budgenator wrote:
I'd say cognitive dissonance, everyone thought him to be the "golden boy", a mighty mouse coming to save the day and in fact he's a failure. The cap and trade on CO2 and other environment issues are dead in the water and the Gulf of Mexico is a disaster. He's lost two Generals in Afganistan, Menard(Canadian) was fired, Then, McChrystal (US) and the offensive is stalled in Kandahar so that war will drag on far longer than he desired. Healthcare reform is a joke that barely got by with a super-majority in the Senate and they still have to write the punchline. Everyone he campaigned for during the midterm elections has lost, and he has the lowest approval rating of any first term president ever, even Nixon was more popular. The economy is in shambles.
If it were me, I'd be a psychological basket-case too
I have my own ideas on how to restore the country to its former glory. The thing is id have to incite a bunch of lazy-as-hell apathy-filled citizens who are way too resigned to their dim fates to rise up and overthrow the current government. Both the right and the left are to blame, since they both are just pawns for the corporate fatcats to wage their wars.
So yes, pardon the shots of homebrew firewater influencing me right now, but really I dont care if anyone agrees or disagrees. I needed to get my short and to the point politico-economical out of my head so I can sleep. So yeah that paragraph above is indeed how messed up my subconscious can get. Time to watch metalocalype.