrorist now :roll: it's just another tool to take guns for them not actually caring about stopping terrorist. If you put someone on a no fly list just go arrest them. If you think you have enough evidence to take their rights then you should have enough to put them in jail.


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03 Dec 2015, 2:37 pm

I heard about this yesterday as, I don't watch the news but, when my mom mentioned this to me as well about the details, I was like, oh great another scenario where people on the spectrum wind up getting singled out for potential being criminals. <activates censorship button> okay, it really angers me everytime something happens that involved people whom either are autistic or have been reported as autistic without confirmation. Wherein, Many people in society tend to take the notion that autistic people are nothing more than people whom commit crimes. I'll be wholeheartedly sincere to say, the only law breaking action I've ever done was getting a speeding ticket. Anyways, It's hard to help others see that persons in the autistic spectrum are not bad yet, whenever something like this happens it causes such progress to wind up going in reverse.

I'm an extremely vulnerable person. Vulnerability and emotion are very closely linked.


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03 Dec 2015, 2:40 pm

BenderRodriguez wrote:
@Sweetleaf Isn't the baby an American citizen? I'm not familiar with US laws.

I am not entirely sure, but pretty sure they father was also a U.S citizen, not sure about his wife.

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03 Dec 2015, 2:42 pm

kazanscube wrote:
I heard about this yesterday as, I don't watch the news but, when my mom mentioned this to me as well about the details, I was like, oh great another scenario where people on the spectrum wind up getting singled out for potential being criminals. <activates censorship button> okay, it really angers me everytime something happens that involved people whom either are autistic or have been reported as autistic without confirmation. Wherein, Many people in society tend to take the notion that autistic people are nothing more than people whom commit crimes. I'll be wholeheartedly sincere to say, the only law breaking action I've ever done was getting a speeding ticket. Anyways, It's hard to help others see that persons in the autistic spectrum are not bad yet, whenever something like this happens it causes such progress to wind up going in reverse.

I think people on the spectrum were the victims in this one, since that facility did work with autism. I'm starting to think in this particular case that autism will not be mentioned as a factor in the shooters actions.

Sweetleaf, if one parent is a citizen then the child is a citizen. If the child was born here he would be a citizen anyway. That's what the whole "anchor baby" term refers to.


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03 Dec 2015, 2:45 pm

...You really seem to be repeating what I'm told are the NRA fund-raising letter points of " Waaah ! They're coming to take away your gunsy-wunsies ! WAAAAAAAH ! !! !! " !
For a more general thing ~ W$hy do gun fanatics cvlaim " the fact that gun laws don't stop all gun violence prove they NE%VER work and we should have none ! " ? :| :x

sly279 wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
US president Obama made an interesting point about people identified by the FBI as not being allowed to get onto a plane due to security risks but under the second amendment they are allowed to buy guns in their local store?

Quite strange logic...only in America!

Something like 33% of the people on the no fly watch list are on by mistake including an us senator. That's why the right doesn't support banning guns based off that list. Also a few news media and some gov officials have suggest adding all gun owners to the list. Because owning a gun makes you a terrorist now :roll: it's just another tool to take guns for them not actually caring about stopping terrorist. If you put someone on a no fly list just go arrest them. If you think you have enough evidence to take their rights then you should have enough to put them in jail.