Wombat wrote:
Mel Gibson is a great actor and a great director. He is a serious Catholic. He has made great films upholding Christianity and the European race.
Can you imagine Mel starring in "Caliifornication" or "Queer as Folk"?
No, Mel is a true European hero, on film and in real life.
He is not being blamed for being a degenerate. He is being blamed for calling his GIRLFRIEND a degenerate!
And for that we must hate him. Right?
After all....everything that Mel has said and done throughout his life proves what a great christian he is.
It's all exactly what Jesus would do and say
Ofcourse I could never Mel starring in "Californication" or "Queer as Folk".
Cuz he's a real man unlike those weak, limp-wristed, homos who will burn in hell for eternity right?
The consistent use of racist and anti-semitic epithets is precisely what I expect from people who claim to be "upholding the European race".
You know people who, unlike the honest nazi scum, are too cowardly to come out and admit they hate blacks, jews and all people not of white European origin.
Your true colors are bleeding through Wombat and I can't imagine too many people here will find them all that pretty.