I suspect that gender segregated bathrooms and locker rooms only make sense if you believe that nudity or semi-nudity are inherently sexual as long as you are in the presence/vicinity of someone of the opposite sex, and that everyone is heterosexual. (If that isn't the reason, then what is?)
It's not about sex (not mainly, anyway). It's about the deeply-ingrained and nearly-universal sense that genitals are private, and that being forced (in the case of schoolchildren) to allow someone of the opposite anatomical gender to see you naked is a profound violation of that most intimate and personal privacy.
I think the problem is that people don't think of trans-women as "real" women or trans-men as "real" men....if they were seen as "real" women or "real" men, then I think that saying "your genitals are the wrong shape to use our locker room" might be seen as somewhat similar to telling someone who has a disfiguring injury or a congential malformation of their limbs that they can't use the same locker room with people whose bodies look normal/typical.
A penis is not a deformed vagina.
Throughout middle and high school I used the locker room for seven years. I never once saw another kids genitals. The only time I think that would be an issue is for public showers. I know for me I would be just as uncomfortable whether or not a transgender male would be in the same locker room with me.
Besides all that I think one of the main reasons to segregate locker rooms and showers is to prevent kids from fooling around with each other. You know with all them hormones raging.