MaxE wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
In this context, the Israelis refer to the "Arabian ethnicity" , the people of Arabia (Which is now Saudi Arabia + Gulf states) , not to be confused with the the oher "Arab"'s meaning which simply means, as you stated, an Arabicphone.
Pious Israelis claim that Palestinians are descendands of those desert Arabians came from Arabia during Islamic conquests, and have no bloodline relationship with any native people in this land. They believe, that according to the Bible, the Canaanites who were there before the Jews, were expelled - and therefore there's no way for the Palestinians to be descendands of those.
If somebody is pious, that discredits them in my view. To my understanding, the vast majority of Israelis aren't pious and don't give a toss about any of that. Most of them just want to get on with their lives, same as the rest of us. You may be aware that Netanyahu wants to shut down the Israeli judicial system, which most Israelis don't want. Jews, including members of the military, have protested this for months. One reason this attack from Gaza succeeded was because Netanyahu's actions neutered Israel's defense and intelligence community. No other Israeli PM has ever done such a thing. They don't accept Netanyahu as their CIC and have effectively gone on strike.
Zionist founders were secular, but that doesn't mean they didn't use religion to promote the support for Israel on religious grounds, religious Zionism is a thing too and had been promoted effectively among some Evangelical Christian denominations in the word.
Orthodoxe Jews (Haredim) are the fastest growing faction in Israel, with a birthrate of 6.5 children per women, I am sure most secular women don't pop 6 babies. Israel's future is more orthodoxe.
*Off topic: Strangely, we do have an Evangelical Christian community in Lebanon, they are a very....Americanized community with a command of English much higher than the average local, they have strong ties with US. I have a close friend who was married to one with whom he has a son, the child speaks English (Besides Arabic) fulently as if it's his mother tongue. I have no idea what's their views on Israel.
Last edited by The_Face_of_Boo on 10 Oct 2023, 6:04 am, edited 1 time in total.