NOT GOOD, Connecticut shooter was diagnosed with Aspergers..

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15 Dec 2012, 11:04 am

redrobin62 wrote:
What puzzles MYSTIFIES me is the amount of guns Adam Lanza's mother kept in her house in a quiet, crime-free affluent neighborhood with an unpredictable son. To wit:
9mm Glock
9mm Sig Sauer
AR-15 type assault rifle
a Henry repeating rifle
an Enfield rifle
a shotgun

WTH? Was she planning for war? I don't even own a bullet let alone a firearm. Mamas and papas, here's a tip. If you have unstable children, please, don't have firearms in the house. Geez!

Link to Mama's Gun Arsenal

The Henry Repeating Rifle and Enfield Rifle are blackpowder weapons. It would be quite difficult to go on a shooting rampage with either weapon; you'd be brought down before you could reload. I really think they shouldn't have been included in that list.

The others are scary, though.

I don't object at all to gun ownership but I don't like guns personally.

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15 Dec 2012, 11:11 am

I hate the way the media can instantly make everyone with Aspergers now be someone to be feared.


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15 Dec 2012, 11:18 am

Mike1 wrote:
I kind of regret selling off the weapon collection that I started now. I originally started it for the purpose of defending myself, just in case the Aspie haters turned violent, but I later decided that I had no use for weapons and got rid of them. Now how am I going to defend myself against the Aspie haters when they come to lynch me? Well I guess it shouldn't be a problem, I can always go see my psychopathic acquaintance with the weapon collection and buy some more. Too bad he doesn't have any guns, I don't think swords and knives are going to be sufficient enough. I can also talk him into being my bodyguard for cheap money. It makes me feel a little safer having a guy like him as my ally.

The best way out of this is to be a pacifist and not resist. That's why I think it's a good idea to just chill over this. It's the only response that makes sense. Do not let the media wind anyone up. It's how Aspie haters can be influenced. Let them know not everyone is a cookie cutter version of everyone else. This guy could very well be diagnosed but he does not represent all who have been.


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15 Dec 2012, 11:23 am

As an Aspie who's heavily into guns, I will tell you that in no way does that make someone violent. I would give my life to stop such a rampage or protect someone. It's a price I would pay gladly. Yes, I carry a gun. I carry it in case someone tries something like this, or in case someone poses a threat to my own or someone else's personal safety.

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15 Dec 2012, 11:28 am

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
Mike1 wrote:
I kind of regret selling off the weapon collection that I started now. I originally started it for the purpose of defending myself, just in case the Aspie haters turned violent, but I later decided that I had no use for weapons and got rid of them. Now how am I going to defend myself against the Aspie haters when they come to lynch me? Well I guess it shouldn't be a problem, I can always go see my psychopathic acquaintance with the weapon collection and buy some more. Too bad he doesn't have any guns, I don't think swords and knives are going to be sufficient enough. I can also talk him into being my bodyguard for cheap money. It makes me feel a little safer having a guy like him as my ally.

The best way out of this is to be a pacifist and not resist. That's why I think it's a good idea to just chill over this. It's the only response that makes sense. Do not let the media wind anyone up. It's how Aspie haters can be influenced. Let them know not everyone is a cookie cutter version of everyone else. This guy could very well be diagnosed but he does not represent all who have been.

So-- If I raise my voice to my kids at a rest stop somewhere along I-75 and some nibshit gets in my face about it and it escalates to a panic attack and I let "the A-word" out of my mouth and it all goes pear-shaped from there, I'm supposed to calmly let them tear my family apart??

Can you tell me how to do that??

I guess it is the right thing to do. Kiss the kids goodbye and quietly go along to the nuthouse. Be quiet and cooperative 'cause I know this is just someone over-reacting, and tomorrow they're going to have to let me out, and on the 26th I will have a lawyer, and by next Christmas I will have the kids home and the tar and feathers will be on the other foot...

Hard to remember that when you're afraid for your family's safety in a world full of reationary nutters.

But you're right. Calm is the way to go. I'm not being sarcastic. If you want to survive their stereotypes, you have to be able to turn them back on the people doing the stereotyping. You can't do that if you look like a stereotype.

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15 Dec 2012, 11:31 am

MikeW999 wrote:
Kimber wrote:
I just watched a psychologist on the Piers Morgan CNN show describe autistics and Aspies as having no empathy. He tried to kind of back down later, but the overwhelming impression was that we're potentially dangerous.

I already have had family members look at me oddly since James Holmes. I am getting a bit nervous. I hope the general public of NT's does not take anything out on all of us. I live in the area of this as well. I have so much empathy for human and animal. This guy was sick. A couple of bad apples do not make up all of us.

I do not think you need to worry too much, There are crazies and baddies in any given group of people Not only among Aspies, but among Orientals, gays, women, Muslims, Christians, blacks, whites or whatever. No group of people is exempt from "bad apples".

My heart goes out to the families of all the victims of this truly senseless tragedy.


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15 Dec 2012, 11:36 am

Oh no, people are idiots and might think everyone that has a simular disorder in common is going to go on a shooting rampage...or they think if someone does that they might have a specific disorder.

Actually this is not surprising so the best thing to do is probably avoid mainstream media or at least realize that mainstream media is for profit so half of what they say is probably speculation, exaggerations, dramatizations to increase the 'entertainment' value while the public thinks they are being 'informed'. Of course if there is any suspicions he had AS the media is going to jump on it and make a big thing of it.

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15 Dec 2012, 11:49 am

Just f'n great,sh*t,
Now I'm getting paranoid.My shrink wants me to do some neurological tests.
It does not help that they wrote on my evaluation" Interpersonal interaction causes her sensory overload and results in her manifesting behavioral extremes such as aggression".


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15 Dec 2012, 11:52 am

BuyerBeware wrote:
ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
Mike1 wrote:
I kind of regret selling off the weapon collection that I started now. I originally started it for the purpose of defending myself, just in case the Aspie haters turned violent, but I later decided that I had no use for weapons and got rid of them. Now how am I going to defend myself against the Aspie haters when they come to lynch me? Well I guess it shouldn't be a problem, I can always go see my psychopathic acquaintance with the weapon collection and buy some more. Too bad he doesn't have any guns, I don't think swords and knives are going to be sufficient enough. I can also talk him into being my bodyguard for cheap money. It makes me feel a little safer having a guy like him as my ally.

The best way out of this is to be a pacifist and not resist. That's why I think it's a good idea to just chill over this. It's the only response that makes sense. Do not let the media wind anyone up. It's how Aspie haters can be influenced. Let them know not everyone is a cookie cutter version of everyone else. This guy could very well be diagnosed but he does not represent all who have been.

So-- If I raise my voice to my kids at a rest stop somewhere along I-75 and some nibshit gets in my face about it and it escalates to a panic attack and I let "the A-word" out of my mouth and it all goes pear-shaped from there, I'm supposed to calmly let them tear my family apart??

Can you tell me how to do that??

I guess it is the right thing to do. Kiss the kids goodbye and quietly go along to the nuthouse. Be quiet and cooperative 'cause I know this is just someone over-reacting, and tomorrow they're going to have to let me out, and on the 26th I will have a lawyer, and by next Christmas I will have the kids home and the tar and feathers will be on the other foot...

Hard to remember that when you're afraid for your family's safety in a world full of reationary nutters.

But you're right. Calm is the way to go. I'm not being sarcastic. If you want to survive their stereotypes, you have to be able to turn them back on the people doing the stereotyping. You can't do that if you look like a stereotype.

Of course always defend yourself. I am an advocate of self defense all the way. When it comes to media hype, what can you do? Don't fall into the trap of irrational fears and paranoia so they guide you is all I am sayin'. Keep that calm chill state going no matter what.


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15 Dec 2012, 11:58 am

Hi all, speaking as a self-appointed ambassador between the NT and AS worlds, please try to remember there are many NTs who will not judge people on the spetrum based on this and other tragic events. The AS community has done an excellent job of educating people about the facts of ASDs to the point that many popular and endearing characters with AS traits have penetrated mainstream culture and won the hearts of millions of people. I understand the emotional reaction to this event and the anxiety and worry that it brings out. If anything, this event highlights the need to continue efforts to educate the world about the facts of ASDs.

Hang in there my friends, and stay strong and continue to build community and educate the are not alone!! !

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15 Dec 2012, 12:22 pm

Aspergian contributions to society can not be separated from the advance of civilization, progress, science, technology, medicine, education, the in short, people on the spectrum have contributed enormously to every aspect of society. As tempting as it may be for anxious newscasters to point out that Aspergian's have "issues" with emotion, feelings and empathy, such a discussion is misguided and counter-productive. The important discussion can only be had once we understand this kid's life circumstances. I'll bet that past efforts to help address his needs were stymied because society is not yet prepared to deal with the needs of emotionally troubled people. Whether he was confused, angry, high on drug, psychotic.... there was some underlying factor that people can see, sense, intuit... but Society has not been able to remediate.

Perhaps it would be productive to be proactive at this time. A leading member of the A. community should hold a press conference to air these issues

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15 Dec 2012, 12:30 pm

Strange thing for me:

- My mom still grieves my uncle who was senselessly killed (of course by a gunshot)
- Talk to anyone who I've talked about my feelings with and they will tell you that I'm too sensitive (the complete opposing of not having empathy)
- Every time I take an online test concerning empathy, I'm always considered at a medium to high level.
- Until even now, since I heard this story, I've had to control myself so that I don't just well up into tears at the fact that something so senseless happened.

I couldn't imagine myself ever intentionally hurting another soul, let alone take away their life. Then I hear that the shooter was diagnosed with Asperger's and really now, I'm just getting worried about myself. Every time I fall into a deep depression, I seem to lose hope and tolerance for others and their actions and whatever empathy I did have is usually lost while I'm in that dip. I'm afraid that one day, I could just lose it and God knows what I'll do.

But with this sad tragedy, all I've been able to do is think of the positive, that at least there are 26 new souls in Heaven, with various others joining them from around the world, because if I don't, I really will end up just being upset and fall back into that pit I just got out of.

So yeah, I really do hope that help will come to those affected, that there will be a wider range of awareness for mental illnesses regardless, and that the repercussions of these events won't negatively affect all of us who do have ASDs. All I can really think about is that there's still hope in the world for some reason, guess it's my own coping mechanism. :/

Diagnosed with PDD-NOS (and possible Asperger's) on October 30, 2012. Might not be ideal having so many labels (gay and Filipino as well) but I'm at least glad I can accept and embrace it.

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15 Dec 2012, 1:26 pm

Not everyone who is a nerd has Aspergers. Also the media is inlove with violence porn, and I'd wish they'd just stop already. Why did this Happen? yes, Lets all try to figure this guy out because then and only then will we all feel better about ourselves. I dont have TV and really am happy I dont. There's nothing good on anymore exept some channels, Most of it is useless junk.

I was more affected when Dimebag Darrell was gunned down by a schizophrenic in Ohio. One of the best Guitar players to ever walk the earth, :(


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15 Dec 2012, 1:38 pm

This makes me scared. I have no reason to fear crazy people, most of them don't want to hurt you and most of those who do are safely locked up, I'm afraid of the regular people. I'm not scared of my school being shot up, it's not likely to happen and my school is already extremely secure, I'm scared people are going to go witch burning. The most dangerous people are the normal ones, the ones who have to be afraid are the strange ones.

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15 Dec 2012, 1:43 pm

I can only repeat what I said in another thread.

Acedia wrote:
Anyone who can think rationally will know it's obviously other factors that caused him to do this. Either being emotionally disturbed, depressed or having a "personality disorder".

I do intensely dislike that the U.S media, and the Daily Mail, are going down the - he has Autism, therefore he lacks empathy and the capacity to understand between right and wrong route. The Daily Mail has already referred to him as a "Goth". It doesn't get more ridiculous.

Even in tragedy, they never fail to use sensationalism in their journalism. You would think they could at least try and be tactful, and sensible, during a tragedy of this nature, and not come to rash and unproven conclusions.


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15 Dec 2012, 1:59 pm

Acedia wrote:
I can only repeat what I said in another thread.

Acedia wrote:
Anyone who can think rationally will know it's obviously other factors that caused him to do this. Either being emotionally disturbed, depressed or having a "personality disorder".

I do intensely dislike that the U.S media, and the Daily Mail, are going down the - he has Autism, therefore he lacks empathy and the capacity to understand between right and wrong route. The Daily Mail has already referred to him as a "Goth". It doesn't get more ridiculous.

Even in tragedy, they never fail to use sensationalism in their journalism. You would think they could at least try and be tactful, and sensible, during a tragedy of this nature, and not come to rash and unproven conclusions.

With all due respect I do not think being emotionally disturbed, depressed or having a personality disorder, makes one do something like that...considering not everyone who is emotionally disturbed, depressed or has a personality disorder would do something like that. Could those things be factors? sure....if he had aspergers would that be a factor? yeah probably...but I can think of a number of other factors that come from society that could certainly drive someone to do something extreme after all everyone has their breaking point.

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