[IMPORTANT] Hamas launches foot assault against settlements.

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09 Oct 2023, 7:04 pm

So Now , lets look at the Fall of the US dollar as the worlds reserve currency..Not looking good for long term..
but We are hear to discuss Israelis getting attacked??. Hmm... Now as I wrote above due to to the War? Slaughter ?
Which has yet to come . the US economy has gone up, inflation has slowed. And yes , guess that would put the US dollar on a higher ground possibly ...oh yes ? the Mossaud never knew a thing ? But the US needed a economic boost , somehow...? I hate coincidences like this ..? but am just a speculative person on some days?

Yahoo for US but we have a stronger stock market now !,! stronger evonomy , stronger Dollar , and the reserve curreny is secure once more .

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09 Oct 2023, 9:44 pm

No matter where it was, be it "Palestine" or Siberia, antisemites would take issue with Israel. All of the lip service given when someone brings up the Holocaust, is just that. There is zero compassion or tolerance for the Jews right to exist anywhere on this planet. And anything they do to secure a foothold in this world is viewed as apartheid, supremacy, etc...

I wish the detractors would stop pretending to be anything other than racists. Make no mistake, the Jews will suffer losses, it's inevitable in a war. But, they will prevail.

Disagreeing with you doesn't mean I hate you, it just means we disagree.

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09 Oct 2023, 10:16 pm

Persephone29 wrote:
No matter where it was, be it "Palestine" or Siberia, antisemites would take issue with Israel. All of the lip service given when someone brings up the Holocaust, is just that. There is zero compassion or tolerance for the Jews right to exist anywhere on this planet. And anything they do to secure a foothold in this world is viewed as apartheid, supremacy, etc...

I wish the detractors would stop pretending to be anything other than racists. Make no mistake, the Jews will suffer losses, it's inevitable in a war. But, they will prevail.

To be sure, Israel has a right to exist. To say they should just leave the land is as absurd as saying that the Palestinians should.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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09 Oct 2023, 10:28 pm

HAMAS have upped the stakes
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/hama ... rcna119532

Intelligence agencies reveal the true purpose of the attacks was to stall treaties between Saudi Arabia and Israel
https://www.ibanet.org/article/D2659617 ... 71485EC3D6

HAMAS will get blown to pieces and probably Hezbollah if they choose to attack. Iran appears to be the main winner whichever way this conflict goes.


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09 Oct 2023, 11:31 pm

beware of bigotry that comes in many nationalities and religions and so on& on&on&on...imho. :D even in the middle East.

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10 Oct 2023, 3:45 am

Hamas threatens to execute hostages

https://www.forbes.com/sites/tylerroush ... -gaza/amp/


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10 Oct 2023, 5:08 am

MaxE wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
In this context, the Israelis refer to the "Arabian ethnicity" , the people of Arabia (Which is now Saudi Arabia + Gulf states) , not to be confused with the the oher "Arab"'s meaning which simply means, as you stated, an Arabicphone.

Pious Israelis claim that Palestinians are descendands of those desert Arabians came from Arabia during Islamic conquests, and have no bloodline relationship with any native people in this land. They believe, that according to the Bible, the Canaanites who were there before the Jews, were expelled - and therefore there's no way for the Palestinians to be descendands of those.

If somebody is pious, that discredits them in my view. To my understanding, the vast majority of Israelis aren't pious and don't give a toss about any of that. Most of them just want to get on with their lives, same as the rest of us. You may be aware that Netanyahu wants to shut down the Israeli judicial system, which most Israelis don't want. Jews, including members of the military, have protested this for months. One reason this attack from Gaza succeeded was because Netanyahu's actions neutered Israel's defense and intelligence community. No other Israeli PM has ever done such a thing. They don't accept Netanyahu as their CIC and have effectively gone on strike.

Zionist founders were secular, but that doesn't mean they didn't use religion to promote the support for Israel on religious grounds, religious Zionism is a thing too and had been promoted effectively among some Evangelical Christian denominations in the word.

Orthodoxe Jews (Haredim) are the fastest growing faction in Israel, with a birthrate of 6.5 children per women, I am sure most secular women don't pop 6 babies. Israel's future is more orthodoxe.

*Off topic: Strangely, we do have an Evangelical Christian community in Lebanon, they are a very....Americanized community with a command of English much higher than the average local, they have strong ties with US. I have a close friend who was married to one with whom he has a son, the child speaks English (Besides Arabic) fulently as if it's his mother tongue. I have no idea what's their views on Israel.

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10 Oct 2023, 5:17 am

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:

That's good, are you against refreezing the funds? I don't get it. I am with the Republican policy on this, totally.

For me, that would be an effective blackmail against Iran in order to NOT join the war (via Hezbollah).


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10 Oct 2023, 5:26 am

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
AnonymousAnonymous wrote:

That's good, are you against refreezing the funds? I don't get it. I am with the Republican policy on this, totally.

For me, that would be an effective blackmail against Iran in order to NOT join the war (via Hezbollah).

I would of thought that Iran has it's own problems at the moment with a large part of its population openly rejecting the regime over the morality police. I wonder if the Israel-Palestine situation right now is just a useful distraction for them.


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10 Oct 2023, 11:34 am

Jono wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
AnonymousAnonymous wrote:

That's good, are you against refreezing the funds? I don't get it. I am with the Republican policy on this, totally.

For me, that would be an effective blackmail against Iran in order to NOT join the war (via Hezbollah).

I would of thought that Iran has it's own problems at the moment with a large part of its population openly rejecting the regime over the morality police. I wonder if the Israel-Palestine situation right now is just a useful distraction for them.

That would make sense ..! Plus last intanglement with Irael ,nearly blew up ( literally). Due to the STUXNET virus
affecting US Seimens controllers for cooling on their reactors :jester: .. And nearest most concerned country has been Irarl historically ...Even with hints of Israel bombing their ( Irans) reactor sites. based from prior news annoucements over last several years . So you might not want to overtly piss of another nation , just now .
Especially after the near destruction By Stuxnet virus .

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10 Oct 2023, 11:48 am

Hamas sowed the wind, and now they will reap the whirlwind.


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10 Oct 2023, 12:42 pm

rse92 wrote:
Hamas sowed the wind, and now they will reap the whirlwind.

And suddenly sowing the wind with missiles..is what Hamas has learned...Israel had considered itself invincible
thanks to the USA import of the Iron Dome , anti missle deterrent,that sheilds Israel from bombs . And the Arab Nations now has proven and demostrated to the world...that the Iron Dome system can be defeated. :cry:
( One has to wonder ) 8O
if that was not the entire intent of this object lesson given to Israel by the Arabs.Uhm.,? Palestine? Hamas? Lebanon?etc? Perhaps the lesson might have been [ That No Nation lives on this planet Alone] ? :mrgreen:
You can bet ..this is not a lesson the entire Western National World ,wanted to learn.! The US was providing a version of the Iron Dome system to Ukraine also ,if i recall...The Western Nations are now Suitably pissed off..!
And so are the "munitions Corporations"( military Industrisl complex) that sell this kind of Missile dome system for gazillions of dollars....yes Governments are gonna be pissed . :ninja: :twisted:

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10 Oct 2023, 12:51 pm

Seems all of this is rather complicated. I listened to some news clip that says Israel has been occupying Palestinian territory for decades, so no wonder they're pissed. And that Israel controls the flow of all goods in/out for 2M people, resulting in food/medicine shortages and an average age of just 18 years old as half the population are children - in large part because people don't have a long life expectancy. Add it all up and it's little wonder an extremist group like Hamas organizes and launches attacks.

The video commentator guy also said that it's the USA, Canada, and the world's fault as it's us who enable Israel to occupy that area.. we fund them, give them weapons, and turn a blind eye to anything they do to Palestinians, so they carry on doing their thing with impunity. Except when terrorists on the other side gather enough resources to attack, I guess.

Google: "Palestinian territory – encompassing the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem – has been illegally occupied by Israel since 1967." I wonder according to who's laws ? Palestine's? International? It can't be that cut and dry or the world would just tell them to gtfo of there instead of supplying the IDF. Hmmmm.

Seems complicated. Unlikely to have any sort of proper resolution any time soon. Maybe fighting will go back and forth for generations more. Maybe one side, the other, or both will be turned into glass parking lots by some bigger fish tired of all the bickering. But somehow I doubt there's going to be some sort of Kumbaya singing hands-across-the-border peace festival followed by co-habitation of the region.

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10 Oct 2023, 1:27 pm

There are holocaust survivors older than the state of Israel.
Sadly Shatzi passed in 2022.
There are Jews that oppose the occupation of Palestine.
Jewish Voices For Peace is the organization.
Shatzi Weisburger, the “ People’s Bubbie”.

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10 Oct 2023, 1:34 pm

Goldfish quoted:
Seems complicated. Unlikely to have any sort of proper resolution any time soon. Maybe fighting will go back and forth for generations more. Maybe one side, the other, or both will be turned into glass parking lots by some bigger fish tired of all the bickering. But somehow I doubt there's going to be some sort of Kumbaya singing hands-across-the-border peace festival followed by co-habitation of the region.

Well there certainly needs to be ......! 8O ...tyvm

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10 Oct 2023, 3:12 pm

Good article from Jewish Voice for Peace.
The root of violence is oppression.
https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/202 ... ceid=78272

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