luvsterriers wrote:
What's wrong with Autism Speaks?
(1) The "leadership" overpays itself by some ghastly amount.
(2) They don't really do very much to help people on the spectrum, certainly not relative to the money machine AS has become. (They sponsored a frickin' NASCAR race car at one point. Still may. WTF?)
(3) I'm under the impression that they're actively involved in the work to develop a fetal test to identify ASD before birth. There may be good reasons for this research, but it personally creeps me out, as in abort that Spectrum baby and try again for an NT.
I never heard of Autism Speaks till I saw info about the walk.
There are a bunch of threads on the topic, I'm in a bit of a rush or I'd do the link thing. Sorry but you'll have to search for them yourself.
"The man who has fed the chicken every day throughout its life at last wrings its neck instead, showing that more refined views as to the uniformity of nature would have been useful to the chicken." ? Bertrand Russell