Dollar continuing to fall in value: Is this dire?

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24 Oct 2010, 9:12 pm

xenon13 wrote:
The American carry trade is a new phenomenon. Japan was executing the carry trade through recent times thanks to the disastrous Plaza Agreement of 1985 that American leaders want to force on China right now. In the end, it's about a reluctance that banks take any kind of losses whatsoever, instead they want the banks to bleed everyone dry as much as possible.

Its why I have tried to separate myself from the banking system all together. Sadly you cannot pay bills in cash, the world is just f****d up like that. Regardless, I have avoided having a credit card even when I had a job.

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24 Oct 2010, 11:22 pm

The banks are our money, it is paper with numbers, only worth what someone says it is worth.

The Mint stamps out money losing coins, Treasury does hardly anything, The Private Federal Reserve System prints bills. They are elected by the banks, it is a house of cards, and it is in trouble.

The FDIC closes banks when their capital falls below 5%, and those losses are shared by all banks.

No one was prepared for housing to drop by half, the internet to draw so many sales and jobs away from commercial buildings, leaving them unsellable at any price.

If not for suspending the Mark to Market asset value rule, almost all banks would be bankrupt.

The secondary market took out Pension funds, insurers, AIG, and was well on the way to folding the world banking system. Britian and Europe were heavy into American mortgages.

The bailout only gave some time to lie about it, but banking is insolvent, as is our money.

Banks are selling what they can at a loss, 41% of house sales are bank owned, and cheap. There is a lot more shadow inventory, that they cannot take that much loss, so they hold.

There are several thousand shopping malls that will never make the rent again, and millions of mom and pop retail that has been replaced by the internet. 15 million workers are not going to offices or factories. Those buildings are bank owned.

This has been building for a decade, Sub Prime lending was the fraud before the current fraud, Banks have no use for housing, commercial, they tried to sell it to anyone.

It was a structual change in the economy, computers brought rapid change, how people work, buy, sell, and none of it went through the malls. International trade was no longer by Airmail, the Auto gyro to Siam, as Mr Burns said, it was instant, and in English. Even computer tech support went from being worthless in America, to being equally worthless in India and the Phillipines.

So we have to pretend that money is worth something, just as we always have. Just because history shows no paper money backed by government has ever lasted, all became worthless, this time it is different!

We have assets! Houses in Las Vegas, Florida, and Malls and Factories, Office Buildings from sea to shining sea. Someone will find a use for them, they will reopen, and there will be Jobs and Cargo for all! Look at Detroit, the murder rate is down 2%, progress is being made, there is Hope and Change coming!

Our poor southern neighbor now has hundreds of millions in private hands, and they are working every day and night to reduce the population, Local action comittiees are making change happen, right along our common border. They are making money the old fashioned way, like when England sold smoking goods to China, at gunpoint, and it still works.

Banks borrow money for almost nothing, and loan it through South America to keep profitable crops being produced and shipped, and many of those loans are pre paid, truck loads of cash flowing into other businesses, Just like Chicago in the last depression.

If we do not pretend that banks are needed, we cannot pretend that money is worth anything.

For further study, read President Obama's new book on economiics, "Clapping For Tinkerbell", it explains our current and future world,


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25 Oct 2010, 3:55 am

Inventor wrote:
The banks are our money, it is paper with numbers, only worth what someone says it is worth.

that is precisely true of gold and sliver which are worth what people say they are worth. The value of any trade commodity be it paper or metal is exactly what the trading partners decide.

neither paper nor metal has any intrinsic or inherent value as a trade commodity.



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13 Nov 2010, 7:06 pm

Rothschild said, "give me control over the issue of a nations money, and it matters not who make the laws", (or, if you control the money, you control the government).
Now if that family has that notion on a national level, do you think it inconcievable that they might have the same asperations on a global level?

In order to bring in a One World Currency, or One world bank, lets call it, "New World Order", all the existing monetary systems have to be devalued to the extent that nobody wants them any more.
Hense, you have the latest intent to destroy the dollar, QE2, or quantitive easing 2, QE1 injected 70 billion dollars of funny money into the system, that helped destroy the American economy a small way, so QE2 is going to magic 600 billion dollars out of thin air that should go a whole lot further towards giving the dollar the sort of confidence that the Zimbarbians currently enjoy.

I too read that the world bankers where going to destroy the banking system a full year before the first signs occurred, I changed my savings into Silver and Gold and am happy to report my earliest investments have returned a 400% yeald.

Yes indeed, it is all going to plan.


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14 Nov 2010, 5:21 pm ... uying-gold

Kinda interesting that SNL is actually complimenting Glenn Beck.


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17 Nov 2010, 9:24 pm

KevinLA wrote:
There has been news the past few days about the dollar continuing to fall in value. A lot of people are predicting doom and gloom (i.e. start growing food, buying water, etc.)

Are these people just alarmists or are we really in trouble?

No, the elites WANT to devalue the dollar to make the country's exports more competitive. That's all. This won't cause the apocalypse. You see, they refuse to pay their own people to work and so people can't buy so get rich foreigners to buy instead. They'll sell more to them if they can sell to them cheaper. Simple.


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17 Nov 2010, 9:26 pm

Michael Hudson says that there's a scheme to make the Chinese devalue their currency and just before this happens, the speculators will bet on it causing the biggest win ever. It's yet another scam by people who don't actually produce anything but make the most money.

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25 Nov 2010, 7:15 pm

Doom gloom doom gloom blah blah blah, look through history, its been "coming soon" for 100 years. Whill it finally come? Maybe, maybe not, your guess is probably as good as any "expert".

The dollar falling however does make American labor more competitive other countries don;t like declining dollars because many of them own billions of them.


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27 Nov 2010, 4:17 pm

KevinLA wrote:
There has been news the past few days about the dollar continuing to fall in value. A lot of people are predicting doom and gloom (i.e. start growing food, buying water, etc.)

Are these people just alarmists or are we really in trouble?

yes we are in big trouble. inflation is imminent, dollar crash possible if fed keeps up current policy's . exc exc. listen to Peter Schiff and you'll know what i mean.


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27 Nov 2010, 4:22 pm

but its not just the usa the whole world is having problems right now. that's why so many country's need bailouts Greece, possibly Ireland . and if we let there currency fail then it will show the foreign lenders we cant pay back our debt and they will stop lending. then our country will go under. so you see it is a common problem we suffer from.


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28 Nov 2010, 2:13 am

visagrunt wrote:
The principal effect of a lower dollar is that transactions denominated in foriegn currency become more expensive.

Over time, the value of all those cheap goods at WalMart is going to increas. But the cost of all of those goods and services that you export will tend to decrease, making them more competitive (or giving exporters the opportunity to increase prices).

It makes our exports cheaper, and foriegn imports more expensive. Which is a good thing for american jobs.


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28 Nov 2010, 3:31 am

takemitsu wrote:
Nope, all is going as planned.

Perhaps that's the real reason for GIMP having this as one of its templates...

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28 Nov 2010, 5:56 am

I dont know where things are heading as the press has a tendancy to smooth over issues that may cause major concern while highlighting issues that align with political agenda.

Either way, all I know is this. A five dollar bag of rice has jumped up to ten dollars, same with beans and other basic staples within the last 6 months. Most of which are produced in the US, thus export and import costs dont apply to.

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