What the ....!?!

Joined: 12 Feb 2010
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but they are powerful due to their numbers and their ferocity, just look at how they cowed the democrats into dropping the ball on healthcare. they are a cancer on the american body politic, whose metastisis is being managed by folk way above their pay grade. they are not even aware that they are being manipulated, that is the most dangerous thing. they are just another dumb weapon in the arsenal of republicans whose ultimate goal is to turn this country back into a "banana republic" [modern-day plantation economy, renewal of the old south] for republicans only. tom tancredo is openly calling for a return to jim crow, to prevent "coloreds and poor white trash" from from voting for democrats. texas is still talking even more loudly about secession from the union. this country never really learnt the lesson lincoln tried to teach us, namely that a house divided upon itself cannot stand. until the priviledged in this country get off their high horse and stop trying to disenfranchise those whom they see as their inferiors, there will be no peace. until the working class stops the factional infighting, embraces their commonality, gets wise and starts demanding a fairer allocation of social/fiduciary resources, things will only get worse.
It's about time, I am tired of the whining Liberals, Nixon, Reagan, Bush I & II, we need to get back to what this Great Country was built on, Genocide and Slavery!
We need to control our borders, advanced countries use land mines. It will produce JOBS to manufacture them, Here, not some imported Chinese mines. Once in place the costs of securing the border will be a lot lower.
With wages in Mexico at $5 a day, why are they being paid $5 an HOUR on this side of the line?
We could import all we want at $5 a day and three tacos.
No one should be unemployed, and paid for it, there are jobs, like cleaning my house, washing my car, and the government could give me the money, and I would teach them to work.
All of unemploymet, welfare, food stamps only amounts to 20% of the people, it should all be ended, and they can be assigned to the other 80% and each can be doing something useful, cleaning, painting, and serving four houses. It would give them some incentive to get a job, where they get a neighborhood service corp. 25% of the time, and $5 a day Mexicans..
The only problem we face are problems themselves, call them oppertunities and things will change.
Sure, we have too many homes, and falling prices, answer, level Detroit, Clevland, and treat them just like we do a rust bucket pickup truck, strip it and scrap it, with ex unemployed labor. It will produce Greenspace where rot once stood, It will improve the quality of housing for all, provide jobs, and when done, we can pick another city, and keep the progress going.
Nothing will raise the bottom 25% percent of the population like having to work and learn.
Nothing stands in our way but Government, There is way too much, Town, County, State, National, and they all don't do the same things. Sure, we need some, but not the 40% who now draw paychecks and private healthcare and retirement. If they are good enough to work for America, they are good enough to pay into Social Security, and share what we all share.
We do not ride horses anymore, we have National standards for water, sewer, garbage disposal, we do not need the thousands of obsolete local boards that claim to do the same thing.
State borders once meant something, now we have regions. The Ohio Valley is just that, and could do much better with one local government. The Economies of Scale work in every industry, Water, Sewer, Transport, just think what we could build without the waste of supporting the useless family of every small town offical. Football Coach turned local leader? How about Regional Professional Services?
When the Chamber of Commerce elects the Mayor, who hires the Chief of Police, how much of the Chamber of Commerce will he investigate? Regional law enforcment will clean out pockets of corruption. It is too much to ask that the corrupt police themselves.
We must reinstate the Constitution, the limiting of the House to 435 members was wrong, The Constitution calls for 3,300 now, and in eight regional pools, they would be impossible to lobby or bribe.
With less States, eight Regions, a Senate of sixteen, the Vice President might become important.
When each Region pays for it's part of national government, it will not over pay. It's share of defense will come from locally produced goods, we can all make boots, uniforms, and support the troops much better than some back door deal in Washington we never hear of, for $600 toilet seats.
Government and Defense Contracting, Ike warned us, it is a bad mix.
Regions are small enough that if you don't live here you don't work here. Being unemployed is a crime, or will be, some people need to be redirected before it comes to 40 years for armed robbery. No visable means of support should be inquired into. Most of it is people who would like some help.
For a small fraction of what we waste on excess government, we can find some work for those able, and better care for those not.
5% unemployment has been built into the system to keep wages down, and it has, we are down from 1970. We need real earning that can support families, not people who build 7,000 sq ft houses. Not Banks, Mortgage Brokers, Realtors, we need to clean up the substandard housing, and build small and affordable homes that are cheap to maintain.
Fannie, Freddie, and most banks are toast, We The People will take the assets. A lot should be torn down, new built, sold at cost with a fixed price. It cannot be resold for more.
Massive change is coming like it or not, run it, or be run over by it.
Move down, clean cups!
I been to one of the meatings of the Tea Partiers. I agreed with the tea party fellow about a number of things.
By the way, the guy giveing the lecture happen to be black, with two black supporters, but sure there were a small handfull of us cocasions, but about three other blacks to.