First of all, if Autism speaks, then how come when watching the entire video, none of the autisic participants actually...oh, I don't know, maybe, SPEAK?.
Second, I find its lack of portrayal of the Aspie/auties hyper-focus on their obession when their peers are doing things that are immoral and sometimes illegal disturbing in the extreme to say the least.
Third, before someone pops up and says 'least said, soonest mended', I have to say that while that may work in what is, IMHO, a very few cases, this is not one of those cases. Besides, powerful speeches that changed the world for better followed that saying and proved that proverb, as much as you can say a polar bear is well adapted to the desert.
Fourthly, I am also outraged and dismayed (though I'm subduing it) at the fact that this 'Autism speaks' video was allowed to be broadcast. Had it been a visible disabilty, I am pretty certain there would have been uproar.
My second problem with the 'Autism speaks' people is that they uses the term 'Sadly misunderstood' to descibe Asperger's on their site yet they do absolutely nothing to help, and do a lot to hinder.
If they believe it's sadly misunderstood, then why would you make a video that portrays in it in what is unrealstic pessism and not explain?
And that's probably the longest post I've ever written. Not that I could fully describe how negative my reactions are to it, given infintity.
Let's just say, it made me feel sick at one point...literally. And that's just the beginning of how I felt with the first minute.